Is it only me, or do these circles composed of black and white squares, seem to cross-over? You be the judge! It worked for me… Amazing. Similar one here. I’m still not sure how these illusions work, and boy, we had many of them here in the past. Another version would be the one, where the concentric circles seem to make a spiral. Be sure to check more of these in seemingly bent category. Mind can be though to deceive, but that isn’t the case with this website. Enjoy and don’t go delusional!

Yes, they seem to cross over, nice!
Really nice illusion. I had to check to see if there were really circles and not just a spiral!!
They also appear to rotate as you scroll the window.
oh yea! that is so cool!!!!
i agree w/ Skinnybrown.
it looks kool when you scroll.
now stand back about 12 feet and they look like white circles, as if it were a totally different image…
Very cool illusion! Even after you look at it for a while, the illusion is still there. And yes, scrolling adds its own illusion.
from the cool G!! that is craze stuff
Nice. Just . . . nice.
they don’t cross over they are just circles and circles.
they are just circles!!!!!
They are just circles again and again.
absolutely one of your BEST. keep em coming!
the angle of the squares makes it appere that the circles cross over each other vary tripy. I’ve seen something similar but can’t remember where
i had to trace the circle with my fingers to check they were circles. i guess it’s all about the shape & position of the squares.
It just seems to confuse my eyes so that it looks like they are crossed.
There seems to me another illusion:
If you scroll up the circles, they rotate to the right. If you scroll down the circles, they rotate to the left. Weird, isn’t it?
Wonder why no other discoverd this illusion before.
ahhh my eyes hurt lol
If you squint your eyes they stop crossing over as well. Might have something to do with the grey background?
Wow…. i liked that
Wow…. i liked that a lot. very confusing
Very confusing and awesome, but I debunked it:
You see how the outer layer of circles has the squares facing a certain way? well the next layer has the squares going in an opposite direction. If all of the squares were facing the same direction (and they were the same color), it wouldn’t look as if they cross.
lol, had to trace them just to be sure.
ooh my eyes ???
I went back and traced them a few times… no, they dont cross but sure does look like they do.
Hard not to make a mistake
Very nice !
This images really works – looking like a spiral.
BUT half close your eyes and immediately the spiral effect disappears and you have a tidy set of circles.
Really… fantastic
Really amazing, it seems that two different coils crossing each other.. very nice….
they do not cross each other ………these r simple circles
It also seems to move, when you move the picture up and down. It’s kind of cool.
just make your eye and see it, it is just four rounds. but it is really amazing…..
it happens due to the angle the squares r at. and notice if u try to look at the “crossing” circles they return to normal
look to it from the side of your’re welcome.
Very WICKED Illusion!!!! My Brain Goes CRAZY When I Look At This Optical Illusion!!!!!! I Can’t Stand To Look At It Long Enough To Figure Out What Is Going On In This Optical Illusion!!!!! LOL!
The Most CRAZY Optical Illusion I Have Ever Seen!!!
Keep Them Coming!
so cool lol:)
Infinity and beyond cccccooooooollllllll!!!!!!!
If I scroll up and down, it was turning! Awesome!