Jason Mayoff, Zachary Burgeson and Eric Cole liked this video so much that all of them un-connectedly submitted it for me to publish on Mighty Optical Illusions homepage. I am really puzzled with this one. I browsed the web for explanation, and almost everywhere people said that the fluid this guy is purring is just an ordinary water. I wouldn’t bet my allowance on it.
Allrighty then, I’ll let you smart-asses figure this one for yourselves, since I really don’t have a clue. Can we solve it together? In the past, I believe we managed to solve every single puzzle on this website. I hope that the tradition won’t be stopped today. This is more of a magic trick than optical illusion, but when we solve it, maybe I’ll change my statement. For more illusionary videos, be sure to jump to our videos section. Now employ your gray brain cells, and start thinking!
When he poors the ‘first run’ you can see that there’s already some water in the ’empty’ glasses.
because the fluid he poors is white and goes te the bottom, it seems like thats the first thing to go in..
Sweet Clip, I have no freakin clue how he did that… Was there a Liquid already in the Glasses? And that maybe the White liquid then mixes with it, and makes it look like it was empty before hand? I dunno, I’m clueless.
It seems obvious to me…
Each glass already has some water in it. Because the milk/white fluid is significantly heavier than the water, it sinks straight to the bottom, giving the illusion that the glass is empty. The textured glass hides the water well, but if you look carefully, you can see the water when the milk is first poured in.
looks like some sort of mixture that goes fizzy when poured, take a look at how white the first glass is and after he’s poured it theres a white gloop in the bottom…………
There already appears to be water in each successive glass so as he pour the total volume of “milk” increases. As for the milk not immediately spreading out through the water and/or on top of it, the milk solution is initially denser than the water in each of the glasses so it goes straight to the bottom of the glass as it would without another fluid already in the glass. Milk being a colloidal solution is comprised of very tiny particles so it also mixes quite easy, i.e. no separation of layer. Furthermore, you can see when that he redistributes the milk that is diluted.
there’s a little bit of water in each of these glasses, that’s why they have this surface to not see this, but you can see, when the gye starts to fill the next glass…
the “water” at the beginning also is more white than the water in the biggest glass, because of the water given to in each glass…
that’s all;-) really simple
greetz Franz
Each glass has a little water in the bottom to fill out the white stuff. you can see it getting weaker with each glass. bit rubbish really
Great trick!
It is really clever! But you can notice that 2nd and 3rd glasses have a tiny amount of water in them (and so probably the last one) – it is difficult to see as glasses are faceted and the white liquid is much heavier than water and when purred goes strait to the bottom of the glass. Also as the liquid gets purred out it turns from solid white color to half grey. Moreover, you can notice that when she is purring the 2nd glass to the 3rd by the end she shakes it – sort of mixes this liquid with the water that makes it expand in volume. So I think the trick is in the composition of this white liquid and its cool properties. First comment ! =) Great website, btw!
all those glasses, except for the first, have well placed spacers in them. during the first pouring round the liquid is poured into the foremost compartment of each glass, and during the second into another compartment. you’ll just need to be very precise when dividing glasses into compartments. that’s the trick i guess…
it seems the fluid is much more viscose at the beginning then in the end. it is white when he takes the first glass and more translucent when he takes the last one. somewhoe he mixed the fulid with water or something like that. but i dont know how
Just a guess, but I reckon the glasses are divided into 2. the front section is empty and the rear already full. When the guy purs the contents of the previous glass into the front section, it looks like it’s filling the whole glass up.
No comments yet?? whooohoo im the first. anyway, well come on how is it done?
Inside each glass (except for the first one) is a clear tube containing clear water, the amount being equal to the previous glass volume. As glass #2 finishes being emptied into glass #3, you can clearly see this tube in the glass. As the 4 glasses are refilled from the large one, notice that he only pours against the edge of the glass, and only up to the top of the tube, ensuring that by the end of the trick there will be no liquid in the tubes… leaving enough to fill the glasses.
Also notice how initially, the liquid is very murky, with sludge in the bottom of it. As the “hidden” water is introduced with each pour, the white liquid becomes more diluted and by the end of the trick, it is not nearly as cloudy.
The white liquid could be yeast-based (which may give this white color) or made of baking powder, but it’s just a guess. I am not sure whether it would give such effect, but I think you got the idea.
haha funny trick, but its obious that glasses are filled with water, you can see it when he reach tha biggest glass. White color is pale and u can se the mix of water.
If you watch it closely you can see that the milk gets watered down as the trick happens. This is because there is already water in the glasses at the start of the trick. If you look closely at any magic trick you can usually spot the secret.
This is very easy trick to preform.
