I’ve asked you on numerous occasions, and you explained it to me even more times than I asked, yet I can’t seem to remember if this type of illusion belongs to anagram or ambigram section. I remember the difference between these two, yet can’t distinguish which one does what. I’m sure many of you will ask why don’t you simply google it?, but as I explained many times – I prefer reading your comments, giving me opportunity to enjoy different-angled comments and somehow makes me feel more connected to you guys. Anyway, check out the anagram/ambigram below, and see what you can come up with!
Very neat. What you didn’t say is thay we should consider looking at these images upside down.
And to answer your question, I would have to google it and I’m too lazy, so I’ll wait for everyone else to educate me too.
An ambigram is the one above, a design which that says one word (such as “black) one way, and when you turn it upside down, says another word (such as “white”). An ambigram has to be designed a certain way and work on symmtery, reflections and many other issues.
An anagram is simply letters of a word that can be rarranged to form another word. Such as if you have the word “dog” you can change the order to get the word “god”. The first word is the anagram itself, and you will usually be given a clue as to the end result. Usually the anagram (the first word) will be a real word, but they do not have to be.
Hope this helps!
This is so cool. I showed it to my sister and she couldn’t see it though.
It’s as simple as Black & White. . . . .
Wow what a great job! It is closed from this one I can remember: http://bit.ly/hfRKaY
A anagram is when the order of the letters is changed, this should be an ambigram (same image, letters in a defined order, can be read in differents ways).
All my support to continue this website!
See Ya
This is neither an anagram (word jumble) or an ambigram (read the same from any direction). It is an illusion and nothing more.
I see “Black” but I didn’t see “white” until my brother just looked at my screen and said, “Black, white”.
An anagram is a word formed using the letters of another word
Try turning the page upside down, it will read the opposite word
It seems to be a black and white answer.
If you flip it upside down, they still say black and white. Similar to the title used in the book Angels and Demons.
Left hand side says black
Right hand side says white
I know it’s not an anagram but don’t know what an ambigram is and I didn’t think to google it B4 commenting
Very clever though
love dis lol
this is an ambigram. i always like ambigrams. they’re cool!
awesomeee first one to comment
ambigram, anagram is backwards, like ogopogo, racecar
You can remember the difference by knowing the etymology (birth information) of the two prefixes: ‘ana’ means ‘out of order’ as in anagram->a text that is out of order. ‘ambi’ means ‘more than one/once at once’ as in ambigram->a text that has many (two) views at once.
Hope you’ll find this useful.
Btw, its a lovely ambigram.
it’s an ambigram, (when viewed from two diiferent angles it can still produce a coherent picture). an anagram is when the letters in a word are jumbled up.
That’s am Ambigram..very cool btw! =) I got one on my forearm.
The difference is: An Ambigram reads diffent (or the same) when you turn it around; an anagram can be changed to one or more different words through reordering the letters. =)
An anagram is a word which can make a different word when you mix up the letters. So time is an anagram of mite.
An ambigram is a word that says another word when it’s turned upside down. That picture is an ambigram.
1st . .
nice ! ! !
How is this an illusion? And also how is it an anagram there is no ‘b’ in white there is also no ‘w’ in black … please explain
You flip it vertically and then horizontally and white becomes black and vice-versa. If you flip it upside-down it still stays the same.
ok then first comment
Cool! Look at it up-side down! Awesome one.
It’s an ambigram.
Anagrams are when two words are made out of the same letters but in a different order.
I would say an ambigram as an anagram is rearranging letters and not turning the whole word upside. like it.
This is an ambigram. You can remember because ambi is in ambidextrous, meaning you can use both hands the same. In this case the pictures are the same, so it’s an ambigram.
This kind of illusion is an ambigram. An ambigram can be rotated to make a different word, or even the same word.
An anagram is when you shift the letters around to make a new word/phrase, such as “debit card” can become “bad credit”.
Awesome, thanks, I’d Love to see more words like that.
The image above is an Ambigram. …… From Wikipedia, an ambigram = An ambigram is a typographical design or artform that may be read as one or more words not only in its form as presented, but also from another viewpoint, direction, or orientation. ….
Wikipedias definition od an anagram is = An anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once; e.g., orchestra = carthorse, A decimal point = I’m a dot in place. Someone who creates anagrams is called an anagrammatist.[1] The original word or phrase is known as the subject of the anagram.
If you view them upside down then they are reveresed – black is white and white is black.
OK, let’s see. An ANAGRAM is a word that, when you change the position of the letters, makes a different word, and therefore, has a different meaning. An AMBIGRAM is a word that, when flipped, forms the same word or another. I also works on mirrors, and there are words with different meanings in different languages, which makes this image an AMBIGRAM. Some good examples of ambigrams are: “dollop”, “suns” and “pod” (rotate 180º); “swoop” and “dooms” (rotate 180º). In some fonts, “ambigram” and “chump” also form an ambigram, if rotated 180º.
This is an ambigram, which is a design that has different meaning when seen from different viewpoints.
An anagram would be something new formed by rearranging the letters of a word. For example, an anagram of VURDLAK is DARK LUV.
its not an anagram, thats when letters from word are rearranged to spell a different word,
the W in white looks more like an S to me thou
sp i mean
awesome!! love your website!
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its simple, it is upside down. BTW 1st comment
Ambigram! :)
This is really amazing. At first I only read the Black/White. Then WOW; after seeing a similar illusion from your link.
