Here is an illusion one of our fans named Eli spotted at his local supermarket. It took me few seconds before I noticed what Eli was talking about. It’s an ad for Coca Cola Zero, but can you see the hidden illusion in it? Off course you do! There would be no point training your eye with all those negative spaces illusions we had here before…
Also, there is one more thing Eli and I both missed: it’s not the basketball player catching the ball, it’s football player instead! Sorry about the quality of this picture. If you spot a higher-res version, be sure to attach it inside comments! BTW, I’m not affiliated with Coca-Cola in any way (pity).
i think i got it. do i see a shoulder or a head, im kinda thinkin there is two people there but i could be way off lol
its a head not a shoulder
HAHAHA, this is what happens when you take Photoshop, 2 arms and a head then move them around to make a clever little empty space Coca-Cola “bottle”.
If I didn’t know there was an allusion I probably would never have seen it.
The guy in the pic is catching a football, but in his catching arms, there is a Coke-a-Cola Bottle. Also, the O in the word Zero on the bottle looks more like a Q.
its not a q its the trade mark symbol
yes I can see the illusion. between the arms of football player you can see a Coke bottle!
How do you know? Where’s the football helmet?
*spoiler* theres a coke bottle hidden between his arms
i saw that in like 3 seconds o em gee!
obvious :D
ya i know
I also noticed that between player’s arms we can see a coca cola’s bottle. :D
I’ve tried that stuff. Zero caffine. Zero calories. Zero taste. Yuch.
Just a BIT obvious :3
That was just so obvious. Same with the football. It’s obvious a football, not a basketball.
saw it right away 1st comment
You know, if you didn’t mention it, I don’t think I would have noticed it. I guess that means it wasn’t that effective as an ad campaign if me and people like me just gloss over it.
it is also a coke bottle between his hands ;)
lol too obvious
I knew that the ball was a football, but I kept seeing a head at the bottom corner. It looked oddly disproportionate, so I looked again and saw that it’s actually the shoulder attached to the left arm.
Very nice.
To be truthful, this one is what could best be described as pedestrian. It’s commercial art, and not outstanding at that. The bottle shape is suggestive but asymmetrical. The position and outline of the arms seem exaggerated. The combination makes the picture seem surreal.
Strikes immediately! :)
Saw it in Igoogle widget, very obvious.
The head you see at the bottom IS a head. It can not be a shoulder, unless the player has an extra length in his arm, or perhaps two elbows on the same arm.
Then again, perhaps (probably) it is a Photoshop blunder. I suspect that the entire “photo” is a Photoshop project.
The gap in his arms form the shape of a Coke bottle, very well done.
his arms are too long, they seem to be full arms below the elbow, ‘specially the left one
wait.. that’s his head… not his shoulder…
i think it looks like a coke bottle between his arms and a head drinking a coke on his arm
i tried doing that with my arms. THAT PHOTO WAS DEFINETLY EDITED!
So ya in between his arms is a coca-cola bottle and the guy is catching a football and he is a basketball player if you were a sports you would notice