Ray Massey is one hell of a talented artist. How he does his hand paintings and body-art is more than incredible. Just check the Finger Pen illusion on your right! It took me ages before I understood the illusion completely, but once I did – my mind literally exploded. Inside this post you can find few more hand paintings (some of which are even better in style than finger pen), yet the illusions aren’t as strong if you ask me.
I was pointed to these magnificent photos by Brad Honeycutt, one of our fans who just published a book of illusions titled “The Art of the Illusion: Deceptions to Challenge the Eye and the Mind“. I believe there are many more awesome illusions to be found in it, so be sure to check it out if you like this sort of stuff.
great share – but try not to ever say ‘my mind literally exploded’ ever again!!
Quite so, Alison. In my mind I had this horrible image of brains and snot all over the screen and keyboard…
what’s the green one?
It’s a charity donation thingy.
It’s a small container that charities use to collect donations from people in the street.
Don’t see it. someone please explain.
It is piece of paper that has a hand holding a pen painted/drawn/printed/ect. and when you look at it, it looks like it is a blank piece of paper and someone’s hand ( holding the pen) Is hovering above the paper.
finger pen? Please explain
The index finger is painted to look like a pen.
They are all great, but that last one takes the cake!
That pen hand is creepy!!!
Gosh, the hand-pen one is epic!
Love those!
I found the hand positioning required for the football illusion to be difficult to get and hold. Hope it didn’t take too long to take that photo!
The same to the finger pen. I believe there’s some photo edition here
Gives a whole new meaning to “giving somebody the finger.”
wow wish I could paint half as well
I couldn’t get my fingers to do the pen hand! I think it would also be interesting to see the painted hands from a different angle to aid in the appreciation of the illusion.
I agree… I would love to see how it is painted.
all of them are so cool.i remember in 8th grade art class (huntsville texas) haveing to do hands….wish I could of came up with this !!!!!!WOW
Your brain may have figuratively exploded, but I hope that it didn’t literally do so-this would imply that someone had shot you in the head.
But the green one is disappointing, it seems to use a prop rather than paint for the “coin slot”.
its not disappointing the prop is the black bar thingy
my mind LITERALLY exploded.
alyson is mad at you
The last one is pretty trippy o-o
i like the soccer one
why isnt anybody talking about the banana
My nameske is a talented artist, but he should stick to painting ships etc., as although the body paings are clever they are not -in my opinion- art. However, if it provides income then carry on and good luck.