Remember my previous (and apparently succesfull) post on Anamorphism, called “Cylinder Mirrors”? Well since it received so huge response, I decided to provide you with some more cool examples of anamorphic images shown through Tea Cups! Jump inside this article for more pictures! Amazing and cool stuff to have in your breakfast inventory. He he…
Do you know where I could buy such cups?
dennis i sell the tea coffee ect.range at aura a gift shop at shaol bay
hey denis –
i’ve seen them for sale in art gallery gift shops
wow, cool cups,
cute cups!
i always knew cups had a deeper meaning
is it a real reflection? or is it just suppose to look like one?
im pretty sure the last 3 arent reflections, because it only reflects in the middle and that are white cups…
STUPID! Come on My grandma is more entertaining than these. Show me what you can do.
Somewhere in Champs-Elysees, Paris, where I bought them.
DUDES. (And dudettes) the “white” cups are just mirrored in the middle.
They are reflections, because they also reflect the light from the saucer.
oooh cups!
You can also tell the last 3 cups are reflective because they reflect the handle of the teacup.
i like the one that says “tea” on it because i could really understand what it was. i didnt get what the other ones were supposed to be. these are cool, but what’s the illusion?
I like the first one, too.
It´s simple enough to be fascinating.
Hmm… the cups r not very interestin
\m/ >.< \m/
very nice! i like one.
but its not the cups, because they’re only mirrors, its the saucers that are cool.
i like the first one saying tea most.
heh heh. thats coolo!
nice thats sooo cool
Did anyone see the movie “Anamorph”? Because it is about a bunch of murders that are only solvable by anamorphed pictures.
This is a cool website with lots of stuff.(The best illusions web page).Anamorphic images were the best.I’m nearly finishing checking all the pages.That was a great journey.