Here is another scary picture! At least a scary optical illusion, that is. This one reminds me of a movie I’ve seen in the paste…
I’m not sure if this image will give you the exact same effect I experienced, but this building really gave me impression it’s two dimensional,…
This picture is neat, don’t you think? I’m not sure what lenses were used to shoot this, nor how the effect of the sky in…
Allright, all you wise people out there! Try to figure this one out. As you see, hand is reaching for a calculator inside the monitor.…
This Optical Illusion is mega super extra pro version – ultimate magic trick, I tell you! There was no digital modification done with this image,…
Remember “Muller-Lyer Arrows”? Later, I also posted “Lines no.2” which is exactly the same type of an illusion. Today I give you another one of…
Maybe not an orthodox optical illusion, we could also discuss its tastefulness, but at the end we end up with this really funny illusion of…
It looks like our website, Mighty Optical Illusions started to get regular user-submissions… Hurray! Don’t forget to send us your illusions, if you also are…