Watch out everybody! We are near to break 8 million unique visitors! Let’s see who that lucky person will be. Really exciting, isn’t it? Let’s see what I brought you today… First I updated magic tricks website with hilarious David Blaine spoof, well actually a sequel to unbelievably popular original. Thanks to everyone that mailed me, informing me sequel exists. Those are some very talented actors, aren’t they? Then I found this illusion in my mailbox submitted by Nathan Corelli. It is really simple, yet hard to believe. Can you trust me when I quote Nathan that “both gray rectangles are of the same color”? Not so convincing, right? Well, actually if you’ve been with us from the very start, when we posted our first optical illusion, and few other similar ones, like for example “Which color is darker” and “Diamonds are Gray“, you’ll be able to understand the illusion immediately.
This is the explanation Nathan added: “The rectangle on the left is surrounded by white. The rectangle on the right is more surrounded by black. If the rectangles overlap you’ll see that they are identical. Colors appear lighter when they are surrounded by white, and darker when they are surrounded by black. This is a color comparison problem using two identical rectangles against a b&w background.”
wow thats pretty cool but nothin i havent seen b4. and first!
it is the same like the moi “logo” … great one :D
haha thats wierd lol XD i like it
You just have to stare at both of them to see it. Great Illusion : )
um, am i missing something or do i never see the guest editors anymore? Are they not in the widget? Btw nice illusion:)
easy for me.
easy 4 me.
its ok. But I have seen it a few times before.
allmost 8 mil? holy crap isnt that more than the people playing WoW?
wow lol
anyway its cool but seen it
p.s. i dont play WoW
to me the color apears darker when surrounded with white and lighter when surrounded with black but its cool :D
I hope the 8 000 000th visitor actually notices that he’s the 8 000 000th visitor
i dont get it
hey, my google gadget hasn’t been working for a while, whats up?
I just discovered somethis quite interesting.
Try rotating your monitor 90 degrees in any direction (or use photoshop to flip the image.)
To me it seems the effect mostly fades away when watching the stripes vertically instead. Can anyone explain why?
This is the best darned illusion I have ever seen! But I have seen it lots of times before in different variations. There’s one where two circles look like they’re turning into a river that flows out to the ocean. That one is cool. If you could make these rectangles appear to bend into two rivers… Now THAT would be something!
CooL. JuST a SuGGeSTioN To THe MoDeRaToRS…CaN You FiND aN iLLuSioN THaT HaS To Do WiTH KoaLaS??? BeCauSe i LiKE KoaLaS.
THaNK You.
(^0^) JuLia
i dont really get it…or see it in fact…it just looks like stripes with some darker and lighter spots…
8 milionth visitor? That’s nothing! I am visitor number 9,999,999 in almost every site I visit! How lucky am I?
Kiddin’ of course… Nice illusion by the way… Makes you wonder how easy it seems to fool your brain.
Easy one! But still thinking abuot the hidden tiger……….. :-(
LOL cool illusion.
hehe. The first time I saw an illusion like that I had to open the image in an editor and compare the hex # for the two illusions before I believed the person showing it me. These are pretty damn cool.
OMG!!! so close!!! I was visitor number 7 999 999 AND 8 000 002!!!
Anyone else notice that is looks like it is expanding sideways?
once you’ve seen one of these, you’ve seen them all. they r starting to get annoying!
If you put your fingers over the black bars on the right you’ll see that they really are the same color!