User called Artem sent me this scanned photo a week ago. To be really honest I wasn’t very impressed with it at the first glance. Artem said: “This is the albie’s logo, a farm, but Albie himself is here. His head is the small shed, his arms are the path to the barn, and body, the hill.” I wasn’t planning to publish it, but somehow I never managed to see the hidden Albie man inside this picture. If it’s really there, it can be one of the best hidden game illusions, but if it isn’t or if Albie is too abstract, this can be pretty bad illusion. I need your help to spot him, like I needed with that hidden baby. I was intrigued by this since I always understood every illusion submission. What the hell happened to me? Good or bad, you tell me!
I do see something could look like a man… But I’m not sure at all, anyway if this is it I think it’s way to abstract to be really good… A good illusion, as hard as it is to find the solution, should be really clear once you get the trick…
I see what could be a face in the purple round thing. but apart from that I think the person who sent it has a good imagination.
here’s the best i could find on Albie being in the logo. his head is the silo. upper body is the hill and arms, as the path, crossed in front of him.
I get it ok I guess.
Artem is wrong. There is nothing there. Yawn.
sorry. i just cant see it. ill comment again if i find it.
i can see it perfectly. in fact i saw him before i read your dicription. it reminds me of a worm man though.
about the hidden baby if you look closely on your right arch in the tree you’ll see one feet it takes the whol picture it looks like it would still be in a momy belly
Meh, its OK I guess, not amazing though
Can’t see anything. maybe it’s me or maybe it’s just not there.
no idea. looks like a fake to me.
1st comment?
I dont see anything
nope, don’t see it either
just a barn on a hill to me
I saw it! the small hose in the middle is his face (the shed is a hat, i think), the hill is only is shoulder (you can’t see the enitre body) and the path is the arm. Nice.
I found him. I think. The hill isn’t his ‘body’, it is more like it is his shoulder. I won’t say any more to keep it kind of fun.
I can’t see it either. It makes my eyes cry.
I think i sort of see it. I think this is a real stretch. It looks like it can be a guy laying down…but if thats the case, what does the “tree” represent???? and the siloh? maybe some other body parts we can’t mention?
I see a face in the little round building, but nothing else. Little help?
I might could see it on some really powerfull drugs… Otherwise, I can’t see it either…
I do not see a person in this one at all. If you follow what Artem said, what would the other buildings be in realtion to the head and arms. I just don’t see it at all.
ya i can see the face but i cant really see the body… its not the best illusion but its ok…
nope…not seeing it….
There is kind of a face on the silo. That’s really the only part I can see.
It’s not great, but if you imagine he’ wearing a hat, a green pancho/jacket and has his arms crossed you can see him.
This and the last illusions are really bad. I’m removing the plugin from my iGoogle. I Think the author should understand the meaning of optical illusion.
I just don’t see it.
there is no shed it is a silo next to the barn that is the face of the man the green on bottom is the shoulders and the path is the arms
well i can’t see it, and i’m usually really good at illusions as well… i’ll take another gander again later… maybe i can come up with something. at first impression though, not terribly impressive. but that baby illusion – loved that one. =)
I dont see anything.. worst illusion ever!
I can’t really make out the rest of his body, but if you rotate it 90 and look at it you’ll see something else …
If his head is the small barn and the path is his arms, the silo definitly looks like a particular part of his body ;)
I can’t see it either.
But then what would that make the silo? hmmmm
I think Artem should have called the “small shed” a “silo;” maybe that would have made Albie easier to spot. It looks like Albie is wearing a hat, which is the roof of the silo, the window on the left side of the silo is his right eye, and the shading on the right side of the silo makes up the rest of his visible facial features. The hill to the left of the silo makes up his right shoulder, and the path from the tree to the barn makes up his right arm.
His head is actually the cylinder next to the barn, the right path to the barn is his arm and the brighter green hill between the tree and cylinder is his shirt.
What he should have said, is that Albie’s head is the purple silo to the left of the purple barn. The top of the silo is a hat. The two windows are his eyes, the shading makes a nose, and then there is a mouth; close-mouthed smiling. The hill the silo rests on create shoulders, and the path in front of the shoulders is Albie’s arms crossed as if resting on the “e” in the Albie’s name.
