Before you start complaining, let me just say this first – This isn’t an optical illusion! Hah, 1st comment! My aunt sent me this photo, and I found it quite interesting. Assignment she gave me was to recognize more than 100 famous people through history inside it. Email I received stated that if you recognize more than 25, you can consider yourself well educated and cultural person. I have recognized around 30 of them, but never considered my self much of an expert in general culture field. Unfortunately, the artist forgot to include my portrait in his artwork, but maybe some of you are famous enough to take part in it. Who knows! Let’s try to recognize them all together! Please no more than 5 answers per post. I’ll start with some dictators: Stalin, Lenin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Saddam… be sure to open the picture in new window, to see it in full size. More similar “games” can be found here. Good luck!
P.S. Alessandro added numbers so you can connect the celebrity with according person…
I found-
Albert Einstein
Abraham Lincoln
Audrey Hepburn (maybe)
Shirley Temple (also maybe)
Various other people who resemble famous figures (and one of them looks like Kramer from Seinfeld!!)
It looks like a lot of them are photos, too.
i’ll take a circle.
Eli Whitey is licking some dues ear.
Elvis is chilling next to Shakespear while
Harris Ford smokes a doobie he
got from Caesar Chavez (Elvis’s elbo)
i don’t feel like knowing Mike Tyson is culture :)
and’s where’s all the females. if mike tyson is here, then So should Pam Anderson, or Oprah
i found Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstien, Hitler, Shirley Temple, Marilyn Monroe, and many more! It’s kinda easy if you know your history. Some are quite famous.
Ok i totally found alexander ghram (grahm?) bell
How about:
Marlon Brando
Bill Clinton
Prince Charles
Charlie Chaplin
Lemmesee… John Lennon, Prince Charles, Salvador Dali, Arafat, Osama Bin Laden, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Wilt Chamberlain, Vincent Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Mao Tse Tung, Abe Lincoln, Josef Stalin, Shakespeare, Mozart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Genghis Khan, Leonardo DaVinci, Alexander Graham Bell, Chris Columbus, Lenin, Galileo, Pele, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Mark Twain, The Dalai Lama, Queen Elizabeth II, Sigmund Freud, Beethoven, Yasser Arafat, Charlie Chaplin, Muhammad Ali, Shirley Temple, Elvis Presley, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini, Putin, Bruce Lee, FDR, Charles DeGaulle…
Oops… just saw the bit about five per post. Sorry.
what happened to 5 answers per post/person???
There’s also famous inventions (if you want to call them that) like the Pyramids, Stone Henge, The Forbiden city, and the wheel :P
Princess Leia (from star wars- on the left in the middle)
and Gangues Khan (i think)
Julius Ceasar, Mozes or Abraham or Noah…
You’re calling Lenin a dictator?
I think someone should brush up on their Bolshevik Revolution history.
how come no body spotted OSAMA. he is hiding in the back. ithink he is about to leave the party. Probably the US army coming
ok i saw abe linkon, michael jordan, moses from the bible, and albert einstein
Very cool! Many I knew right away, and a few are still stumping me. Maybe since a lot of your optical illusions aren’t “illusions” in the traditional sense, but just cool and interesting images, the name of the site should be something different :P
I see a lot of complaints on these message boards of “this one isn’t very hard,” but who said illusions should be hard?
who painted this?
I would love to buy a print
okay i found
moses(i think)
queen elizbeth II
julius ceaser and many more
and i have a question. how old is this painting cause i swear one of the guys looks exactcly like william hung from the first american idol
Albert Einstein
Prince Charles
Dante Alighieri
Che Guevara
Wilt Chamberlaine
Margaret Thatcher
Marlon Brando….
At the very top right corner the man in the red, infront of the shrubbery is Dante Alighieri. Author of the Divine comedy.
On the religious front, it could be Aaron, Moses, Obadiah, George, Ringo, Paul, Jesus, Satan,…anyone with a beard!?Jahweh?
Theres also Luciano Pavorrati, George W Bush (looking through a telescope :P), Pablo Picasso, Noah or Moses, the chinese hurdler (i think), and Julius Caesar.
