What you can see in this post is an innovative guerrilla marketing campaign, done by the advertising company called Saatchi & Saachti. As you probably know, few weeks ago I’ve posted some naughty billboards done by the same company. The response was huge! This time I bring you Saatchi & Saachti’s campaign for Folgers, that has turned some New York City manholes into STEAMING CUPS OF COFFEE! Another innovative example for coffee advertising can be seen on these cups. And another pothole advertising can be seen from these stickers. Choose what you like, but you’ll have to love this idea. Just for info, this was done some months ago, but I have learned of it only now, so am posting it with a little delay. Hope you forgive me! Would be nice if they included some sort of coffee aroma, so that the sewer air that is coming from underneath don’t make the contra-effect. This would not only be good for their advertising, but would but would in fact cause anti propaganda! What do you think? In the meantime, I’m gonna’ fetch myself a cup of coffee!
that is such a cool idea!!
i love your website by the way!! i check th new illusions EVERY day
That is really clever! And I agree, the site is totally awsome!Keep the illusions coming!
Wow, that is really good!
vurdlak, get me some coffee too. ;)
Wow about the coffee thing. Yeah, they SHOULD include some aroma so as to mask the sewer air. Or else it’d really stink.
This is a BRILL idea!!:D
Wow, that’s a really nice and clever one!! At first I couldn’t even make out the potholes, heh. Wish they would do this kind of advertising in the Netherlands too. Or at least I haven’t seen any advertisement like this here. All in all, a great illusion. I agree that they should add the coffee aroma. People wouldn’t buy their coffee if it would smell like sewer air, would they?? ;)
At first I didn’t see the holes either. Once I looked where they were located in the unpainted pic, the steam holes are easy to spot.
That is sooo cool but right away i knew it wasnt real
I need some Irish coffee!
The bubbles make a shape of some sort of gecko’s head or a lizard’s head. Amazing!
:( I do NOT like this one. It is not really an illusion. -_-
Clever! Ive always wondered – why do US manhole covers steam anyway? :-/
That looks funny! haw haw
I thought at frist glance it looked like a head of a bird.
It’s the best part of waking up!
The steam from these man hole covers are NOT from the sewers, it's from the heating system that they use to keep a lot of buildings warm.
If the pipes get damaged, they vent steam due to the pressure build up, the covers are designed to release the steam….btw, this ad was created by Saatchi & Saatchi
That’s totally cool!~! I wounder how hard it is for someone to do that, and make it look so real?~? It must be really hard!~! =)
That’s clever
thats really smart
is that real? i mean is it photoshopped or is it a drawing?
i will never drink coffee again
cool! u can c the holes where the steam comes out so that makes it look like the coffee is steaming and that is very very clever! nice!
What a great idea. This should be done in every city ;-)
that was cool and amazingly hot!