It’s perhaps not the most astounding illusion, but clear once you see it, so not too bad either. Well hidden within the label.
You should remove this post! Albie is naked, I can even see his privates.
no do not see it, i do not think that it is there.
Albie is the silo. The top is his hat, the square his eye, the bottom line is a smile….that would make the hill…his shoulder!!!!!
I’m voting, “Bad.”
I think they just wanted to get free advertising for Albie’s. I don’t see it.
Don´t worry, its almost an illusion, the kind of thing you see when you are high.
Nope. there’s nothing there.
Probably one of the worst illusions lately :P
I see himm… i think…
My vote: BAD
I can’t see it at all. On the plus side, I’ve gotten a lot of laughs from people walking by my office as I squint and turn my head from side to side trying to see “Albie.”
The small shed does look like a head with a hat on it turned slightly to the right. If it is Albie he is smiling. I guess that could be his arm, the path. That bush could be his other had waving. I think it is easier to see if you only look at the right half of the farm picture.
You can see something that looks a little like a man wearing a bowl on his head, if you use your imagination quite liberally!
Yes, he is lying on his stomach. The head is light pink, with the dark pink hat, his shoulder and upper arm is the light green grass right beside the “shed”, the lower arm and hand is the path leading to the barn door. The hill behind the yellow house is (slightly distorted) the bum. The legs are weird though ’cause they are twisted around as if he is lying on his back. The legs are the grass that runs in front of the house. The trees to the left of the house are the feet.
well… i certainly see his face, but i dont think the path looks very much like his arms at all, or the hill his body. Oh well! someone will probably spot him! is it meant to look especially like him or something?
this is a puzzling one… :S
was i first comment btw?? probably not but oh well.
I think he means the silo (next to the barn, on the right) looks like a head, its roof being a cap and its window an eye. The hill it sits on could be clothed shoulders, and then the path in front would be bare, crossed arms.
Quite a stretch… I think this is one of those accidental illusions.
The FIRST thing I saw was the man! For me it became an illusion when I realised he could also be a barn and hill!
Yes, Albie is there. His head is the purple and pink silo with a window for an eye and horizontal lines for nose and mouth. The purple roof forms a hat or hair. His right shoulder is the green hill between the silo and the tree. His left elbow is at the barn door and the right elbow is at the dot of the ‘i’ in Albie’s. His arms are folded in toward the front as if laying on his stomach. Hope this helps.
The top of the shed is a hat, with the ‘window’ the eye. The hill is ‘shoulders’, with the arm/road to the barn. Ignore the tree and house, it tends to throw the illusion off.
Hmm, I don’t see it either, but i’ll keep looking…
I can make out the head, but as for the arms and body… I’ve got nothing.
You aren’t losing your touch… It just isnt a good illusion. His head is the small building next to the barn done in a cartoonish way. Its a stretch to say that there is more to it than that.
Oh, wait I think i see it! Look at it at an angle, and ignore the tower and tree! It makes a vague shape of a person.
Albie’s Farm Logo Illusion–found it!!! Don’t make it difficult.
Now I Think I’ve seen it…The top of the shed is Albie’s hair while the shadows are his nose and smile…the little window represent his eyewhile the path look like is crossed arm, you can even see a hand in the larger portion of the path…Am i the first to see it?
Wait a minute, don’t you also see the moon? And the stars, over the tree? Don’t you see my grandma, waving good bye, and my grandpa sleeping in the barn (¡hi everybody!), and… what the…? I can even see Wally!!!
nope, don’t see it.
think he’s screwing with you
As far as I’m concered, Albie doesn’t exist…
To be honest i can c the man but its a horrible my opinion it was a mistake that some guy looked at ina certain way and decided its a man
If he is refering to what I can spot then it is WAY too abstract and a bad illusion…
You can sort of imagine that the roof of the shed is some kind of hat, the window his eye, the hill his shoulders and the orange path his arm, and with A LOT of imagination you could see him kinda smiling…
I think I see it.