The following glasses have all a bit of water, since the glass isn’t flat the water dissimulates very well. The first glass has water with something mixed (flower maybe???) but if you look closely you’ll see that when he start to pour in the glass it fills the start very rapidly.
Thta’s so cool!
Each glass has a inner glass., when pouring into the next size up of glass, he pourse some in the outher glass and some in the inner glass. when going from the big glass to all the others he only pors into the outer glass.
The glasses have water in them to begin with.
i’m thinking that there is some liquid in there that mixes with the milk (at least, i think it’s milk)
if you look closely you can see the water move in the last glass before he puts the milk in. Plus the milk is clearly diluted. this is a bad trick.
The water theory cannot be proven until u look closely at the colour of the milk as it is poured into each glass. It gets more and more grey from what was first clearly bright white.
doesnt it use some effervescent which makes the water fizz, so take up more of the volume of the glasses each time
Nah… I don’t think its the water trick. Cause you see the white fluid spilling into the last glass very clearly, it wouldn’t look like that even through the glass texture. You can see a single stream bouncing off from the bottom of the glass, that wouldn’t happen in water. At least I think so… awesome trick!
i agree it probably had water in the bottom and the glasses had thicker wall of glass as the got taller
Isn’t it funny to see how many people can’t spell ‘pour’.
Seems to be some sort of chemical reaction. there is probably some sort of powder at the bottom of each glass that reacts with the water (or whatever else is in the first glass) to expand just enough to fill the next glass. you can see that the liquid foams just a bit as he pours into the next glass.
LOL by the time hes finished it lookes like they r full of skeet
The glasses could be made or contain ice on the inside if the are glass. if it’s clear ice without any air bubbles then it will look like ordinary glass. The ‘white’ substance could be a type of salt that disolves the ice at a certain rate, hence producing more water with each transfer.
there was already liquid in the “empty” glasses. in the first glass the liquid was more white but in the last glass the liquid had turned more clear.
I only looked at this once but it appears that each glass has a divider to make it smaller. The last largest glass is poured off camera so more water is poured in the last shot to fill the glass.
Hi! My name is Fazzio and I´m a professional magician from Brazil.
This is a magic trick that dont involve optical illusions. There aren´t water in glasses previously too.
How it´s done?
Do you wanna really know?
ME TOO! ;-)
My guess is that it’s a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar. (It’s good for cleaning drains, corrosion, etc.) When combined they create a sort of fizzy liquid that expands quickly until it “fizzes out” (stabilizes?)and becomes a pale liquid. Kinda a Mentos/Coke effect. I imagine the “trick” to this illusion is the timing. If he were to just let it stay in one glass, it would fizz over.
it is quite obvious. there is a small glass column in the center of each glass. the column occupies just enough volume in each glass for the same amount of liqued to top off each glass. it is most apperent when he shakes the second glass clean.
dude, what a fake.. there’s water in the glasses. watch it again, and watch the bottom where the water goes… SO FAKE.
At 36 secs when he hits the big glass it does look like there is already liquid inside the glass HOWEVER water being in the glasses prior to this only explains one part of the trick.
That doesn’t explain how he empties the big one into the rest. Cause the first one beside the big glass should have emptied more than half easily. Maybe there is another container inside the glasses
yep, i devo agree with John_Doe and Zoe – u can tell that there is actually already water in each glass – in the biggest glass, the water actually moves slightly before he pours the milk in. that help, Vurdlak?
is it just me, or does anyone else see something “thick” or “chunky” fall from the second glass into the third glass.
There is a clear column in the center of each glass as already posted. Watch closely as the last glass is filled. Towards the end of the pouring, he accidently pours some of the liquid into the center column and you can see the spill over.
You can get this trick from any good magic store. I remember seeing them sold over twenty years ago!
yea there was already water in it
If you watch the last glass when it is moved you can see the surface tension of the water move a little. Therefore there is water in the glasses.
guys its not a ‘guy’ its a ‘girl’ thats pouring the liquid in the glass. but anyways i didn’t get the trick until i saw it for the sacond time. the liquid looks nasty, specialy when i think its milk uhhh groooss!
all you say thers some water already, i believe youre wrong. it doesnt make sense when he pours it in all the glasses because he pours all the water out of every glass every time. i think its probably somthin to do with realtive size.
apparently the glasses are not glass at all, but merely plastic double or even triple wall with openings to fill the differnt walls.
I agree with just about everyone else here.
It does look like there is already water in the cups before they pour the milk in.
But there doesn’t seem to be any divider in the middle of the cups.
The milk seems to be getting weaker and weaker as it goes from one cup to another.
And when the milk gets poured into each cup, it seems to be a little ‘cloudy’ at the bottom of the cups for a moment, thats because the milk mixes in with the water and the milk seems ‘cloudy’ when it starts mixing in.
