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HAVANA (AP) � Photographs of Fidel Castro standing and talking on the phone were published Sunday in Cuba’s state-run media, a day after the ailing leader appeared in a video to dispel rumors he was on his deathbed.
The Communist Youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde dedicated its front page to the Cuban president, printing a blown-up picture of a pensive Castro with the title “Always fighting for something, and fighting with optimism!”
I already knew it but right one still appears smaller^^.
It’s obvios they would be the same size, or it wouldn’t be an illusion…. but like -wolf- said, the right one looks smaller
it is sooooo easy 2 me
ya u guys say it was all easy n junk..but i kinda got confused…they should make one that the one side is bigger…that would mess ur mind!
?? (*_*)
?! (*_º)
!! (º_º)
HAVANA (AP) � Photographs of Fidel Castro standing and talking on the phone were published Sunday in Cuba’s state-run media, a day after the ailing leader appeared in a video to dispel rumors he was on his deathbed.
The Communist Youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde dedicated its front page to the Cuban president, printing a blown-up picture of a pensive Castro with the title “Always fighting for something, and fighting with optimism!”
It’s a classic yet it’s still kinda cool
yeah the right
one looks bigger
every time they do sumthing like this it always ends up the same
tre right one is biger whit exactly 1 mm i cheked :)
No, it’s just the same
I think this is stupid and all of u who like it is a stupid person ok
Its the same size but the bigger circles around the outside makes the center circle seem smaller even when its the same size.
well you gave it away, so whats the point?
If You Closer To The Picture The Same Size IS LOOKED!
First illusion! Awesome!