he is laying on his stomach with one arm touching the door to the barn (path) and one arm wrapped around it (hill and white fence). To take it further, I see his legs lying on either side of the yellow house. He might “cut the cheese” because there is a mushroom cloud coming from his butt LOL
yay i think i can c him now! well…
as u no, the pink bit of the shed is his face, and the black lines and dot gradually form into his mouth, nose, and eyes (well, its only one half of his face so its actually only one eye), and the deeper pink of the roof of the shed is his hat. the path running to the barn is his folded arms, and he’s lying down on his belly, looking to the left of the camera, so the lighter green of the hill on the right hand side of him is his shoulders and t-shirt. the tree isnt anything to do with it, but the deeper green of the hill to the left of the tree is his trousers/legs.
so there u go!!!! im happy i spotted him! :]]]does that help u tell where he is Vurdlak??
oh and wen i pointed out the arms bit, it’s his right arm that u see, and the hand on it is the bit of path that is at the entrance to the barn.
I dont see anything hidden
If shed is head and the path is arm, what is that tree in the middle :D
I think i’ve found Albie.
I sorta see it, but it’s a tad too abstract.
The man (Albie) is laying down. His head is up by the white fence, left arm is the pathway from the house to the barn, and his little feet are to the left of teh yellow house. It’s not a great illusion but it is an illusion.
yup, hes lying down on his stomach
and has his arm(road) in front across.
the hill is his shoulders lol
i think i see it. if he’s supposed to be laying on his back, then the silo would be in the middle of his chest. the tree would be his male identifier and the yellow house would be his feet. Is this right? If so, terrible, you have to have some serious imigination or chemicals to see this as a good illusion. Sorry, Artem.
i don’t get it either!
I don’t see it… just looks like what it is to me.
I seen his head!
i noticed it right away, and its not really an illusion, its just looks like the shed could be a face.
Well I think this illusion is stretching it a bit but I see it. look at it as if he is reaching into the barn with his right hand. the hill is his shoulder and the head has an eye and a prominent dark curved line that looks like a smile.
not the best but yay first comment :)
i see it the round shed is his head his head look at the shadowing to see his face. Nice find
Albie is wearing a hat. It is the top of the small shed. The window is his right eye. And he’s holding up the barn. Once you see,k you can’t lose it.
i can’t see it either O.o
this is extremely easy to see. maybe you’re trying to hard
Haha. Maybe i’m just a pervert, but i think this guy tricked you into looking down and seeing that tower as a penis.
I don’t see anything… Although I don’t know who Albie is, I’ve never heard of Albie’s (I’m from the UK, maybe it’s not something we have here). If I don’t know what I’m looking for and it’s not obvious (like the previous baby illusion, I was looking for a baby and found it..), I’m not going to see it…
I see a cartoonish man, with a pink head and purple hat; it looks like he’s ‘patting’ the barn, wearing a green shirt (the ‘body’ is approx a shoulder).
Don’t know whether it’s a manipulation of an original logo (I tried to Google it but couldn’t find anything), but I can see it.
He is wearing a green shirt and a red baseball cap or something. You see him facing slightly away from you. The window of the silo is his right eye. It is definitely there, though a little bit like a comic strip character drawn by a kid. Cute
i see it. the path arms are crossed. first
I can see it, but it’s not the greatest of illusions. In fact I’m willing to bet that I only see it based on the suggestion to look for it.
It’s like when you point out a cloud in the sky and tell your friend that it’s a dolphin. When they’re looking for a dolphin, they’ll see one. No matter how abstract it is.
I don’t think this is an illusion…
Mario Verkerk
not a pretty illusion, i think hes laying down, peeking into the barn, there is no shed, his head is the grain silo
it looks like there is a pink spot on the silo when you click on the image to zoom in idont know if this is it but i can make out a figure
sweet, first comment, but im sorry, i cant see it either
It COULD be a man, but I can also look at my mobile phone and say its a farmer. This is random.
i can see that. he’s lying down sideways
saweet. 1st comment.
well, i don’t see it. anyone else?
p.s. i’m the 7,100,083th visitor of this site. you can find the number at the bottom of the page.
I see him! the tree is the head and neck.
I don’t see it either, I even saved the photo and drew on it . . . theres nothing there.
First comment. ^^’
It appears to me that he’s in the circle, with the head as the building right where the arrow is pointing.