No one mentioned Dante Alighieri!!! …top right
I would think that John F. Kennedy or Richard M. Nixon would make better choices that Mike Tyson! Honestly, 100 years from now these deceased Presidents will be taught in history lessons. Tyson will be lucky just to have his name mentioned in some obscure sports bar. On the positive side the artist did a wonderful job of painting.
we were requested by vurdluk not to mention more than 5 names
so here goes my list
There IS an optical illusion… it is in the red tablecloth. If you turn the picture by about 60 degrees CW a face will appear. Otherwise, if you close your eyes… ever thing goes black. Kewl!
lets see i found brangelina,spiderman,superman,frodo, and yo momma(i never get these illusion things)
an there ist also Charles Darwin, Micheal Jordan, Willy Brandt …
Look! Some important things/structures in history too!, Like The STONEHENGE>>>
Clinton, Newton, Pele, Moises, Einstein, Elvis, Mozart, Beethoven, Gandhi, Napoleon, La Madre TeresaDe Calcuta, Franklin, Michael Jordan, La Reina Isabel, El Che, Colon, Hitler, Shakespeare, Da Vinci, Mozart, Dalai Lama, Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Un Tirano Chino, Bochelli, Osama Vin Laden, Bush, Fidel Castro, Chaplin, Cortés, Van Gogh, Tito Puente, John Lenon, Noe.
Are all than I can recognize.
Et In Arcadia Ego
with out takes a deeper look into it i got about 35 its surprising how many of them are from the UK
Four italians:
Benito Mussolini
Dante Alighieri
Leonardo DaVinci
Luciano Pavarotti
hitler, harrison ford (as indy), shakespeare, attila the hun, napoleon, che guvara (not sure i spelt that right), lincoln, mao zedong, einstein, george bush, elvis presley, prince charles and a queen of england (no sure which one)
i recognise a couple of other faces but cant put names to them
the pyramids and stonehenge are in the background
Fantastic painting. Who painted it?
Mahatma Gandhi can be seen as well.
@ Mark Maranta;
You’re a lousy spoilsport and showoff!! Vurdlak asked to name no more than 5. I bet you got the names somewhere from the internet too.
i’m not sure but i think i see
albert einstein?
napoleon?(but it can also be someone else lol)
i’ve never been great with history (and the persons)
Mahatma Gandhi
Charlie Chaplin
Saddam Hussain
Bruce Lee
Napoleon, on the horse
There are a fair few Greek and roman thinkers eg Aristotle
mike tieson, hitler, moses, harry hodini, indiana jones, albert enstin, main dude from GREASE, marilin monroe, lincon, jacky chan, inspecter clusso, bruce lee, Arney , george bush, leader of the huns forgot his name though, main guy from The Godfather, gandi, prince of whales, michel jordan, Ceasar, shirley temple, narrater from March of the peinguins,
22 not 25……but not bad for a 14 year old!
Michael Jordan, Mahatma Gandhi, Charles Darwin, Bruce Lee, Sigmund Freud
i found-
mozart(i think by the piano)
George bush(with a telescope)
By the way your site is ace
I found
Michael Jordan
Bruce Lee
Mike Tyson
Genghis Khan
I found Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Lenin, Arafat, Napoleon, Mao Tse tung, Abe Lincoln, Karl marx, Chaplin, Stalin, Hitler, Einstein, Beethoven, Elvis, Dante, Modigliani, Ho chi Ming, Pele, Peron and Eva and Queen Elizabeth
I am 13 and I found 22! Yay!
Albert Enstein
The emperor of the Xing dynasty (he built the great wall of china)
Queen Elizabeth the 1 or 2
Michael Jordan
Ghandi, Nicholi Tesla, Moses, Ulysses S. Grant,The Godfather, Alexander Graham Bell
How about…
Rodney Dangerfield
Michael Jordan
Morgan Freeman
Jackie Chan
George W. Bush
Albert Einstein
Audrey Hepburn (?)
Shirley Temple
Abraham Lincoln
Marilyn Monroe
Charlie Charplin
Dalai Lama
Michael Jordan
In addition to the previous ones, I found Salvador Dali, George Bush, Beethoven, Mendela, M Jordan, Karl Marx, Nietsche ? Pavaroti, Che Guevara, Saddam Hussein
I found Pelé no Maradona!!!!!! : )
Albert Einstein
Che guevara
Fidel Castro
Yasser Arafat
Charlie Chaplin
Muhammad Ali
Mahatma Gandhi
Cool picture! I found around 10 people
I think I see Dante Alighieri in the top right corner. He’s in profile, in red, with a laurel wreath on and a book in his hand.
Oh wow. This is so cool. I think I’m going to print this out, enlarge it, and some of my tutor kids involved, if you don’t mind.