That is probably why they chose to use cups with that pattern on the outside, to hide the fact that the milk is mixing in with the water.
Also, if there was a divider in the middle of the cups, then how would the volume of milk/water increase to fill all the cups in the end?
Thats the only possible explanation I can find.
I wonder if the liquid is Ouzo it starts out clear but turns white/milky when is makes contact with water, you drink it with a 1:1 ratio of water and Ouzo. Good stuff, such a waste!
There is a solide cylinder at the center of each glass, that takes the extra space. This cylinder is made of ice, which melts rapidely, because the liquide is HOT !
Are you people really not looking?? When he goes from small to large he/she purs in the FRONT of the empty glass. When he/she pours from the large glass to fill the smaller ones, he/she pours in the BACK of the empty glass. There is no water, it is not more dilluted. Stop saying that you can see things that you can’t and look at what you can see (pouring in the FRONT and REAR of the empty glases). The glass is partitioned!!
EWWW! I’d hate to drink that “milk” after it went through that trick.
You can totally tell that there is water in the larger glasses. The milk starts to get watered down and by the end of the “trick” the “milk” is more off white/grey than the white that it was at the beginning.
look at seconds 42-45.
Watch for the splash.
Ya this was a featured video on Youtube a few days ago. I said to myself, maybe I should submit it to moillusions! But I realized that in no time at all you would have it on. Oh well, ya, everyone is right about there already being water in the glasses!
P.S. thank’s for taking away all that “first post” stuff it was getting anoying!
The last glass has 1/4 the volume of the first???
i no how he did it he had special powder stuff in each glass and when he poured the water in it fizzed up so he made it look like he was doing magic!!!haha i bet u
Option 1. Water in glasses.
There is no water already in the glasses. Check the reflections in the glasses. BUSTED
Option 2. Special made barriers
If there are barriers, you have to turn 180 degrees. This is not happening. BUSTED
Option 3. This is a videotrick.
Watch the blurs on the “empty” space, when the glasses a lifted. After the glass is replaced, it moves in the next shot without touching it. obviously it is a videotrick. In space of the blur, theres is an extra reservoir placed to add extra liquid. PROBLEM SOLVED.
Going back to the first comment, there is some water in the ’empty’ glasses, and if you pay attention you will see that the fluid getts clearer towards the end vs at the begining it looked like milk
This is so easy it is ridiculous.
Note a few things:
First, the glasses are not see through.
Second, there’s so much spillage.
Third, until just the last second or two, the previous glass is pouring just at the edge of the next glass. When it is finally poured towards the center, notice how quick it fills up.
The logical and only conclusion, there is an object in the center of the glass. This mandates pouring between this object and the side of the glass. (Of course it only goes 3/4 way up which enables normal pouring the last second or so)
This explains the spillage and everything else. Watch it again- you’ll see.
if you check at 00:16 or 00:17, you can clearly see the tube in the second glass. and between 00:33 and 00:34, check out the reflection of his arm and you can see the tube in the largest glass. it’s kinda easy to see the tubes once you know they’re there.
Hot water and a column of ice in the middle of the glasses….
Yer, go ribbed! That it! he’s got it
Can you see on the second go, how carefully he fills the bigger ones, but then at the last one, he just chucks it in with one hand, this is cos, like ribbeed sais, he doesn’t get any liquid in the middle, but in the little one, there’s no tube in the middle.
There is NO tube in the glasses, but there IS some water in the glasses. The solution in the first glass is water and Sodium Polyacrylate Crystals (The absorbant material found in disposable diapers). There needs to be some water in each glass (which is somewhat hidden by the textured glass – you are not supposed to see it) because when he pours the solution into each larger glass, the polymer absorbs the water and swells, creating a gel, thus making it look like there is more solution in each larger glass. Nice illusion.
I agree with texas roadhouse …most definatly…
cheater he put water in the glasses
It is nothing to do with water already in the glasses… each glass is designed like a glass-inside-a-glass… When he intially fills the glasses working upwards, notice how he very carefully pours very near to the edge/rim – this means the liquid goes on the *outside* of the ‘inner’ glass – i.e. it is in a very small space between the outer and inner glasses – this fills quickly. The funny pattern on the glasses hides this.
If you look pause it at the right moment, you can see the milk going into the water and it looks very dilute. You have to pause it just right though,
I think there was water in the cups, that added to the white stuff, and that’s why it got clearer.
