Today’s illusion comes from photographer Bela Borsodi, and it’s a pretty awesome one! Take a look at the image below. What do you see?
It looks like an image comprised of four different smaller photos edited together, right? There’s a smaller image in each corner.
But… (You knew there was a “but”!)
This is actually one image that hasn’t been edited at all! Each of the objects in the image was meticulously placed and posed. Photographer Bela Borsodi took this picture for the VLP “Terrain” album cover.
Don’t believe me? Here’s the same image from a different angle…
I can only imagine how long this image took to set up! Each object had to be carefully placed and lined up perfectly with the background behind it. I doubt I would have the patience that Bela Borsodi did to set up this shot! Would you? Take a look at a quick time lapse video to see how it was done…