The original firefox illusion wasn’t very hard to spot, the rabbit one was more interesting than hard, and the recent hidden tiger optical illusion was indeed very hard for many of you. This illusion today is combination off all three! You should be able to see our little fox easily, the rabbit thinks he’s hiding, but actually he isn’t very good at it. Maybe he is under illusion he’s safe from the fox, but more frightening destiny awaits him. There is a tiger. Can you see him? Maybe there are even more animals hidden inside this beautiful art piece created by author called Rusty Rust, only I didn’t spot them. Now I’m off to post another magic trick on mighty tricks website. Found quite a few of them, just have to decide which one is the best… Enjoy!
P.S. We passed 8 million unique visitors last night! Remember it took 5 months to get to our millionth visitor, and now 11 months after, we passed another milestone of 8 million. If we continue to grow this fast, expect 100 million unique visitors in 2 years!
too easy!
the tiger was the first thing i saw :D easy. keep up the good work vurdlak!!!
Yippeeee… found the tiger. could not find one in the hidden tiger illusion. :(
Am I the first?
The tiger is easy to spot
I quickly saw it when i was looking at it.
too late, foxy buddy. tiger already beat you to dinner.
pretty cool :)
quite easy.
I see it!
ps stop spamming the magic tricks site – we all know about it; if we want to see it we’ll go have a look or click one of the 3 millions links you posted already! :D
It’s a mountain lion
The point isn’t for an illusion to be difficult to see, but just so that it is there. sure this one was easy to spot, but it is very cool :)
I’m agree with Ben, it isn’t important to spot it easily or not. This is just beautiful, pure art!
Congrats with the 8 million visitors.
Very cool
nice. this isn’t bad. do you see the second one?
how do u get 2 the magic place???
Poor rabbit… It just can’t win…
hehe, impressive art.
Great one. Took me a second, but I like it! Congrats on getting 8 mil visitors!
Easy, but cool, i like it.
Also i think i figured out what number visitor i was!!! I was #7,892,938
this is really cool!! took me a few times, but then noticed the shiny part of the eye, followed it, and there was the TIGER!!! woohoo!!
Am I the only one that can’t see it? PLEASE tell me where it is… :'(
It is very very old. but it is nice
Muy pero muy viejo…
I agree with Ben, too. The point is not for the illusions to be difficult but to be interesting and most of all FUN!
Congrats on 8 mil! I’m not surprised. This site in fun and educational!
it’s not a tiger. it’s a bobcat. duh.
that was wick wick
this is like a big coincidence, I just had a dream like this.
WAY to obvious…
for those who can’t see it, try looking at the whole picture from a distance, and you might just find it
much easier than the hidden tiger one…you have to look away at first…
It took me a good 20 minutes to find “the hidden tiger” in the last illusion :)
This one was clever, almost as if there is a story line.
that was awesome
Wow! Nice illusion!
Wow! 8,019,515 visitors already!
maximize the picture,and back up
i dont c it :(
Simple to spot and an elegant bit of trickery!
i dont get it cud sum1 give me the answer?
where’s the tiger? i dun see 1
Wow that was cool. Just a little too easy. But actually there is a fourth animal hidden! if you look closely were the tigers right ear should`ve been you will see kind of a little bird!
I wouldn’t say that’s a tiger. It looks more like a bobcat or a mountain lion. Cool Illusion anyways!! Keep up the good work!!
I can also see a swordfish, the head of a white bunny, the head and neck of a camel and a goose in flight. Can anyone else see them?
What an absolutly beautiful piece of art. The hidden element is cool but the picture itself is incredible!
This is awesome stuff… I also agree on the point that whoever created this image, has created a masterpiece.
very easy
cool! the rabbits in the tigers mouth nice one :) never took long to find its like a mensa exam(never took one) but you get the picture;)
if you cant find it, then you are mentally incompetent. this is by far one of the easiest illusions on this website.
holy crap, didn’t even take me two seconds, I looked at the title and looked at the picture and was like “fox, rabbit…tiger!”
fox in corner rabbit in hole of sticks and tiger made of sticks, too easy i got that in 1 second!
looks more like a jaguar or puma to me
but vry kool illusion
poor rabbit
I think it’s a very complicated piece of artwork. But very cool.
Btw- maybe some of us need to hear
a little spam to know whats out there, because I’m new to moi.
Nice pic
i found a toucan near the fox’s mouth =)
Oh… I think that’s a bobcat.
It’s an interesting
The tiger is eating the rabbit, the white dot above the rabbit is it’s pupil
yh hard 2 spot
text gave it away for me – expected rabbit to be in or near tiger’s jaws and branches oddly horizontal near rabbit probably whiskers
It’s not a tiger, it’s a mountain lion, they don’t look anything alike.
Looks like a mountain lion rather than a tiger……
Wheres the tiger/mountain lion?
I’ll give you a hint “Illusion Solution”. The tiger is eating the rabbit and notice the white dots in the gaps of the twigs. And you shouldn’t call yourself “Illusion Solution” if you don’t know where the tiger is.
woww…big white tiger… it is eating the rabbit right?
wow you are right pore bunny
I looked at it and saw it right away.
i see an otter
one branche loks like a bird with a BIG nose thingy
It a tiger eating a rabbit
this is so creative i wonder if if they took a pic then changed some things or if it is real?
r u sure tht tigers not a bobcat coz thts wat it looks like
The rabbit is in the tigers or woteva cat it is mouth
Omg that is hot! This illusion is wicked I had been looking for a flesh tiger!
*facepalm* thats a mountain lion. not a tiger c’mon people.
ya..I also found that.. :)
Even though that was pretty easy, you gotta admit, it looks pretty cool.
It’s all right; Bun is quite safe-it’s a real fox, but it’s not a real tiger :D
It wasn’t difficult, but it’s very clever.
you’ve got to be kidding! that rabbit in the tigers mouth! this is great!
Cougar. Mountain lion. Not tiger