James is the manager of moillusions.com. He spends his time finding the most popular optical illusions so that YOU keep coming back to your site for more! Check him out on https://plus.google.com/u/1/109932087769818686311/
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Are all of you retarted, the point of this illusion is the first time you look at it you see a normal face, then, when your subcontions realises the two eyes and mouths you then realise it is mangled. and after seeing humans and most living things with two of those all your live this happens. the realisation of it takes almost miliseconds to happen though
It’s less of an illusion and more of a visual riddle: What’s wrong with the face? At fist glance you see that all of her features are doubled. What takes some time to realize is that her nose is absolutely normal. Your mind just assumes that it’s doubled until you really look at it.
I dont see the illusion….i’ve read so far that i should be seeing some drunk looking illusion…..All i see is a portrait of some girl with 8 eyes…..of course i’ve spent the last 3 hours guzzling a litre or Bourbon….should I be sober to see this illusion properly? Probably not….since the majority of the images on this site dont fall anywhere near the category of ‘optical illusions’ anyway. Or maybe it’s just the litre of bourbon talking.
Look again…..see if the hair seem to be doubling also. Our brain is working over time to try to fix this image as we have a great sense of facial identity.
I get it. It doesn’t just look weird, it actually looks like you’re not seeing it correctly. Yes it is just four eyes and two mouths. But your brain is used to seeing a face with just one mouth and two eyes. When you look at that, you brain thinks you’re seeing double and can’t focus correctly.
wow, it didn’t do anything but, give me a eeww..to my eyes.Intense if anything.WOW, its a definite illusion of some sort..lol.. Not good for peeps with Anxiety.. Deborah Mc. N.H.-
How is this an illusion, exactly?
It should make the viewer feel slightly drunk.
Don’t know whether it increases the effect of being drunk already – I’m sober
I feel dazy!
THANX! anyway :0)
hello… this site is REALLLY good.. its give me lots of amusement…
I do feel drunk…or at least dizzy….Is that like an alien?…………. OMG!!! I’m scared!!! HEHE!!
Clearly it is computer animated though, because no human looks like that…….or do they?! Say no more……. :#
how weird was that…not exactly an illusion but…
my x looks like that
dont you people know anything!
if your drunk thats what you see on a normal person!
not exactly an illusion
(Thats why its under examination tests)
oh! got me, made me think i wuz drunk!
the fore eyes the 2 noeses it kinda looks like my sister (lakeisha) lol it made me drunk
la la la (thud)
oh no i must be drinking again arrest me now officer
drunk, eh? no way!
i dont see anything where do u see those illusions i cant find em!!!!
heh heh i dont c anyfinq rong wit da people r dey twinz or summat?
he he weeeeeeeeee
im not drunk.
(sheepish grin)lol :~)))
Cute girl :)
is it bad im seeing 8 eyes??
For me atleast, I was scrolling down rapidly and saw her I thought “Cute Girl” and then I looked at her..
Optical illusion for me :)
It’s sort of hard to be drunk…. WHEN YOU’RE ELEVEN!!!!
wow never doing that when your drunk
i liked the b4 6 beers and after 6 beers 1,
this 1 good also
maybe if your drunk you dont c double?
Uhh it made my eyes go funny and I ended up seeing quadruple instead :-|
i have i HUGE passion for green day.. ok
i saw that on another site and its stupid.
Are all of you retarted, the point of this illusion is the first time you look at it you see a normal face, then, when your subcontions realises the two eyes and mouths you then realise it is mangled. and after seeing humans and most living things with two of those all your live this happens. the realisation of it takes almost miliseconds to happen though
how is this an illusion?
well i know im drunk :)
tilt your head sideways and cross your eyes
and it seems normal( to me anyway ^_^)
This site is cool.I have had lots of fun on this site
i agree with go ACDC’s explanation
It’s less of an illusion and more of a visual riddle: What’s wrong with the face? At fist glance you see that all of her features are doubled. What takes some time to realize is that her nose is absolutely normal. Your mind just assumes that it’s doubled until you really look at it.
i was not drunk upon viewing this image. i am now convinced however to become drunk as soon as possible (i’m opening another beer). thank you.
