As I sit here and stare at the blanket of snow outside my windows, I can’t help but think that we need a snow optical illusion. Now, some of you probably don’t have any snow still, and to you I say PBSSST! I know, I know. I have such a way with words sometimes.
Even so, I’ll still share the snow optical illusion with you. See? I’m a nice guy like that!
During a nice day of sledding, it looks like these two decided to have a little fun. The man looks like he’s balancing on the woman’s foot, which would certainly make him teeny tiny! But, in reality, you’ve probably already figured out that this snow illusion is nothing more than a little clever photography.
Once again, it’s all about perspective. The tiny little man is actually normal size, but standing in the background on the hill. This position he’s standing in just makes it look like he’s standing and balancing on the feet of the woman, who happens to be in the foreground.
If you liked this snow illusion, be sure to give it a good rating with the stars below!