Click here to see what I mean.
Okay… if you look at the silo thing (the center building) you’ll see a face looking a little to the right. Its body is the green hill, and the path beneath it are its arms, crossed. It’s dumb, but I see it.
I can see what the User means, but I reckon that the logo wasn’t purposefully made to include an illusion. I think you can see a face and body if you really want them to be there, but the picture isn’t that good that I would call it an ilusion.
there is the yellow house, then a tree, then that purple mushroom-like thing next to the purple house is his head. then, it is easier to see the rest.
I think you’vw been had it looks rude to me!
Cool, i really dont think i see it tho… lol
(cool i think i got 1st comment)
I can see his torso being the hill but i’m not too sure how to picture the head. I think he is lying on his side.
First, you need to identify the small shed. That’s the silo building above the e and apostrophe in the name Albie’s.
The reddish/purplish dome is Albie’s hair. The dark blob immediately below the dome is Albie’s right eye.
Count down from the dome the shading lines: there are three relatively short lines, then a rather strong line (the fourth shading line) that sweeps from the viewer’s right to below the middle of Albie’s “eye”: that would be his mouth.
There is another very weak line, and then a strong line: that’s his chin.
My sense: the green hill to (viewer’s left/”Albie’s head’s” right–above the i and e in Albie’s) serves as Albie’s right shoulder.
Nothing happened to you.
This illusion just sucks.
I see it, it’s a funny face, but it’s there
That was the first thing i noticed when i looked at this picture. Right beside the barn theres the cylinder which is his head. You can see the eyes and mouth on it.
The little pink thing next to the hut on the right is his face… maybe you can get it from that?
He was the first thing I noticed when I looked at it… before I even read what it was about.
It seems that he’s lying down with one arm pointing to the barn.He has a purple cap and a green shirt.
I can see albie, the cylinder thing is his head the window in it his right eye, the hill between the tree and the barn is his right shoulder his arm is the path into the barn as if his fingers here in the doorway
It seems that he’s lying down and spreading his arm towards the barn. He has a purple hat and a green shirt.
That is so easy to see! YAY first comment….maybe
i sort of see it i think he’s on his knees
Hey, nope don’t see it guessyou have to have a better imagination then i do
i would hav commnted about an hour or to ago but the school blocked stupid school
ooo i see him! took me a couple of minutes but still hes there, the hill is, is shoulders and the path is like hes crossed his arms or somthing, great illusion :P
I can see Albie
I don’t see it. Someone pulled ur leg bigtime. U shoulda gone with ur gut and not published it.
ya pretty abstract, i cant even see the guy. i can see why u never published it b4
You got tricked bud…
I see it, I think. he looks like he’s lying down or sleeping.
I’m with you, can’t see a thing.
I can see a face and hat in the cilindical shed, which could have a body attached…
this is terrible! i cant see albie, and i think that if u cant see him, then how the hell is anyone else meant to see him?!?
I dont think its that convincing either, dont worry
he is lying on his belly. the path is his right arm, and the hill is his right shoulder. I don’t think it was intentional.
Only the eyes of Chuck Norris can see him.
sorry, I’m not seeing it either….anyone??
Cant see it at all…
First post!!!
I dont see it
i think its too abstract
whoot 1st coment
I don’t see it
i can see it… but it’s quite a stretch. id say no good.
haha, i see him… but it doesnt look like he was drawn in there on purpose, more like just an accidental face shape in/on the shed.
Tell this Artem fellow to lay off the crack.
I see a silo head, hill shoulder, and path arm. Never met Albie but unless he looks a lot like that!!, I’d say it’s weak and you can take comfort that you’re not not seeing things.
..This is the worst “illusion” I’ve ever seen.
It took me a minute or two but I see it now. He’s facing us, the hill is his right shoulder, and the path is the right arm that crosses his chest. The dark part of the little shed is a hat, or hair, the windows are his eyes.
I think I see him leaning up against the right barn of the left side by the door with his arms crossed. but it’s out of propotion because he’s almost as tall as the barn.
:( I don’t see it.
I can see the head but thats it
It is a pretty abstract illusion, but I do see the Albie Man, it’s not his whole body though, just the top half, his head is the littlest shed and he’s kinda leaning on the Albie Logo with his arm crossed.
