A fat fluffy cat can be the perfect companion. I have such a fat fluffy cat, and she’s a perfect little sweetheart; always there when I need her and trying to rub her entire body all over me even when I want left alone. I swear that cat is constantly up my butt! She plops her butt outside my bathroom door when I take a shower and even tries to plant her butt next to me at the dinner table…and stares…
Much like the feline in this cat illusion, she gives me that longing look, thinking that I’m going to share my own dinner. False, Cat! I wonder if the diners in this picture find the little kitty cat staring at their dinner as annoying as I do…
What? You didn’t see the people in this cat illusion? Check out the cat’s ears, eyes, nose, and chin. The ears are the din’er’s chairs, the eyes are their heads, the nose is a vase on the table, and the chin is the corner of their table.
I’d say that this cat illusion is quite well done! Which did you see first in this cat illusion—the diners or the cat?