Some people see Jesus everywhere: in tacos, in clouds, on walls, through stripes… probably one of those individuals found this image using Google Maps/Google Earth and posted it here. Judge for your self. Is it because of the ground? Maybe the clouds are lined up in this order… there’s even a chance some ancient civilization curved this image in rocks! Oh, it’s located somwhere in Peruvian sand dunes… You can see it for yourself if you visit this Google Maps link.
It looks like a face. Not sure it looks like Jesus though.
I dunno. I see a delta wing jet fighter.
Agreed. It definitely is a face. Not so sure about the Jesus thing.
First, this isn’t Google Earth. It’s from the google maps website. Second, could you link to it so we can judge for ourselves? It could be photoshop for all we know.
Stop being so enamored with things people send you and start thinking about them.
I think you need to calm down and leave this kid alone. for real he runs this, what’s he gonna do if someone sends him something? blatantly post and say “some stranger took the time to send this to me but i think it’s bull**** what ya’ll think?”. go away
The first time i heard about this the person who showed it to me called it the face of god.
And i was able to find this on google earth, as well as google maps. Its in those mountains in south america.
Google Maps link here
I agree… it look like a face… but not jesus.
Jesus??? Looks more like some Chinese Shaolin Master or maybe even Osamabin Laden LOL But Jesus ??? Hmmmm I dont think so!!!!
wow some people need to lighten up- i see a face, but a lot of people like to tag jesus’ name or mary’s name to the face cause only HOLY figures can appear in sand or cheese sandwiches. some people just can’t accept that it’s an illusion and looks like a generic human face
Looks more like the face of Leonardo Da Vinci. Maybe from a set of the movie “The Da Vinci Code” LOL. 8^)
Why does Jesus look so angry? Maybe hes mad because nobody ever visits him. poor Jesus… :-‘(
There’s also the olympic stadium in montreal, canada that is kinda weird if you look at it in an angle…
Looks like a face. not jesus’s face though
looks like a face but does not look like jesus that much,
wow that’s gr8 best thing i ever seen in my life lol
Wow amazing I love it best thing ever lol
how do you know what jesus even looked like?
duh, its the devil, he ate too much and is getting fatter while he’s sleeping, and its squeezing him so tight his face is getting smashed up against the earth floor. duh. you guys are so dumb
I also see an ashen faced elf-like guy with a beard and strange ears whispering into Jesus’s left ear. Does anyone have an idea what he might be saying?
And how does anybody know what Jesus looks like?
Purely out of interest?
It looks like my friends face!
it hardley even looks like a face
I kinda think it looks rather like Charles Darwin, myself.
thats not jesus, thats me!
16°20’2.17″S 71°58’24.18″W
(For those who want to find it on Google Earth itself)
i think thats my face…i lost my face a few months ago and maybe thats mine…im faceless.
Isnt there a chance that this image has been doctored?
I am in image technician in the private sector and my company was hired to review some of the doctored lebanese photographs.
I ran this amge though 2 of our filters. There is no way that it can be traced unless it is the original image. Everytime it is recopied and pasted its binary language changes.
it just looks like a face…but if you want to beleave its jesus than go ahead..i wont argue with you
i’m goin for Moses on this one
I really have a hard time understanding why when people see a face in a random objet or picture such as this (or like the burned toast, grilled cheese, or the most recent one about an MRI) why it always has to be Jesus or the virgin mary. I’ve seen one of these “Jesus” images and I thought it looked more like what we imagine Santa Claus to be.
Honestly, what would be Jesus’ purpose in making an “image” of himself in a field, or a burn pattern, etc. That’s just stupid.
On top of that, if you actually do the studies on it, Jesus is of middle eastern descent, not the typical 30 year old caucasian with the long beard as most westerners portray him. I mean, I don’t think it really matters what he looks like, because it’s all about what one believes in. Whatever, not important. My point is, these “images of Jesus” don’t even really look like what Jesus probably really looked like. So yeah. I’m done.
Wouldn’t jesus pasting his face everywhere show he has low self-esteem? I don’t want to think my grandma worshipping someone with low self-esteem….. I agree with Kyle.
