Here’s an interesting optical illusion submitted by Jaime Heravi. It looks as if there were two candles and two candle holders in front of the mirror. Wrong! First I thought it was bad illusion, since I didn’t read carefully what Jaime wrote, but after realizing there is only one candle in this photo, I had a nice surprise. Do you know how it was done?
We have similar, yet opposite situation in this article. Try figuring out both of the illusions, and where the flame disappeared in second one, and send in your comments. Thanks Jaime for another cool illusion for our site. I have trouble finding quality stuff all of you will like, but I have few more audio illusions waiting to be posted. I realized you like those very much!
Ohh, and about that very important exam I told you about before, I passed it! It is the hardest exam on my university, and when you pass it, you can consider your self Dr. Science. The exam is called Electronics 2, on my faculty Electrotechnics and Computer engineering.
There are two candle holders but only one candle. Like, The candle holder on the left in real life is empty. The picture is aligned so that the reflection of the real candle is aligned onto the emoty candle holder. See the little reflection of the empty candle holder under the fanlamp? That’s the empty one on the left.
Or it could be winged piggies!
ur all wrong its a window i dont believe none of u were smart enough to see that its just a window
it is not a window, you can see the curving of the mirror at the edge
one lit candle in candle holder. one empty candle holder. picture taken from angle where reflection of first candle appears to be in empty candle holder. very cool illusion.
You have to sort of think abstractly on this one. In a way, it’s fun.
No offense, but its a little olb,boring, and kinda predictable… but, no offense or anything…
It looks more like there are two candles in front of the mirror, and they dont have reflections…like ghosts. or vampires. or me. :p
PS well done with your exam too
Its kainda obveous, I saw what was happening from the google widget. But I like it, its cool
Its cool, I like it :D
anonymous post number 3 is right all the candles exept the 1 all the way to the left is a reflection
its done with smoke and mirrors.
This one is really done with smoke and mirrors. You can also see the reflection of the empty candle holder in the mirror.
its really clever the way the positioning is placed
its so cool. Also its really clever the way the person positioned the camera.
Yeah I’ve done something like this before. Good stuff.
Congrats on the Exam
Cool illusion i made one of those once before it was pretty awesome!
that is cool yet sucks
no offense, but i find it boring. Or maybe its just because im waiting again for something as amazing as that audio illusion lol
Nice picture :)
Congratulations on your exam, Vurdiak! :)
The empty candle stick can be seen in the lower right hand corner of the mirror
Very ingenious! I like that … very simple but effective!
thats cool =]
it took me the longest time to figure out tho lol
I think its like this…the first is just an empty candle stand, u can see its reflection in the mirror. The candle that u think u see in the mirror is actually the reflection of the other candle.
Hey, I love those candles, did you make them yourself or did you buy them? If you made them, I would love to know more.
oh,i get it!
umm i think… the candle stick closest to the mirror is empty and the other one has the candle in it but it looks kewl because of the angle you took the picture. is pretty clever!!!
umm i think… the candle stick closest to the mirror is teh empty one and the other one is the one that has the candle in it but it looks the way it does because of the angle you took the picture very clever!!!!
its not the angle of ta pic its the reflection uv ta mirror stupids!duh!
Oh, I get it! Angling is everything. But if you look closely, it looks like there are two empty holders in the mirror…
wired i like it
Ahahaha thats awesome but if look at it theres only one candle =P
best 1
There is only one candle and the second ‘candle’ is actually an empty candle holder and the mirror makes it look like there is two candles.
its a vampire candle so the reflection doesn’t show lol :)
the 1st candle is just a sticker on the mirror and an empty candle stick
Wow, thats really cool. one is just an empty candle holder with the reflection of the actual candle behind it. That is very clever!
You’re all close but wrong. And some of you did get it right. If you look closely, the candleholders on the other side of the Window (It’s not a Mirror) are different from the ones on our side of the Window. It’s a cool Illusion but really easy.