So let’s see…
-Margaret Thatcher
-Yasser Arafat
-Mahatma Gandhi
-Homer? (Not Simpson. Homer of the Iliad)
-I think Niccolo Machiavelli
And oh my god, is that MOSES on the right?! LOL!
arafat,bin laden,saddam,verdi,dante,gandhi,michael jordan,audry heburn,gengis khan,
One of these days, I’m gonna be on that picture.
I found 36 of’em!
30 is PElE
By the way, does anyone know who the artist is? I’ve tried looking for more information on this on the net, but there’s not a single hide nor hair of this anywhere.
Awesome pic.
W/o looking at the 2nd pic I found :
Chairman Mao
Elvis Presley
Michael Jordan
John Lennon
Bill Clinton
Queen Elizabeth
Charles de Gaulle
Caesar Chvez
This important guy from Mexico next to Napoleon (I can’t remember his name but I know him)
Stallen(soviet union)
I could probably list more but I gotta go.
and Charlie Chaplin
Does anyone recognize #7 and #23?
I’ve been puzzling over them for hours. I’ve seen them many times but just can’t put a name to their faces…
george bush jr.
bill clinton
marilyn monroe
abraham lincoln
saddam hussein
bruce lee?
shirley temple
karl marx
aberaham lincoln
george w bush
eisenhower {in the dark enjoying a cup of tea}
albert einstien
charlie chaplin
prince charles
Why dont you use the numbers from the second picture?… Like this:
13 – Bonaparte
96 – Einstein
I found some people but there are some I don’t recognise.
e.g. the little girl in the front (nr 95.)
nr. 32 looks like Raistlin from Dragon Lance ^^
I think that is William Hung! :)
I knew more then I thought I would.
to me it looks like bin laden is leaving with the kkk…which was a important thing in history..on the tv screen its the atomic bomb drop.mother theresa[possibly].but i absolutely love this!
Is it just me, or is Osama Bin Laden hidden in the background with those statues in the upper right of the picture??? I swear thats him. Anyways I have seen about 35 or so people I recognized.
Unless I am blind (which may be possible) I am surprised to not see Walt Disney in this painting seeing how influential he was on modern film making, animation and theme parks and marketing in general.
If he is there, please tell me what number :)
I can not believe 50 people did not mention famous writer Lev Tolstoy and scientist Lomonosov… Sad.
Also, somebody looks like George Bush…
i found:
Charlie Chaplin
jakie Chan
Albert Einstein
Michal Jordan
Aberham lincon
Queen (elizabeth i think)
This is So cool, i luv it!
i am an history teachr (hate inglish) i found 70
What about WALDO!
I found Waldo.
This is one cool picture.
Does anyone know where i could buy this like in a poster size, any help would be great. ive been looking around online for about a 1/2 hour
the answers?
omfg i found bruce leee
Here you can find the same picture in a higher resolution:
I think you forgot to count Osama Bin Laden, who is just above number 21….
I’ve found those 44:
De Gaulle, Da Vinci, Madre Teresa,
Churchill, Genghis Kahn, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Bruce Lee,
Queen Elizabeth, Pavarotti,
George W Bush, Yasser Arafat,
Leon Trotski[?], Marilyn Monroe,
Fidel Castro, Che Guevara,
Napoleao Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln, Pablo Picasso, Stalin,
Lenin, Pele, Saddam Hussein,
Charles Chaplin, MArgareth Tatcher,
Mike Tyson, Albert Einstein,
Elvis Presley, Bill Gates[?],
Principe Charles, Salvador Dali,
Mao Tse Tung, Gandhi, Humphrey Bogart[?], Michael Jordan, Karl MArx, John Lennon, Shirley Temple
Hitler, Harriison Ford – Indiana Jones, Sharon Stone or is it Princess Diana[?], Bill Clinton[?], Nelson Mandela, Sigmund Freud,
I just found OSAMA BIN LANDEN!!!!! I can’t belive it was not found by anyone else!!! It’s not even numbered in the picture where everybody is numbered. Can anyone else find him?
Here is a hint… Egipt.
It lacks Maradona!!!
They’re missin Brock Obalma
Blli Gates and Bill Clinton are in the right corner.
He encontrado ha bote pronto a: e
Enstien, Hitler, Charles Chaplin, Pelé, Ghandi, Mat Tse Tung, Gengis Khan, Bruce Lee, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Gadafi, Lenin, Clinton, Bin Laden, A, Lincoln
Could those posting answers use the numbers so that not-so-smart persons like myself know who the answer is referring to…THANKS
not really an illusion but i like it :)
25 btw
matthew fox
keifer Sutherland
brad pitt
angelina jolie
riyaad jondah
Can you post the list that goes with the numbers? Having a debate on a few of them need to prove I am right.
