What you see in this image below is 1535 wood carving by Erhard Schön. The picture appears to be scribbled black ink, but features the condensed images (from left to right) of Charles V, Ferdinand I Pope Paul III, and Francis I. It can be expanded (about 6:1 horizontally) on a computer and rotated 90° counterclockwise. If you jump inside this article, you can see what the original Erhard Schön picture really hides. There is one more example inside. The other way to look at anamorphic images like these, is to stand just below the painting and look up, then you can see it. Previously I posted some anamorphic photos, that work on a same principle, yet different approach to this phenomena. See: Jules Verne in cylinder mirror, Walt Disney, anamorphic tea cups…
photoshopped beyond belief!!!
it’s not really an illusion, and it’s definitely not the best, but I guess you can’t really say it’s the *worst.*
Considering it was made in 1535, before either photoshop or the modern computer, I highly doubt that it is a photoshop.
whoa duuuuude saweet.
WHOA duuuude, saweet.
I’ve seen these b4
ive seen these before, and i like em
what the heck is that? i could never have seen this with the naked eye
A time machine and photoshop! can’t you see that? come on people!
ok now, that’s creepy. i dont get the first one
I’m not sure if I like it….still pondering how creepy it almost is
isnt it supposed to b photoshopped???and if not i dont think it would be that hardfor a good artist to do
it IS pretty cool… i went to paint and copied the pic b4 i realized they put the word under the pic… heh heh.. anyway u dont have to photoshop it u can just copy paste and then make any picture u want be skinnier, fatter, taller, shorter, or smaller. <:D
if you look at them when your eye level they look like that
its not photoshopped. i used to draw like that all the time. you have to hold the picture horizontal in front of your eyes, and look down the sheet of paper. they are fun to make :)
if u stretch out a rubber band and write something on it then release it it will look like that.
not an illusion at all, just scrunched up drawings
its weird. . .
man soapy smith baby doe illution make’s me headache aahhhh… shit and it hurt my eye’s too…