This is what happens. it has a small amount of powder called water gell. its found in diapers if u want to try the trick.when u pour liquid onto it it expand making it seem like theres more milk.
magician’s double walled trick glasses, you just pour the liquid into the inner rim and it looks like its full. if you filmed from the top it would look mostly empty
There are clear cylinders in the glasses. You can see him specifically pour the substance close to the edge of the glass to avoid hitting the cylinder in the middle (which would expose the fact that they existed). However, he gets sloppy towards the end and with the final glass he hits the cylinder.
The idea behind the cylinder of course, is that the cylinder takes up space and therefore the glass holds less around the outside of the cylinder (which is where he pours it).
I definitely agree with Ribbed’s conclusion #14, as well as a few others. If you look really closely, there are a few close.
As Ribbed mentioned, at the end of pour #2, you can barely makout a cylinder inside the glass.
Also, at the very beginning of pour #3, watch very closely the bottom of glass #4 – you can see the liquid swirl around something, as if it was a toilet bowl. Yes, I realize simple physics can be causing it, but it seems a bit more exaggerated or pronounced than it would if nothing was there.
Also, at the end of some of the pours, you get the impression that more liquid is coming out that you would think. At first, I though this was clever editing. This most obvious at the end of pour 2 and 3. Oh my, where did all that extra liquid come from?
two people are pouring liquid
you just don’t see the other person.
They are pouring above him, you really can see this when they get to the big glass when the person that is pouring above him missed the glass and the liquid goes all over table
This is an old trick:
The glasses are semi-opaque, but if you look carefully there is column running up the middle of each glass. The column in each larger glass already contains fluid, thus the reason the person is trying to pour along the edge of the glass when filling. A couple of times, especially in the largest glass, you can see he accidentally hits the column in the center with his pour and it splashes off of it.
Using a milky substance to begin with keeps the water from magnifying the column in the middle.
That is all there is to it.
Frank is indeed correct. By putting in a very small amount of Sodium Polycarbinate at the bottom of each glass, he can keep the water semi-soluble. That’s why the “milk” seems to get thicker with each successive glass.
Here’s what happens when you use a larger amount: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWaivm9XpNg
There may be a set of cones inside the cups. So when he pours it in the cups first he’s using the inside cone which uses more fluid. On the pour back from the biggest cup he’s pouring it on the outside cone which would have less space allowing the fluid to fill all the cups. That’s my guess
I think the first one was milk, and the biggest one was full of water. Each cup in between has a divider somewhere, so he isn’t really filling up the whole cup, just a fraction or side of one. The final one has water in it, which is why it gets so diluted at the end.
Another thing could be that he mixed water with white soap that formed very small bubbles, not noticable by the camera. That would also explane why it would get clearer with each pour, and that there were bubbles at the top.
Want to know what it really is, Copy/Paste this link
if you look at the very end right when he’s pouring into the last cup you can see that there’s nothing in the cup…..well done mate well done.
i know how he did it he put water in each glass then poured the white stuff in there to make i loook like more after i saw this i tried it too it worked
Yeah, you can see the water when he ends. Really simple.
a baking soda and water mixture in first glass plus a calculated amount of white vinegar in the bottom of each of the larger glasses to make it “foam” more each time.
great illusion.
I’m going to go with a water absorbing polymer, like you find in nappies. There is a little water in each glass, which gets absorbed, and the volume of the polymer increases.
The water already in each glass combined with the volume of the previous glass, does not make the total volume of the new one. The polymer swelling, makes up the rest.
Think of it like rice. Add a little water, and you get more volume than just the rice and water combined :)
this is another way have some water in the bottom of the glass then pour the white liquid they have different densitys the water has less density the the other that is the only thing that makes sense to me
How can there be a water in the bottom or polymer or anything like that when she poors it back from the large to the small…. the only solution is that the volume of these 4 glasses is all the same. different height different diameter. the tumbler size hold the same amount as the large one but has a different dimension but the same volume of water is there. This is the only explaination there is it has nothing to do with trickery just different dimensions of glasses.
Watch LAST GLASS being filled carefully. You can see the mistake when pouring the liquid. He accidently pours some in the hidden tube and you’ll see the tube fill with some white fluid before he finishes. Typical trick magicians use with trick devices. NOTING to do with density.
I think that there’s 2 illusions here, the 2nd and 3rd glasses got 1/5 of water, remenber 1/5 from the third would be like 1/4 from the second, and then in the last (biggest) glass you can see how the dyed water fall over a spacer!, it forms a cylinder un the middle! look carefully when this person pours it almost in the middle of the video, just after spoiling it!.
yes there is water inside , thats why just pure white glasses were NOT used. and if you notice closer the liquid gets runnier and runnier thus spilling on the last glass furter proving there is water in each glass before hand.
No no theres no water in any of the glasses. Just another glass. Because the glasses are blurry, you can’t see that each one has a smaller glass inside it. If you look at the last glass being filled, you can see it just spill over the top of the cup inside.