This is bugging me likke crazy. Whose number 32?
And yeah, #7 too. Could be Columbus though, 7.
I found:
Napoleon Bonaparte
Bruce lee
albert einstein
leonardo davinci
shirley temple
kubla kahn
michael jordan
marie antoinette
william shakespear
sherlok holmes
marylin monroe
mark twain
theodor roosevelt
abraham lincoln
sadam hussein
george washington carver
bill clinton
george w.
winston churchill
mike tyson
karl marx
osama binladin
marlin brando
fidel castro
jaser arafat
mother theresa
Vladimir Putin
charlie chaplin
Yea :)
1 Bill Gates – 2 Socrate – 3 – 4 Lenin – 5 – 6 Bill Clinton – 7 – 8 Margaret Thatcher – 9 Bruce Lee – 10 Winston Churchill – 11 – 12 Gengis Khan – 13 Napoleone Bonaparte – 14 Che Guevare (Ernesto) – 15 Fidel Castro – 16 Marlon Brando – 17 Arafat – 18 – 19 – 20 Luciano Pavarotti – 21 George W. Bush – 22 Carl of England – 23 John Lennon – 24 Nenson Mandela – 25 – 26 Michail Gorbaciov – 27 – 28 Dante Alighieri – 29 – 30 – 31 – 32 Alessandro Magno – 33 Charles De Gaulle – 34 Vincent Van Gogh – 35 – 36 – 37 Elvis Presley – 38 – 39 William Shakespeare – 40 Volfang Amadeus Mozart – 41 – 42 Giorgio De Chirico – 43 – 44 – 45 – 46 – 47 Marilin Monroe – 48 Salvador Dalì – 49 – 50 – 51 – 52 – 53 Madre Teresa di Calcutta – 54 – 55 – 56 – 57 – 58 – 59 Audray Epburn – 60 Ludwig Van Beethoven – 61 Adolf Hitler – 62 Benito Mussolini – 63 Sadam Hussein – 64 Guglielmo II di Prussia – 65 – 66 – 67 – 68 – 69 Joseph Stalin – 70 – 71 Charles Marx – 72 Molotov – 73 Abramo Lincoln – 74 Mao Tse Tung – 75 Charlie Chaplin – 76 – 77 – 78 – 79 – 80 – 81 – 82 Margaret of England – 83 – 84 – 85 – 86 – 87 – 88 – 89 – 90 – 91 – 92 Cassius Clay – 93 Vladimir Putin – 94 – 95 Shirley Temple – 96 Albert Einstein – 97 Mosè – 98 – 99 Ghandi – 100 – 101 Toulouse Lautrec
Anyone else find John Wayne? Most of the others I found were mentioned.
Vurdlak-glad you’re back! I can only see Einstein and Noah, I need to see this even larger, or I’m just not that cultural!
# 31 is Guan Yu. Just google the name.
let’s see i found
William Shakesphere
Albert Eistein
Charlie Chapman
Adolf Hitler
Thanks SuperSando for posting your answers with numbers…why can’t others do the same???
