Following set of pictures should be considered a true masterpiece! Elephants you see here are acctually painted on guys fist. Hand paintings of other animals also can be found if you jump inside this post – [via].
Biggest Optical Illusions blog. Dedicated to visual phenomena and real life illusions. Daily updated.
Following set of pictures should be considered a true masterpiece! Elephants you see here are acctually painted on guys fist. Hand paintings of other animals also can be found if you jump inside this post – [via].
This is just amazing. I wish I had the skill and patience to do this
My school has some of these on posters on the wall.
Even if it is photoshop, at first glance it is rather impressive!
nicly done of course another guy painted those on his hand.
That is so awesome!
These hand art pictures are awsome .Great Work!!!!!
Why is it that every alleged ‘computer savy’ moron out there on the internet thinks that everything that looks unbelievable is done with PHOTOSHOP? HELLO! There are people out there with REAL TALENT! Those who usually say -“Derrrr…That’s just PHOTOSHOP” USUALLY have NO TALENT whatsoever!
Hola amigos! Es fabulso…magnifico!! ay de mi! muy muy bueno. estes manos son divirtido!! adios mis amigos americanos!
I can’t say I disagree. I’ll check to see the consensus. Happy mother’s day!
crazy wow!!!!!!!!!!
…and even it if were Photoshop, it wouldn’t be any less impressive, and it wouldn’t require any less talent.
These are really, really great.
…and it wouldn’t be any less art.
What I don’t get is why you link to the very same page. :)
amazing…im speechless
those are awesome
THIS IS Awesome totally sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DuDe!
These pics are amazing!!!
I would do anything to have that much talent!
I saw this on a different website and it still gets me every time! I think it would be cool to have that eagle painted on my hands.
i saw those one animal planet they use gloves
what do da words say?
I saw this on Animal Planet. . . .
i’m pretty sure its just a painting of a hand with paint on it. it looks more like a painting than an actual hand…and not just because there’s paint on the hand. if you catch my drift
i saw this on animal planet and it isn’t very great i mean a kindergartener can do that!
That is really awesome, but no breasts :'(
Ok, omg.. *silence* ok my shockingness is over..
as the other hand ones i lie the elephant the best cuz hes so detailed
they have these on some isurance add or somting
wow this is great.wonder how people can be so creative in this world
That’s way awsome!!!!!!!
Oh, I just LOVE the elephant! My mom sent me these in an email-I loved them then and I love them still now…
these are so cool!!! WOW I LOVE ALL OF THEM!!! :-D
these are amazing!!!! i have to do somthing simerler to this for school and its inspired me loads!!
i want some hand paint!
Dang, those are pretty kick butt! Hehe, I saw them on Animal Planet too. They’re not photoshop!!
Nanner you just wish you had that much talent!!!!!!!!
That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys!!! look closely on the eagle u can see shadows
guys!!! look closely on the eagle pic u can see shadows at the bottom of the painting
but the rest are gr8 keep em cummin
kl!!! i love the elephant
yo guys look at the eagle there’s a shadow near the wrists
Very well done.
And besides for the eagle i can’t see why it should be anything else than fantastic skills behind.
But for the eagle i have a problem with getting the thumb right, atleast my hands can not turn the tumb that much. But even the shadows by the tail can be painted on the arms.
there is a book of these from the 80s.
they also had a zebra and dog.
now if someone says photoshop again i’ll shoot them, because they didn’t have photoshop in the 80s.
the eagle was in it too.
where r the thumbs on the eagle 1? cos i cant see them i ove all these pics tho dey r fabb!!
The shadows at the bottom of the eagle are artistic shading. They’re done with paint to imitate layers of feathers and convey realism.
my dad got an e-mail of these and i saw them before! very very very very rad dudes!
OMG they r totally real u lozers. In Readers Digest they have a whole write up and those r the exact pictures from it. I hope RD sues u!!
What do you mean, they are real? Do you mean real animals, photoshopped? or real paintings?
By the way my brother does this stuff, he rocjs!!!
these are not photoshopped!!!!!!!!
my uncle does these kinds of things!
These are done by an artist called Guido Daniele. He rocks and one of my fave artists
Now I’m glad that there’s a pic thats not nasty. Its pretty sweet!
i think they did this fo the animal planets, heroe of the year or somthing along those lines…
still looks cool, they also have something like that but its done with rocks lol
i think that was use for the animal planet hero of the year
i saw this few paintings in reader’s digest…the guy is very pro…
thats awesome. the eagle looks kinda deformed though.
I think that the paintings on the hands are really cool who would have thought to do something like that !!!
this is so amazing!!! i envy the patience it takes to do this sort of thing (you know, these could be real)
I agree with Charles (#11) – people always think that anything that is done to a superb quality is done by photoshop. I understand if it is a photograph of a place that isn’t as it seems, then we can have doubts, but super body-art talent shoudn’t be weighed down with the voice of someone saying “It’s photoshopped”
they have those on a commercial on animal planet for the ROAR thingy
i saw this on …. a learning chaANIMALPLANET!
it was coolmy name is lalogutz79
these are amazing, ive seen them on animal planet and to answer the guy who asked for proof, just watch animalplanetit actually shows the hands moving, and wow do people always need to need to be so litteral about everything…
OMG!!! At first glance, I thought the elephant was REAL!
What a con – this is a subset of those on page 1, some of which have apparently been snapped up by some scuzzball commercial organisation.
whoa… those are *really* cool
my fav is the eagle
saw this in National Geographic magazine
thank you very much.. beatifull
the elephant is cute but the eagle i hant usualy do it LOL
i agree with ender42.that eagle’s sick!
they are all looks so realistic
That is really cool. my dad also got an email of this and it said that it takes many hours to do it. it took like 10 hrs to do the eagle
Isnt it obiouse? They are all hands painted to look like an animal.
It is obvious but it is still very CREATIVE and IMAGINATIVE
U know what? It’s annoying when people say “oh it’s PHOTOSHOPPED!!!!” and other annoying things like that…it’s NOT if it were photoshopped it would say so, just because something looks cool doesn’t mean it’s photoshopped!!! Cool illusion by the way! NICE!
Dazzling images. I don’t know whether it is edited images or photo taken by camera but amazing.
I absolutely am “amazed” at the artistry .. Thank You for your gift .. Kimberly j Rockey Merry Christmas ..