I’ve seen this trick done before, and it’s uber cool. But it is still a trick, and not really an optical illusion.
it is amateur….:-S
pause the video at the 38 second mark, you can see a plume of the milky fluid in what has to be water already present in the cup. Furthermore, you can see the water level. of clear water.
Notice this:
The first time around, he leaves all of the glasses on the table, being careful not to move any of them.
On the second time he picks up every glass before and while filling it.
I agree with other posters; he had water in the glasses beforehand.
I think Joe is right. There is already some transparent liquid in the glasses, probably water.
I know there has already been lots of posts on this one.
As far as I can see, the theory about the glasses already having water in them is the right one.
I base this on two things
1. At the end the white liquid is less opaque, which would suggest dilution.
2. If you look at the largest glass really carefully you can actually see the water level in it and the dilution taking place as it’s poured.
Each Glass has the exact same amount of fluid as the 1st. little glass. The others have clear dividers going down the center, pouring the liquid, it’s poured in front of the divider. Each glass’ divider gets closer to the front… so it takes the same amount of liquid to fill the bigger glasses.
There sint water or any other liquid on the glasses, what there is, is a cilimdric form on each of the bigguer ones stealling space from the glasses, and therephore making the same amount of milk fill the void around it and making the glass seem filled.
||..|| The center if ocupied with a cilinder while the rest has the same volume on each glass.
Alright, I have the 100% correct solution. The theory that there is already water in the glasses ahead of time is correct. But, the theory of there being a cylinder in the middle of the glasses is correct too. Here's how it's done.
The cylinders in the glasses are hollow & filled with clear water. Notice as he pours, he pours around the cylinders, but as it gets to the top of the glasses, he is pouring on the cylinders & you can see them. Then, when he pours back into the smaller glasses, he pours around the cylinders again (so they can fill with less liquid). Notice too, he stops when it reaches the cylinder tops, so as not to have the liquid pour into them.
its obvious just becoz there smaller doesnt mean they are the same wideness lol it took me a wile until i had a science lesson about optical illusions and this came up.
Gogzilla has it, you can barely see the smaller ones but it’s easy on the largest cup. When you pours into it, right before it is full he pours into the center and you can see it splash off. And lastly when he is pouring back into the smallest cup you can see fluid pouring out of a cylinder in the middle of the cup and right before he takes the cup off camera you can see the top of the cylinder.
cheap shot! there’s water in the glasses. when you look at the next to largest, you can see the top of the water! this is no illusion, it’s a dirty trick made to look like an illusion. also, the color keeps getting diluted. if it was the same amount of water the spillage would cause the level to go down. notice how carefully he pours. this is to prevent a splash. cheap!
I noticed he fills the glasses upward flat and tips them going down. Must be false glass insides or yes water already inside to increase volume when pouring down the line.
Yeah this is a gay trick! who ever made this should punch themselves in the face. lol the whot liquid is realy white at start but faded at the end
there is water in the glasses… if you haven’t noticed already the milk gets less cloudy at the end.
There is water in the cups (color of the white fluid becomes less opaque), the only reason the white fluid hits the bottom is because it is a thicker fluid, therefore giving the illusion that the amount of water increases.
It’s a neat and clever magic trick.
I did notice the fluid in the bottom of the next to largest one and thought it was water however, notice after he pours the first cup he has to shake the foam on out of the glass. Could be that he’s mixed up a small amount of vinegar/baking soda or something and instead of water in each glass he has a bit more vinegar? Has to have something in there to foam up a bit.
Dude thats soooooooooo fake there is water in each glass after the first so it looks like its getting bigger.Just look at how the milk turns into light milkey water plus he just wasted about a pint and a half of milk.Dude you wasted about 3 minutes on a rip off.
You can tell that there is water in the cups. The color and consistency changes with every cup. It’s very noticeable with the last cup. It’s still very neat.
Simple solution.
Ther is a closed cylinder in the centre of the glass so the liquid only has to fill up the space around it. The reason it looks more watery each time is that it is a thinner layer of liquid. Obviously you haven’t got daughters or you would have seen something similar in the feeding bottles for dolls.
IMO there’s a fake glass in every glass, as Andrew said. I can quite see the cylinder inside the larger one. This explains all the trick but the latest scene. Probably there are actually TWO cylinders inside (one larger, one smaller) or the central cylinder of the larger glass is full of water.
Also consider that if there were simply water in the glasses you should see the liquid mixing when the milk is poured into…
This isn’t a waste of time; at least, not to me. I get the fact that it’s a cheap trick, but I had fun imagining who DID fall for it:D
I’m not going to post a solution because too many people have done it already.
