First time I saw this strange lamp, I wondered how is it possible that it is glowing. Took me few seconds to figure it out. Can you see how this nifty gadget works? There is solution photo inside. Did you get it? If you want to buy this some time in the future, it is coming soon from It is called Lamp/Lamp and has two screw caps: one real (so it can provide light), and one decorative (to blow people’s minds). I believe that this bulb can be used in any standard lamp base. Another cool light bulb can be found inside afterimages category. And is similar to original USA flag trick. You can find it here.
That’s a really cool lamp.
That’s a way cool idea, but where do you buy replacement bulbs?
it would be better if the “visible twisted” bulb were just a cover for an LED or something (like a smaller nightlight bulb) so you wouldnt have to keep buying those (probably expensive) special trick light bulbs.
really cool, they shouldn’t have given it away though
I want one!
do they both work in a circut? or do you not know whether or not which 1 is decorative and which is not? these are the questions!!! :)
Swwweeeet !!! I want one!!!!
neh. I could tell. it’s a matter of common sense.
what’ up with the way we have to post comments??!! it stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone know where I can get one?
nice….i want one!
it is pimptastic
lol @ the retarded comments. Neat light bulb though. :)
hey neat-o, i want one of those, how much fun would that be at parties??
haha I want one of those it looks coo-el!
Here’s something even trickier… Make one with a compact florescent light bulb… You save the environment and bamboozle peeps at the same time.
yeah, kinda figured that one out pretty fast!
good trick i love it!
If you wouldn’t have added that extra photo, I still would’ve been able to figure it out. I knew it when I saw it on another part of this website. None of my friends got it, though. Even after looking at the explanation picture. Idiots…
where can i get one ?dose the other side shock?
haha first rating! I love your new website! I want a light bulb like that in my bedroom! ;)
I want a lamp like that!! its so funkadellic!
why did you let us know?
Clever, very clever.
so cool I would love one in my bedroom and when people come over they will have to find out how it works :)
you people are seriously stupid
Its a pretty cool lamp! I thought it was just a light bulb on a stand thingy!
I sooooooooooooo want that! If you don’t know how it works, here is how. Yoy see the funky looking light bulb? well one of the little silver things go in the stand like normal, while the other one stays out and it looks like it isn’t hooked up to anything! Here is my question, would the silver thing that is still sticking out shock anyone that touched it or a bay that stuck their finger in?
Oh one more question, How doy uoturn it on?
Where can I buy a light bulb like the one on this web page one that has two screw attachments on it?