Check out this cool animated .gif file, one that Markus compiled and decided to present us with! It’s shows a well known relative sizes effect, which is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. It results with our eyes seeing one thing, while our brain sees something entirely different. The information that our eyes feed back to the brain has to be understood by the brain, and the brain is very clever at guessing what it should be seeing. Sometimes this difference can be quite astounding! The brick pattern further strengthens the 3d perspective, thus fooling (or helping?!) our brain in what it makes of the image. Cool, ayeh?! BTW, thanks for helping me out on Wednesday ;)
[img][/img] first one to post ha ha. finally
to everyone posting “first” on stuff…. you suck at life, nobody will ever love you, and you will die alone. because you suck at life.
its a preatty darn cool illusion. though i know how it works.
Very nice illusion. It’s amazing how the first ball looks so much smaller, you are right about the bricks adding to the illusion………
Its the lighting that makes the eye see one bigger than the other.
cool!Love your website-keep it up!
Kewl! I like it!
Spheres can be so annoying.
Only one word can describe this gif, “Awesome.”
im sorry but ur showing many of the same things…
Didn’t know it was a .gif file, took a while to change. xD Any who, it’s really awesome!
The shadow to the bottom left of the “rear” sphere suggests that sphere really is larger. The shadow places a perspective on the sphere; therefore, it really is larger and further back.
This has nothing to do with your mind playing tricks on you. It has everything to do with atmospheric perspective. Objects in the distance can be made to appear smaller by blurring out the detail. Less detail the further back it pushes the object into the picture plane. This has everything to do with Art Fundamentals.
Did they really have to make a ball THAT HUGE just to take a picture?
you are quite welcome!
The amazing effects perspective can play on the eye and perception!
that is realy cool :)
Classic illusion but well represented.
I love it.It’s a wonderful illusion,easy,yet not so easy that it’s boring.Very nice.
First comment?It doesn’t really matter if it is,though.
Always the same illusion, always a new trick!
Sorry I would argue that this is not an optical illusion. I base my case on the shadow effects on the picture, from our point of view. On the lighter, patterned ball you can clearly see a well difined shadow underneathg and to the left of the ball. We can now reason that the light source is above and slightly to the right, again this is re-enforced by the showing effect of the right side wall. So now lets bring our attention to the, larger ball at the back. If you look at the ball you can see it has produced a showing effect exactly where you would expect. It has also produced the shoding effect you would expect to see if it were a very large ball taking up all the alloted space.
You then produce two lines and try and make us believe that these two balls are in fact at the same distance away next to each other whilst failing to back it up with the shadow effect such a ball would produce.
Sorry, just putting two red lines on a picture does not make up a visual effect.
i dont get it