Lol why does everyone think it’s so stupid just because they’ve figured it out.
Hense the word ‘illusion’ GENIUSES
Or won’t you be happy untill you see real magic?
Knew there was something into the quasi-opacity of the glasses. It really is easy to spot the cylinders once you look for them.
they are 1/2 glasses …. turn the glasses and you’ll understand the trick.
ya you can totally see the water line in the 3rd glass he fills and watch how careful he is at not moving the glasses!!!! You can also see the water move in the last glass.
I think each glass has water, complementing the glass below, just without the white stuff. If you look closely the white stuff gets thinner each time he changes glasses…
If you look at this video three-four times it is clearly some white liquid mixed with water.If you STILL don’t see it,pause the beginning for 10 sec,look carefully,then switch the end and you will see that the liquid isn’t that much white any more,but more transparent!
There are pre-filled cylinders in the center. If you look “through” the glasses while empty, you can see a difference in the way the light is diffracted(is that the right word?) in the center that isn’t consistent with the patterns on the glass on the rest of it.
You can also see when he’s pouring a few time the top of the cylinder, again probably due to the light going through.
u can clearly see another glass filled with water inside of the big one at 1:07 :/
ok so im just throwing this out there i am probably wrong but if there was a cylinder in the cup wouldn’t it float? i think there was water in the cup cuz the in the end the milk or what ever it was, was a lot less white and there was a change in light in the glass cuz the water!
My science teacher had a chemical that could store liquids and comes out when salt is exposed to it. so the liquid or water might have been filled with salt to produce the outcome of additional water in a cup thus creating more water than it seems
At 0:37, you can clearly see the water already in the glass.
It would work a lot better if he used segmented glass so the color of the “milk” don’t change.
Perhaps it’s already segmented since when he pours the water back into the smaller glasses.
anyone’s considered maybe he’s ACTUALLY magic?
just hope you dont tick him off by being skepticle of his magic and make him sick zombies on you with his dread necromancy powers of dreadyness!
maybe it’s a fluid that froths as it’s poured, making it able to fill larger glasses???
the glasses definitely have water in them, watch closely when he adds milk to the middle glass, it doesn’t flow evenly when the milk is first introduces, instead it forms very briefly a ball of milk before it spreads out
looks impressive tho :) even tho evry1 can figure it out… but still :)
I can see the water… Pretty cool until I saw it.
This is probably the easiest one to replicate.
1. Take any sizes of a few glasses.
2. Cut appropriately and place plastic sheets so as to divide the glasses vertically. But only in the bigger glasses.
The bigger the glasses, the smaller the division should be.
The camera shows it from a side view, so you don’t know that there isn’t a dividing membrane in the glass. This way, the volume of the liquid need not increase, and it will still appear to fill up the glasses.
Also, note that the time to fill the bigger glasses is roughly the same time to fill the smaller glasses.
This proves that the volume must stay constant!
Notice that he doesn’t move the glasses the first time that they are being filled. He carefully pours the “milk” along the sides of the still glasses, progressing until the last glass is filled. The liquid in the last glass to be filled (on the first go around) has a thinner, opaque liquid. With the exception of the very first glass that has the white liquid, all the glasses are half filled with water. That’s why he doesn’t move them as they are being filled. When the largest glass is filled, its volume equals the other glasses combined, so the other glasses can be refilled with the thinner liquid.
this is soooooo easy to understand,the glasses get skinner as it goes on
Well, i think that the glasses might be larger in size but their thickness makes them all have the same volume space inside except the largest one. When he poured the 2nd largest into the largest, one was unable to see the top. The guy must have used another source of liquid to fill it along with the liquid in 2nd largest glass. The largest one is big enough to hold enough liquid to fill all the other glasses.
the fist glass has a divider cutting the glass in half the 2nd glass a little more then half the 3rd littal more so when you pore the liquid to the big one is more bicause the bigger one dont have a divider.
Yea I think that the glasses already have water in and some kind of whit powder in the first so that he just changing the colour of the glasses…
another reason why mathematics and physics are wonderful! :)
The glasses are double-walled… the thickness increasing with size.
Ok.. first of all that is a hands of a lady.
Second she’s using a foam substance to increase the matters inside the glass when interacts with liquid.
Every glass has a minimal amount of water so that the substance can expand.
Water is also calculated depending on how the tall glasses are.
Easy, each one isnt really being filled all the way. In the rim is almost a secret area. As the cups get larger, the secret area gets thinner, pushing more liquid to the top.
Easy, there is already water in the each glass at first, that’s why it keeps filling up each time. Also, if you look closely the milk looks faded at the end.
