There are some optical illusions that simply become viral over night, and jump at you from all across the web in matter of days. Most of the time they contain “juicy” NSFW content, which I’m not in the position to share via our homepage, as we wouldn’t want to spoil them youngsters visiting this site often. On the other hand, those kind of illusions would probably appear problematic sitting on your desktop, embedded right inside our optical illusion widgets. Luckily, there is a solution – as you know we successfully run dedicated and popular Mighty Optical Illusions fan page on Facebook, where you are free to check those “edgy” illusions that we haven’t found place for on our homepage. Moreover, here on I bring you daily illusions (more or less), but if you are subscribed to our Facebook channel, you have the opportunity to see (or even submit) extra illusions in much shorter time span. Check out the 3 or 4 new illusions me and my fans posted since our last post on this site!
For today’s illusion, just stare at the nose of this gorgeous clown below. Try not to blink nor move your eyes for 30 seconds. Then quickly more your eyes over the white surface (ordinary wall will do fine, or use the provided white space below), and start blinking obsessively! What do you see? Hope you liked this afterimage as much as I did! Thanks goes to Mathieu and Mauro for sending this!
Very cool
What! That is so cool. I saw a genuine, non-negative face.. how weird!
Ivete Sangalo
It’s an after image of the negative. You can use your photo processing software to create the negative of the negative and you’ll get the original.
That is cool, that fact that u see it in colour just makes it better LD
At least it didn’t blink to an image from the Exorcist! And it’s safe for the office!! Good call for a Friday.
That’s awesome.
ok then
Wooo! That is too cool!! Thanx
Try pasting it into Wordpad then highlighting it.
Guess my blinkers aren’t working today. I’ll try again later.
That’s Awesome, I luv it!
oooo creepy
She’s cute, except for her green nose!
lois lane?
That is truly amazing. I can’t believe the time and effort people put into making these things.
WouW!! Cool!! amazing illusion
thx alot … now i cant take my eyes off this “clown”
She is brazilian a singer: Ivete Sangalo
wow!!! simply great :D i liked this one :D
wow… i cant stay still 30 seconds – maybe ADD – or maybe all the halloween candy
consequently, it works… but its all blurry
– whats with the nose? shes not really a clown…
Oh that’s awesome!
Very cool!!
I’m paranoid about these things, always figuring that if I stare long enough the image is going to pop a spooky image…
i dont see it :(
wow! tat is so cool!
Very nice illusion
Great after-image,Thanx
Very impressive! She even comes out in colour, which I don’t understand. And more strangely, I prefere her as a negative!
I absolute love this illusion
I am blown away by this! It so amazing what you see after following the instructions.
You can see her real self in the blank space!
Amazing illusion! I wonder how this neg image converts to a positive after furiously blinking one’s eyes.
i don’t see it
Deanna Troy!
Nice. I’m assuming she’s only a “clown” because of the red spot on her nose? haha
Kinda looks like that one famous actress, whose name I cannot remember…
… or MJ :P
it’s really incredible! a beautiful girl appears! furthermore, if you move the head backward the colored image becomes larger and larger! wow!
woah cool!!
at first i didn’t see it but it’s so cool when you do
So cool, this is amazing
but i don’t see a clown :S just a pretty lady!
wooah that’s actually really awesome.
wauwww!!! that is a surprise, i was expecting to see an ugly clown. like this!
YUP it is really cool! & you can see her clearly with no effects after you follow the instuctions….. Very interesting!
It looks like Kat Von D!!
Wow, I just tried it and this is phantastic, where does the color come from?
Very very nice illusion!
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! How do you see color in in after image? The color in the after image is perfect! AWESOME OPTICAL ILLUSION!
Go to paint, paste, and invert it.
for mac users,
lol i ccant get the afterimage to go on the white frame…
Did you do the oppssite, by looking fisrt at the white surface? That works pretty good too.
I may have a problem. I can’t stop seeing the woman when i blink! :O
If U Want To See her Without Blinking Or Staring the picture
Download/save The Picture
Open it with Paint Or Any Photo editing software
And Then Invert Th Colour
if you look from the bottom you can see that the negative picture gets color and the colored picture gets negative.. its simple physics but so cool
I saw Mona Lisa!!!
That’s hot
This is silly I do not see anything!