I love how any face-like picture becomes jesus.
Just because Jesus is of Middle Eastern decent does not mean that he cannot have a beard… In fact… I am pretty sure that any man (and sometimes woman) can have a beard. So quite frankly, if he is in a sand dune, he’s going to be the color of the sand dune. Same with everything else.
I read horrible scienceâ„¢ and it told me somwhere near Lima, Peru, there are strange drawings of animals, people, etc. made by rocks moved to reveal the lighter coloured sand underneath. Probably not jesus. just weird drawings. It could be, though. Anyone aggree?
i only c half a face wiv eyes shut!
I disagree with lynn
ambi: Perhaps you should elaborate on what you disagree with. It could help us all know what you think. If you disagree with all of it, then fine, don’t accept the fact that men have facial hair. If you disagree with what I said about even some women having facial hair, then you have never dined at The University of Toledo. If you disagree with what I said about the face being the color of whatever it is on, then I don’t really care what you think, because I could be wrong there, but it just seems logical.
i agree with debizzle… how do u guys know wut jesus looks like? was he like… ur dad or sumthin? god u stupid ppl…
Brr, this looks quite freaky to me…
Anyway, this really looks like a face.
Two words, Chuck Norris
I see a picture revealing two different photos layered together as one…. but what does any of us really know? All I care about is the fact that Jesus is real and this “picture” is an obvious fake…
Doesn’t really look like the J-Man, but it does indeed look like a face. It’s a nice find.
It looks like a reflection of a face, it looks sorta like a fox, a part of Mount Rushmore, part of a drawing, and Ki Adi Mundi.
for one thing how do you know what jesus looks like…and number 2 yes it is a chinese dude
Looks more like Noah
Um that does not look liek Jesus it looks liek a planer!
looks more like darwin.
I looked at this face and then I looked outside and wow ! I saw a sheep in the clouds !
Looks like Mufassa (Lion King)
haha, thas weird…is that real or photoshop?
It’s not Jesus; it’s Dumbledore!!!!!
i believe jesus is giving signs.PRAISE THE LORD
u, a beliver? i find it hard to belive Jesus’ name always starts with a capital J (I apologize 4 d rong speling)
I see a face
but i also see a plane!!
es muy bueno
I love how people have this assumption of what “Jesus” would look like. As far as I know there are not any pictures of the man/woman/beast/thing/flying spaghetti monster.
Actually, there are mock ups of what they think jesus may have looked liked. However, you’re also an idiot, simply for the fact that you blatantly chose to insert a canned atheistic response over anything vaguely relating to religion, as opposed to considering that Jesus was a very real person regardless of your beliefs and thus any halfway intelligent person would have opted to just saying “him”. Nice going, though, as you’ve only managed to reaffirm my notion that many religious skeptics are just as “sheep-like” as the zealots they mock.
for me it kinda looks like a cats face if you focus on it
Looks like a wild cat.
Very nice i love it BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT…i wonder who,how,why,when,and where they did it . dont you wonder cause it is kinda kol.Why did they do jesus?Who made the idea up?When did they do this?How did they do they do it?Why do people make kol illusions ike this? but the best qestion is:Why did they make it?
That could be any face.
How is this Jesus? Because its a face?
You can barely make out more than it has a nose…
thats creepy,and i dont see a plane
wait i see a dragon
Its Harry Potter Dude Whoever He Is
I think it looks like a face but I hope they fix google earth soon cause there are alot of messed up pics on google earth from trying tio take a picture of a moving object but they are still cool to look at as long as you remember life is real not an illusion!!
Creepy, maybe it’s a sign…
Nah it looks like my grandmother )XD
I hate it how everyone sees the face as jesuses face!!! its just stupid since no ones even knows what he/she looks like :L
ikr its crazy. :I
I clicked on the picture,It took me to the location,and I was disappointed to find he wasn’t there.Fake methinks.
There’s a face! O.O
People really do need to get over this “I can see Jesus” rubbish.
Didn’t know of any septuagenarian Jesus…
100% Liam Neeson