P.S He’s flys down.
well, shit bricks its because there’s water inside.
it’s easy…look at it….each glass already contains some water in it…..and that’s why in the last glass it’s dilluted
That Magic is Already Revealed by The Mask Magician. There is a Cylinder Inside Every Glass, Which is Hard to See, Except the Smallest One. So When He Pour Milk From a Smaller Glass to a Bigger One, Most of The Glass Area is Already Occupied by The Cylinder, And That Small Amount of Milk is Enough to Surround The Cylinder And Make an Illusion of a Full Glass.
this liquid looks like sperm
Watch at 0:43, you can see the liquid hitting the top of the glass cylinder inside the big glass.
how can you explain this : he have enough liquid to fullout one glass at the time , at the end he fullout EVERY glass !
i watched magician’s tricks revealed. it’s quite stupid actually. the trick lies not with the water, but with the cups. the cups are all the SAME SIZE. that means the 1st cup has one layer, the 2nd bigger cup has 2 layers. the first layer is the same size as the 1st cup and the second layer is the size of the cup as people see it. amusing now?
I dont believe its in the glasses as he starts out with a little glass full and by then end has enough to fill all glasses meaning an accumulation of water. So it would, as stated previously be a slowly watered down mix. I like the trick and think it A WORTHY DISSCUS.
Funny, I can see the milk getting lighter and lighter. And, when the milk poured at the end of the first turn, you could see it was clearly almost water. Judging by the size I will say
cup: 1 is filled with real milk)
cup: 2 is filled with water that amounts 1/2 of cup 1
cup: 3 is filled with water that amounts 1/2 cup 2 and so on.
I will have to say I was confused the first 23 sec.
i agree with the cylinder, its not water
The tallest glass already had water inside of it. I could see it moving.
its obviously fake….. you can tell because every time he pours the liquid into the taller glass it turns lighter. that means that the glasses have water in them which mixes with the first liquid (milk?) to make it lighter.
They have water in the glasses, as you can see the milk goes a watery colour
Yup… all the glasses have water in them & you can see the milk gets more ‘clear’ the more he pours. Pretty easy to figure out, IMO.
Glasses are interior lined, there’s some kind of material (powder of some sort) in the glasses too.
alien technology definitely
thats the best illusion vid ever <3
There is a cylinder inside them. when you pour the milk/water/whatever into them it only fills around the cylinder . whenever the glasses get bigger so do the cylinders
It’s likely a combination of baking soda and viniger, which will slowly expand, allowing it to fill bigger containers as it fizzes up. After it is transfered a few times it will go flat, halting the expansion. This is why the largest cup can refil the others. If you watch the vid full-screen you will see the fizz in the first cups, but not the last because it has gone flat by then.
ok thats cool but kinda ovious :o
Oh.. that’s milk?
its water, you can see it move in the biggest cup
There are definitely cylinders in the cups. at 0:43 you can see the water hit the cylinder and splash off.
It’s a mixture of cylinders and water. Water is in the internal cylinders of the cups (except the small one doesn’t have a cylinder). The amount of space in each glass (not including the different size cylinders) is equal to the amount of space in the glass that is being poured from the cup before. You start with a concentrated white liquid and end with more volume of a diluted solution. BOOM!
Perspective much?
Theres a glass inside the main glass, so it is invisible, but its not at the same size, but raised up more. so when the milk is poured, the cups appears to be filled all the way, when actually its the cup INSIDE the cup thats getting filled.
I can definitely see the liquid getting less concentrated and the cylinders inside the glasses. Also, what gives it away is that he very carefully pours the liquid around the edge of every glass, except the smallest one. When he gets to the smallest glass he pours it into the center.
i was too busy dancing to the music to realize what they were doing exactly…eh i’ll watch it later lol
there isnt water inside of the glasses because the milk wouldnt have gone into the glasses like that,but then again the milk did do watery at the end :D but i deffinetly enjoyed that little trick :D xx
The person is using milk powder or paint. You can se the residue left in the first cup and how think it is. The cups DONT have cylinders inside. You would be able to see the different levels in the liquid when it is poured of of the biggest glass. The person hold the glasses very still so you cannot see the water wobble. When they pour the last glass though, you can see the water in the glass wobble a little when they start pouring.
My guess is there is definitely already water in the glasses, difficult to see because of the purposeful patterned glasses. The liquid is not milk, but something heavier than water and thick. It is poured down the sides so that there is little splash, and it sinks immediately to the bottom, but still mixes with the water. The mixture does become more diluted at the end.
It looks like a clear hub that takes up space in the center of each glass.The hub of the final glass is already filled with water so you have more than you started out with.
They have inverted glassed inside the glasses. It is because of the lining texture we cannot see the glasses!!
