Trapping viewer’s attention, which is the main goal in product advertising is more often than not incredibly difficult task to achieve. While already sky-high, user ad-blindness is rapidly increasing, with no signs on horizon showing this will change anytime soon.
However, one method stands tall, promising delivery – still being able to trap attention. Messages broadcasted in a “trivia” or “optical illusion” format have always proven successful, often making a person look twice and actually spending moment of their time thinking about the advertised message. This has been advocated here since the very beginnings of Mighty Optical Ilusions blog.
An example poster produced by Bruketa&Zinic agency designed for “Fathers and Sons” theatre performance uses well known “Rubin’s Vase” optical illusion motif, cleverly placing incomplete and unverbalised father-son relationships in the forefront. Spotlight features damaged and clumsily repaired vase, strongly alluding to an unresolved conflict – “a communication crack” standing in-between father and the son.
Rubin’s vase, an old school illusion that comes in many forms is a famous set of ambiguous two-dimensional forms developed around 1915 by the Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin
“Communication crack” looks more like a cork on a corkscrew!
These are cool! I like how the columns have two people represented in each gap.
Rubin’s vase was “my first” optical illusion. I was under 10 when a small book was gifted as part of a Reader’s Digest purchase by my parents. In the cover was the classical figure-background Optical Illusion. I’ve seen so many variations of it since then I believe its the most copied OI ever (maybe followed closely by Penrose’s Stairs). Is nice to revisit the classics. Keep up the good work.
Isn’t that the mother & sister standing back to back, if you turn the urn upside down; probably trying to heal the crack between the son & father!
concentrate on the white, there are two faces looking inwards
Ha ha. I loved it when I picked it up i was all like “Ahhh I get it.” I love this Illusion bro.