Landen Young Gessell uploaded this photo to our fan-page, which was companioned by the following explanation: “A friend of mine found himself tagged in this picture… and couldn’t decipher what was going on! After a few minutes of scrutinizing, I think I understand what happened… Can you?”
If you haven’t noticed anything strange, check out the both dude’s hands! It seems as if they were conjoined twins. Can you guess what happened? I can confirm that there was no morphing nor digital editing performed on the photo below.
What happens???..cant seem to find it…please tell it…
the guy on the right has 2 hands on his own arm.
something behind them?
The guy on the right has two arms
no the guy on the left
The guy on the left’s watch is in the exact right place to cover where you can see the rest of his arm
i figured it out, what it looks to be the conjoined part, is his elbow, the guy on the lefts rest of his arm is tucked under lol
It the girl’s hand over her own head?
the guy on the right with his hand with his hand over and the guy the guy on the left with his hand under
i’m scared i saw a strange picture.. luks lyk a man standing at d back 0f d girl…
the guy on the right has to hands on his arm. :D
The arm belongs to the guy on the right. The guy on the left has his arm behind the girl’s head and only his hand and watch are visiblebut gis watch is at the perfect location to make it seem as if the two guys are sharing the arm.
that doesnt explain why his friend was tagged
@ Billiam, that isn’t what this is about! we are trying to figure why their arms are together. hmmmmm…
why does that guy have another arm coming out of his one arm?
the guy that has the red shirt has two arms !!
It’s quite simple how this works. the guy on the left’s arm if behind the girls head only showing his watch. The guy on the right is then pressing his arm down on the girls head which squishes it down making it appear thicker. Then the picture was taken.
The guy with the red sunnies’ arms are not in sight. The other guy has 2 hands! To prove this, look carefully… how can the arm with the watch be attached to the red sunnies guy?
It’s all in the placement of the eblows. The guy to the left, (red sunnies guy as you called him) has his elbow further down than the guy to the right. The guy to the right has his elbow up higher making it look like the end of his elbow is the forearm to the guy on the left when it’s not.
Maybe it’s easier to imagine the guy to the left has his wrist on the girls head and the guy to the right has his forearm on the girls head.
the dude in the red’s arm is covering the dude in the glasses arm which is positioned lower than the dude in the red’s…WOOORDS!
Well the guys already found it out but it is the girls hair, that really helps creating this illusion aswell. Her hair between the both arms makes it look round where the arms meet. This way you cant see the arms overlapping so does the watch too.
Ah I see it. You cannot see any of the forearm of the guy on our left. The arm that we see belongs entirely to the gentleman on our right.
i get it now but its quite hard to explain it… but the important thing is…. I GOT IT!!! =)))
That is soo coool that the guys are morphed to each other.
no!!! read the text!!! the guy on the right has two hands on his arm. im only eight so i dont really understand anything else :D
The guy on the left has his arm behind the girls head more and thee guy on the right has his arm highrt
At least one arm belongs to the guy who was tagged. The rest of him is not in the picture.
Cover the guys watch on the left with your finger. You will see that the arm of the guy on the right is the back.
hey i see one of the guys has his arm under the other at it looks like they are joined together
and the guy on the left has no arm xd
this illusion happened because of the wristwatch!!
the arm behind the wristwatch is the red guy’s arm, while the glasses guy’s arm was hidden down and made his watch up there.
yes? :D
GOOD EYE “Someone”!!
Clearly, the guy on the left, his watch covered the rest of his arm, and it made the guy on the right look that way.
The guy in red has 2 hands on his right arm and ad for the whole wristwatch theory the guy with the polka dots arm if you start at the the elbow would be behind the girls head and since there was no morphing nor digital editing I would say that both hands belong to guy in red