Now that’s what I call inverted colors :))
What gives with the horrible kodak add on your web page?
Is it an upside down mirror image
I forgot to mention, this AMBIGRAM can also be flipped, so this makes it rotational AND multi-lingual-
I forgot to mention, this ambigram can also be flipped, so this makes it rotational AND multi-lingual. ^.^
These are AMBIGRAMS; that’s when a word or design that can be seen or read from different viewpoints. An ANOGRAM is a word that is rearranged to form a another word.
When you turn your head upside down, black becomes white and white becomes black.
Cool stuff yo.
You can rotate the image 180 degrees and you still see black and white…
Both words are Greek in origin. Anagram is a rearrangement of the letters from ana (again) and gramma (write), so rewrite – change the order of the letters. Ambigram is a writing with multiple meanings where the letters as arranged to be readable differently, from ambi (both) and gramma. So, this is an ambigram since when it is flipped it means something else.
Definitely ambigrams. “Ana+gram” = “back,upon” + “word”. “Ambi+gram” = “both ways” + “word”.
Also remember ambiguous means both ways, and ambidextrous means both hands are equal.
This is an ambigram.
Anagrams are not any kind of illusion – they creating a word or phrase by rearranging letters from another word or phrase.
GADGET and TAGGED are anagrams.
if you turn it up sidown their the opposites.
yay first one!
Well after I a bit a noticed if u turn it upside down, well if u do it you will see.
What? No shades of grey?
hlark phite…yeah that’s a sentence :) I have absolutely no idea.
Flip the image on the right upside down, and it’s a mirror reflection of the image on the left. (I think)
well i dont know what an ambigram is, but thats not an anagram…
I made one of these once, thought i was so original … :(
one way it said ASYLUM (my tag)
the other way was EWD (the crew)
not an easy ambigram 6:3 letters
It’s an AMBIGRAM, meaning “something written both ways”, in this case either way up.
I don’t know about anagrams or ambigrams, but I know the one on the left says Black and the right one says White. A friend once made my name where it read correctly when rotated and made it into an animated .gif graphic. It was pretty neat.
Sweet! :]
Nice Work there.
Anagram are two words having the same letters.
Ambigram is a form of calligraphic manipulation of letters that form different letters and often have different meanings like antonyms,opposites, etc.
By the way I also observed another Optical Illusion in this image. If you look at the top of the image, the age old bent lines illusion seems to take place, giving the image an impression that its curved at the top. Strangely it does not happen at bottm part.
yay! im the first person to comment on this!
I think this one is an ambigram because you have to turn it upside-down to read it, even though the words pictured here are mimicked to be mirrored.
For sure this is an ambigram.
Make a knot on the corner of the white towel in order to remember this. ;-)
By the way, the wizard of ambigrams is this man:
Check out this site where you can make your own ambigrams
BTW, I absolutely HATE that god damn Kodak ad. F*ck ANY ad that hides or pushes around the page content.
That is cool, Each word spells both black and white. It is definately an ambigram. An anagram is rearranging the letters to form a new word, where an ambigram is looking at the same word from a different point of view to form a new word.
Don’t get it
its upside down btw
Don’t know about anagram/ambigram, but it definitely belongs to the awesome section.
They are the same upside down!
I was asking myself where the anagram part was… short answar: There is not. Is just an ambigram.
a piece of beauty indeed .
gram = word (i.e. telegram)
ambi = two (i.e. ambivalence is having two feelings at the same time)
so ambi-gram means two-words.
ana = misplaced/scrambled (i.e. anachronism like an actor in a medieval play wearing a wristwatch)
so ana-gram = scrambled up word
Why is that so hard to remember? Seems pretty obvious to me…
Definitely and ambiagram. They are both the exact same word. I just folded back my laptop and spun it around. Great find on this one.
Whatever it is called technically I’m unsure of but it’s simply just a graphic design that when turned 180% reads either way, which is clever indeed, but the fact that they are both antonyms of each other is even more clever. I could be wrong but then again, no one’s perfect. Anyway, good work, I like this. Keep up the creative work.
Upside down they read the opposite.
its an ambigram. they rose to mainstream popularity in the movie Angels and Demons.
Hello – people seemed to have ignored this one, don’t know why, ambigrams are lovely illusions. They are a set of curves/letters which may read the same or differently depending on which way you look at them. The one you show giver us ‘black’ and ‘white’ depending how you rotate it. Using the same colours to write it adds to its elegance. They can be very difficult and ornate, and were very popular in earlier times to send messages which the sender did not want to be easily read by another person.
An anagram is a set of letters which will spell 2 or more words or phrases using the same latters, it is often used in crosswords. For example the word ‘anagram’ could be re-arranged to give you the phrase ‘nag a ram’, this kind of nonsense phrase is the type often used in crossword or other word puzzles.
sorry, I see it now
Pretty cool stuff. It reminds me of the DVD case for The Princess Bride. Check it out: http://50ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/princess-bride-updown.png
Whatever they are called, they are neat. They also were a key part in the Dan Brown book/movie Angels & Demons
That’s clever…
Ambigram! Anagram is, for example: Old West Action/Clint Eastwood
it’s an ambigram as seen on Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. It’s really one word, byt flipped to become two words.
I’ve seen tattoos like this.
Can u try some example with this word of abigram illussion?kristhina/heidelberg??