I dont see the illusion….i’ve read so far that i should be seeing some drunk looking illusion…..All i see is a portrait of some girl with 8 eyes…..of course i’ve spent the last 3 hours guzzling a litre or Bourbon….should I be sober to see this illusion properly? Probably not….since the majority of the images on this site dont fall anywhere near the category of ‘optical illusions’ anyway. Or maybe it’s just the litre of bourbon talking.
Made me reach for my glasses.
What the deuce?!?! (dies)X_x
now i have a hang over
wierd tho, I have only seen this like 20 times b4
Wow, she has 8 eyes
she loos likke a spider
Look again…..see if the hair seem to be doubling also. Our brain is working over time to try to fix this image as we have a great sense of facial identity.
that thing is stupid
It’s not an illusion
It’s just a normal picture of a normal four-eyed two-mouthed person
Like me
I get it.
It doesn’t just look weird, it actually looks like you’re not seeing it correctly.
Yes it is just four eyes and two mouths.
But your brain is used to seeing a face with just one mouth and two eyes.
When you look at that, you brain thinks you’re seeing double and can’t focus correctly.
She looks like she has a bugger in her nose
Drunk Me well if you say so then there has to be a way to get drunk without even touching or looking a a bottle of beer
MY EYES!!!!!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I agree with Rayne. I’m kinda underage to be drinking! It is definitely photoshopped! Oh well… It is cool!
That an incredible illusion, i m very confused when i sawed it first time and i thought, m i really Drunked or else
i feel dizzy
if you squint she looks like an anime or cartoon character
wow, it didn’t do anything but, give me a eeww..to my eyes.Intense if anything.WOW, its a definite illusion of some sort..lol..
Not good for peeps with Anxiety..
Deborah Mc.
officer:Sorry ma’am i have 2 aresst u 4 being drunk
me:Tell me all about it blue eyes!
(i thought it was funny)
but seriously it’s kinda hard 2 be drunk when your an eleven year old girl!!!
agreed…im an eleven year old girl tooo…
wow, creepy
It’s an illusion with two eyes and two faces. Just because the only thing you see is doublr that doesn’t mean that you’re drunk.
Lol, stop saying it’s photoshopped … It’s kind of obvious…
But anyway, if you cover one pair of eyes and one mouth with your fingers, you see that none of the facial features are in the right place ^.^
e.g. If you cover the first pair of eyes and the second mouth, she just looks like she has a long face. Experiment by covering different things.
That doesnt make me dizzy! its just creeps me out!
Woah! I’m seeing double! She has FOUR MOUTHS!!!
This guy can’t speak English anyway. He doesn’t know an illusion from an aneurism.
poor girl…
if you cross your eyes you see a regular girl
nice photshopping skills
i don’t THINK i’m drunk…
OMG go ACDC you sound so pompous! It is just a photoshopped image of a girl, just a laugh, chill mate x
When I’m drunk I normally see just 3 eyes. I’m drunk now. But I’m not noticing much. I don’t know how to explain.
YeAh iM DrUnK i GoT HiGh WhAtYa GonNA Do AbOut It HUh?
I FeEl doOooOZzZy! Ha hA HA!!!!!!!
thats not funny
is it just me or does that ladie look like a zombie, and i can defenatley say i have had 2 shandys but i am not DRUNK!
p.s’I AM SOMEONE’ is really funny and i agree with him/her i love the comment!
wow *speechless*
ok people who pee themselfs when they see this its not that hard of an illusion to creatand crossing ur eyes does make her look normal
crossing ur eyes makes her look creepy dude!(crys)i admit it…. im drunk on grape soda :( shame on me!take me away!
*looks at my milk* …HEY WHO PUT STUFF IN MY MILK?
This is CRAZY, it literally makes my eyes hurt!
im underaged…..lol
i feel dizzy..
If you take your eyes out of focus her eyes and Mouth(s) blend together and she looks normal…
I focused above her and then I saw her look normal! Freaky and cool!
Narrow your eyes and you see her in one!
im not drunk im 9 and a half