I think I see a person, but I don’t know if that’s what it’s referring to. The silo is the head – the windows are the eyes, the top is a cap. The shadowing is the nose. Then, the hill is the shoulders, and the path in front of the silo is the arm, the part right outside of the barn being the hand.
It doesn’t fit the description exactly, but it’s the only one I can see.
I don’t see it either – unless I close my eyes.
At first glance I see the grain shed can look like a head. The window is an eye and the bottom line makes up his mouth. The rest remains a mystery to me.
mmm… its kinda hard to see, but if you stare at it for a while, you’ll get it XD
I can’t see any Albie… Then, I don’t really know who is it that we’re talking abot, but no, I see no man in there!
(And I could go and say “first post” but I think there will be a lot of other people sating the same thing, so I won’t!)
Be well and thanks for you website =)
I can kind of see it but it’s not very good. :\
the hill is his shoulder, it’s like he is laying down with his arms in front of him
I’m pretty sure that this is just a joke suggesting that if you turn this image clockwise the pink silo represents a certain part of Albie’s anatomy…
I can see him, the green of the hill beside the small shed looks like a shirt bunched up. The illusion isn’t that great. The hidden baby is a fetus.
I think I see it, but is that pink tower supposed to be… suggestive? And if so, then what’s the tree?
Ok, I kinda see it. The small tower/silo looking thing is the head with the face. The shoulders are the hill down to the tree and to the barn. His arm looks propped up, the elbow would be at the tree with his hand going into the barn.
first i was like what then umm then i was like ohhhhh i get it!!!!!!!!! ;-)
i see it. the small shed to the left of the barn is his head, with the window to the left one eye. it’s like he’s lying on his stomach with arms folded under his chin.
i can only see his face in the tall and thin barn. After that, i tried to find his arms and got lost
nonono, not a good illusion at all
Too easy..
I saw something like a body lying down, but not very good if it was intentional. Do you know if it was?
HEY!! I can’t beileve none of you guys are seeing it, the small shed is his head with this face, the path to the barn is his arm crossed, omg i thought it was laying down too but it’s not. The hill is his shoulder, it’s actually pretty cool!
I reckon the silo looks like an erect cartoon penis, possibly with a bit of gangrene. I wonder if our Albie knows that he resembles a willy?
look this is the picture for the head of the guy:
Nope did’nt get this one at all……
Its totally there. Not exactly an illusion though. It’s harder to see it as a shed and hill to be honest, i really just thought it was a man the second I saw it.
Oh I get it.
It’s where his arms are crossed.
Yeah, his head is the silo.
It seems like it could’ve been an accident though.
I think a better way to describe would be to say that the hill is like his SHOULDER..not his BODY…after baby 5 minutes I FINALLY saw it…more of a confusion than an illusion tho…
i’m not a expert but maybe we should ask the gu who sent this to tell us how
coop, no, u did not get 1st comment u got 112th.
ryan, no, u did not get 1st comment u got 124th.
and the same goes 2 all u guys that sed u were 1st but actually sumfin like 100th (including me, coz i was 51st and 52nd).
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
oh i can see it now!!!!! the window in the silo is his eye, the bottom black slash on the silo is his mouth and the path makes his arms look crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i can definitely see it.
the pink round thing has his face in it
the hill right next to it is his shoulder
the path that goes in front of it to the big barn on the right is his arm, it’s sort of crossed in front of it
haha i see it too… the pink silo IS albie’s head. he is wearing a bowl for a hat. and the path right below the silo are his “arms” crossed. bit of a stretch but still there.
his head is the purple and pink round thing…check
the hill is his sholder….check
his eye is the window…check
and his arms are folded in frount of him which are the yellow path…check
Got it??
really clever great illusion
it looks like a 2-headed baby 2 me…
Oh, I see it. It’s like a man lying in the sun, with the arms stretched out on the side. The windows are the eyes.The small road is the arm.
Good illusion, but It doesn’t really look too easy.
FINALLY SAW IT! The silo is the head, the window(s) are/is the eye(s) and the hill is his shirt while the arm is the path. AWSOME!
