At first sight, there’s nothing wrong with this lady below. She’s normal and has her eyes closed for some reason… but wait! Move away from…
Scary Category contains really scary illusions and some that are ironically titled “scary”. You should enjoy these! Again, you are welcome to comment and rate…
If you look at this upside-down version of Abraham Lincoln’s face, you won’t notice anything strange about it. Scientists say it has something to do…
Here are some of my other scary optical illusions. Most of them show you an “idle” picture of a woman, young couple or children. On…
This scary optical illusion of a spider is done in a same way “Christopher Walken Illusion” was made. Continuous flashing gives you feeling spider is…
In body language, this body is obviously saying: “I’ve come to pick you up because the tide is coming in!”. In a way this Illusion…
The Famous “Scheibe Illusion” is a perceptual illusion, similar to the “Margaret Thatcher Illusion”. Can you see what’s wrong with the picture of Professor Scheibe?…
This is the scariest Optical Illusion I’ve seen… just to warn you if you don’t like beeing scared or think that something scary may be…