Good morning to you all, and hope you are enjoying your Thursday morning so far! You all are probably getting tired, and are ready for that long awaited time off from work to celebrate the holiday season! Don’t worry, you only have a few more days to go before you get to rest, and recover, from all the Christmas shopping and stress. Once Christmas is over, everyone can relax, and get back to doing fun things like going outside and making a nice big bon fire to roast marshmallows! Speaking of fire, take a look at today’s optical illusion, and you will see something remarkable! Do you all see the happy face in the fire? After all, who says that fire cannot be happy to be burning wood?
We know you all are tired, but here is a giant cup of coffee optical illusion that is so big you can swim in it! Imagine how much caffeine is in this giant cup of coffee? However, unfortunately, this cup of coffee is not real, but all of us coffee drinkers can dream can’t we? Today is Thursday, the week is almost over, and now is the time to concentrate on Christmas because it will all be over soon! Happy Thursday!