The illusion comes from the fact that liquid takes the form of the container its in. Ex take a 1L coke bottle a 1L glass and a 1L milk jug..each are different shapes..but each hold the same amount of liquid. Got nothing to do with extra material.
Simple really.. yeast is a living micro-organism that is activated when submurged in warm water.. The effect is nearly instantanous and the mixture looks like a watery-milky substance. I could be wrong but that was my best guess..
Yrast wouldn’t make the water expand that much. Yeast works by making air bubbles form inside what it is mixed into. If it was yeast there would be a gross froth on top of the water.
i think there is already water in each container that will equal the amount for all the containers when the liquid inside the largest glass will be poured again. :)
I agree with this one…
There are clear cylinder in all but the first glass to take up volume
There a rim around the glass on the inside , a glass within a glass if you will and the liquid goes down the rim thus filling the gap and not the glass.
Each glass has a different circumference. The shortest being the widest, tallest being the thinnest. I do that trick when pouring drinks for me and my brothers. I get the short, thick one and fill it. My brother gets the tall, thin one, filled halfway(to the height of my cup) and because mine is so wide and his is so small, I get more.
There are cylinders in the middle of the glasses, the cylinders have already been filled with water, hence the transparency in the empty glasses and the reason the last glass is a bit more clear than the first.
Also he never picks up the glasses that he is about to pour into, he holds them pretty firm and still.
It’s one of two things, either he is doing what i’d do and use chemistry to my advantage or i’d fill the bigger glasses with just enough water and use baking soda and milk in the first glass to maintain colour throughout the pouring process.
You can kinda guess which way he went considering the residue in the first glass compared to the others.
If you see the first small cup, it is more whiter, and as it pours to the next after the next cup, the water turns more pale and less colorless. So I think the particles in the cups are getting dissolved or mixed forming more and more amount of water.
My second answer can be the cups has some amount of water in it. Increasing the amount and paling the water color
come on! there are cups inside the others!
I think that somehow they made the cups longer going backwards and forwards in the video and every time the cup got taller it got less length going back and forth
you can definitely see the white liquid get thinner and thinner so that means there in water in the bottom of the glass….. at 37 sec. you can see water.
hey…You can actualy notice that the have water in the glasses when he starts to put the liquid from the first glass to the second one…focus on the time that the qhit liquid hits the bottom of the glass you will se that its getting mixed with water…!!!
freaking keyboard…qhit=white* / se=see*
You cant notice the water cause of the glasses…
yes if you look at the 2nd glass that they pour into the 3rd glass as he’s tipping it over you can see the edge of a cylinder shape in the middle of it so that the entire glass isn’t being filled the whole way with just what he has and its being mixed with water that is what is in the center of the glass cylinder in each glass to the next it gets the diluted mix of the milk and water… yes i think everyone got it..
Looks like vinegar and water expanding with cups ready to go.
Vinegar and baking soda I mean, sorry.
There is a cylinder filled with liquid inside the middle of each container (besides the smallest one). Notice that his pour always starts on the outside edge, but then he tries to burst the container with the final pours. This made it so there was more liquid at the end than the beginning.
watch as the video plays it skips showin that there was editing they carefully placed their hand to the closest spot to make the video runt together more smoothly. this is a simple video making trick.
It has already been said several times, but no one has offered their proof so everyone else can see it too and just as easily, so here you are.
Each glass has a cylinder in it except the smallest, these cylinders are filled with water at the beginning, then when he refills all smaller glasses he only goes to the top of the cylinder.
0:00 – The very beginning….. because of the darker lighting due to him blocking the light, you can pretty clearly see the blurry water cylinder in each glass.
0:15 – Here you can clearly see the “milk” bounces/splash off the water at the top of the cylinder in the middle of the glass.
0:42 – Here once again you can clearly see “milk” hitting water at the top of the cylinder.
0:48 – Now the blurry middle of each glass is completely gone, because the water has been mixed and poured into the last glass.
0:50 – In the second part of the video, we are now picking up the glasses to make sure we pour only down the side and around the cylinders.
1:10 – The cylinder is clearly in view now, with an extra reservoir of “milk” in the middle of the glass.
1:12 – Even more clearly, you can the see “milk” inside the cylinder splash and resettle as he tips the cup back too quickly.
1:15 – Now you can easily see the “milk” run along the inside of the cylinder and splash down into the cup below, also visible is the ringed top of the cylinder due to lighting.
There’s extra water in all the cups! :D Solved it! We’re a little late on the draw, but we solved it :D theres water already in the cups, so when you pour the cloudy water into the glass it blends
I agree, you can tell that as he goes through the cups, the liquid became more diluted, so there must have already water in each cup to make this possible.
what about filling all the cups think of that how did that happen