I see it in the picture from
9:05 AM
its as is he’s lying down facing us. the path is his arm going in front of him.
Does this help anyone?
He’s leaning on the word “Albie’s.” You can only see his arm, shoulders, and head.
OOOOH i see it! he’s lying down! jeez that took me forever….
yeah, if you look at the hill in between the shed and the tree, its his shoulder. =]
I can’t believe NOONE can see him!?!?
GEEZ,the back part of the right barn roof is his nose!The hill is his BODY!The path IS his arm,and the other part is one half of his leg!The other half is the peek,and the bush is his foot!
Was that too hard to spot!?!??!?!
The only way i can see it is if the whole farm is him, it looks like just an outline of a body laying down…. the very left of the picture where the little tree is would be his feet
Take some cocain then you can see it thats what i did
it looks like a woman holding a babeh..yeah….still radd thou
I dont seez anything it iz borin!
wat the…
this doesnt make any sense!
OMG you are all blind if u cant see this .. look slightly right of the tree. look at the closest silo . the roof is the little guys hat . then his hills kind of look like the arms . look at it closer. you`ll see it more clearly .. from falcon..
It’s not a guy, is virgin Mary!!! lol, I´m mexican, sorry.
The arms are crossed. The head doesn’t really look like a head, it looks like a cartoon, but the hills are the shoulders. It’s the little pinkish silo thing between the tree and the barn
i saw it the second i looked at the picture the barn that looks like a mushroom is the head the windows make the eyes and the shadow make the mouth the rest should be obvious
But your post is wrong. Albie’s head is the SILO, not the small shed!
^^ It’s a pretty abstract human but it’s there!
I SEEE ITT!!…that’s pretty neat it took me a while to see it, it was driving me crazy, the solo is his head and you can see the eyes and the mouth, the roof on the solo is his had or head, and the little hill by the tree is his shoulders and the path starting from the tree to the barn is his arm
i see it it got me pissed off when i cud not see it xD
Omg I have it, too ^^
But it was reaaaly difficult to find it…
And this PINK SILO/TOWER isn’t a certain part of Albie’s anatomy !!!! XD
Its his head ^^
Big LOL^^
i can see it! the tree would be in his ass xD
i thought i saw a face in the silo, but it looks bleagh…in other words, stupid
I saw the face in the silo right off the bat.. in fact, it wasn’t till I read how you described it, that I actually saw it as a silo..
it’s really stupid… i’d rather stare at sky looking for a liver shaped cloud…
turn your head and hes a man.
I saw it, after reading the sentence “This is the albie’s logo, a farm, but Albie himself is here.”
I looked at it and saw it. Then was confirmed by the following sentences. Cool
and look at the silo.
Gooooot it!
OMG!! i see him
that was a stupid one try again
i think isee him
yeah, the silo is his head, the hill it rests on is his shoulders+chest, and his arm is crossed over his chest.
if by “small shed” they mean silo, then i see ‘im.
Hi I used to be anonymous. It sorta helped me when I turned my head up side down. And btw, wats a silo?
Albie is indeed in the picture. But that doesn’t mean his the picture. Look at the silo and you will see Albie standing there.
he is there, the yellow shed is the head, the small hill is the body and the road leading to the barn is the arms
i get it
if you dont i can’t edit. its hard
I found his penis.
it’s actually pretty easy!
got it.=))
I see him but not very well so over all this is crap! ;)
I see it! Tube shaped head and round red Hat or hair Green shoulders but what was said to be an arm looks like a orange band on his green shirt crossing his chest. It’s not wonderful or impressive but it is there.
Your comments are soooo misleading. It’s not the silo, The whole farm is Albie. He’s lying down and his head is the Yellow shed
first time i saw this, i was going to skip it. and then i read what it said….. i see it too…..
( just a friendly observstion)
If that was Albies head then he would be able fit in his yellow house
Albie is actually on the left side of the barn he is standing up, look really close and you can even see a dent in the barn. He blends into the barn, sky and grass
There’s no illusion. If it does resemble someone lying down its by accident.
he’s right by the barn on the left side you can see his big nose.
Oh my god it’s called a silo people
I can see it.
Hehe cut the cheese