Wow! If you manage to overcome the fact how aggressively this illusion plays with your eyes, you just might discover how beautiful and effective it really is! If you further ignore reality, and act like nothing similar was posted on this site before (imagine you saw this type of illusion for the first time in your life); think you would believe if someone told you these two “crooked” squares were actually straight?
I love the way this illusion tricks the eyes. I found it even more effective on a zoom of 200%
this is aweesome
the effect of the other is much stronger, i can barely tell in this one.
I don’t understand… the squares are straight aren’t they??
ACK! That makes my eyeballs wobble.
They all look centered and paralell to me!!!???
What? It does not seem crooked AT ALL. Maybe it’s just my psychology.
i don´t see any crooked squares. As for me they are prefectly straight.
the background flashes
“Someone” might just be able to convince me there are just two squares, as well!
What’s crooked about it? :\ What am I missing?
Maybe it is my monitor? They do not look all that crooked to me.
I only saw the middle crooked… D:
why the hell do i see 2 perfect squares
I know right? Does anyone love adorable 11 year olds? I’m right here! :D
Oops! It was supposed to be:
() ()
O( () ())
I’m from this page ima fan cool
I so want to make a quilt like this…
What do you mean by “crooked”??
The inner most and outer most squares look perfectly fine to me. O_o
Also if you see on the left of the squares on the grey area after starting a while on the red squares, you might be able to see square patterns!!