Bard-code Art is whole new direction in art. Scott Blake runs a website, where he posts his newest creations. For example this image of Andy…
Johan Lorbeer became famous in the past years particularly because of his spectacular “Still-Life” Performances, which took place frequently in the public area. His installations…
Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter of magic realism illusions. I couldn’t find Rob’s homepage, so if you know what’s the adress, be sure to…
The minute I saw this photo, I felt sorry for a poor guy. I assumed it’s a picture of a dying elephant. But later I…
I’m not sure to be exact if this is an optical illusion, or just some weird magic trick simmilar to “Impossible Bottles”, “Impossible Concturctions”, “Impossible…
You can find this one at the Centre Pompidou. There are many views of this modern art installment. From every single angle it looks different.…
Can you see what’s the illusion here? Obviously not unless you opened this photo in it’s full-size. The company named Pop Art created this really…
Located in some secret metro station, somwhere in unknow parellel universe, this image was shot. It appears people are climbing this illusionary stairs, which are…