1 William ‘Bill’ Gates 21 George W. Bush 41 61 Adolf Hitler 81
2 Socrates 22 Prince Charles 42 Giorgio De Chirico ??? 62 Benito Mussolini 82 Queen Elizabeth II ???
3 23 Liu Xiang 43 63 Sadam Hussein 83 Galileo
4 Lenin 24 Nelson Mandela 44 64 84
5 25 45 65 85
6 Bill Clinton 26 Michail Gorbaciov 46 66 86
7 27 47 Marilin Monroe 67 87
8 Margaret Thatcher 28 Dante Alighieri 48 68 88 Michael Jordan
9 Bruce Lee 29 49 69 Josef Stalin 89
10 Winston Churchill 30 Pelé 50 70 90
11 31 Guan Yu 51 71 Karl Marx 91
12 Gengis Khan 32 Alessandro Magno??? 52 72 Molotov Stalin 92 Mike tyson
13 Napoleone Bonaparte 33 Charles De Gaulle 53 Madre Teresa di Calcutta 73 Abraham Lincoln 93 Vladimir Putin
14 Ernesto Che Guevera 34 Vincent Van Gogh??? 54 74 Mao Tse Tung 94
15 Fidel Castro 35 55 75 Charlie Chaplin 95 Shirley Temple
16 Marlon Brando 36 56 76 96 Albert Einstein
17 Arafat 37 Elvis Presley 57 77 97 Mosé
18 38 58 78 98
19 39 Williams Shakespeare 59 Audrey Hepbrun ??? 79 99 Ghandi
20 Luciano Pavarati 40 Volfgang Amadeus Mozart 60 Ludwig Van Beethoven 80 100 Toulouse Lautrec
Honorable Mention – Bin Laden
Names people have called and haven’t been placed Salvador Dali, Leonardo DaVinci, Alexander Graham Bell, Chris Columbus,
Galileo, Mark Twain, The Dalai Lama, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, FDR,
Made some corrections to yours SuperSandro
#92 is not Ali nor Tyson (no tattoos). It looks like the famous knockdown of Joe Louis. #23 looks like Yao Ming (basketball player). #102 looks like Salvidor Dali. #88 is Michael Jordan. #50 looks like Nyetenyahu (Sp.) the Israeli leader. Yes, that is Osama Bin Laden (not numbered) in the background. Well, that’s my limit although i recognize most of them.
50 Ariel Sharon israel leader
48 Salvador Dali Painter
79 Sigmund Freud Psychoanalyst
64 Bismarck
66 Dengxia Ping former chinese Leader
41. Constantin Brancusi
28. Dante Alighieri
1. Oscar Wilde(?) either this or Clark Kent:B
94. Ella Fitzgerald
10. Winston Churchill
I think 102 is Escher, but I’m not sure…
It is better to use the numbers, so as to find all.
I think 59 is Maria Kallas.
To sum up the first 25 are:
1 –
2. Socrates
3. –
4. Lenin
5. –
6. Bill Clinton
7. –
8. Margaret Thausther
9. Bruce Lee
10. Winston Churchill
11. –
12. Jacky Chan
13. Napoleon
15.Fidel Castro
16.Marlon Brando
21.Bush and behind him Landen
22.Charls of England
24.Nelson Madela
25. –
Can somobody fill the gups and continue the list?
23 is not lennon and yao ming
i think it’s more likely to be Liu Xiang , the chinese hurdler because he had 12.88 on his shirt wich is his old World record of 110 m hurdle
n.7 looks like Peter the Great
:( only 1 or 2 mention n.83 Lev Tolstoy and Lomonosov
I’ve found one interesting thing. George W. Bush (21) is searching the Saddam Hussein (83). By drawing a straight line from his periscope direction, you can see it clearly.
I found about 40.
I got 25. Which I think is pretty good for a 15 year old =]
5 of them are…
Moses [in the background parting the Red Sea]
Che Geuvara..Probably spelt wrong.
Kim Jong Il
Mother Theresa [I think]
Please tell me where I can get a copy for my wall! That’s cool.
Just exactly who painted it??
I got 35 but with my sons help got up to 45.
I believe 24 is Kofi Annan, not Nelson Mandela
yeah, id also like to kn ow how/where i can get a copy of this!
This is what I have got so far…
please help if you can fill in the gaps.
1 Bill Gates
2 Socrate
3 Cui Jian
4 Vladimir Lenin
5 –
6 Bill Clinton
7 Peter the Great (Romanov)
8 Margaret Thatcher
9 Bruce Lee
10 Winston Churchill
11 –
12 Gengis Khan
13 Napoleone Bonaparte
14 Che Guevare (Ernesto)
15 Fidel Castro
16 Marlon Brando
17 Yasser Arafat
18 Julius Ceasar
19 –
20 Luciano Pavarotti
21 George W. Bush
22 Prince Charles
23 Liu Xiang
24 Kofi Annan
25 –
26 Michail Gorbaciov
27 –
28 Dante Alighieri
29 –
30 –
31 Kublai Khan –
32 Ramses III
33 Charles De Gaulle –
34 Ulysses S. Grant –
35 –
36 –
37 Elvis Presley
38 Robert Oppenheimer
39 William Shakespeare
40 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
41 Stephen spielberg
42 Hunter S Thompson (?)
43 –
44 –
45 Mark Twain–
46 Confucius –
47 Marilin Monroe
48 Salvador Dalì
49 Empress Dowager Cixi
50 Ariel Sharon
51 –
52 –
53 Mother Teresa
54 –
55 Martin Luther King Snr
56 –
57 –
58 Johann Sebastian Bach
59 Audrey Hepburn
60 Ludwig Van Beethoven
61 Adolf Hitler
62 Benito Mussolini
63 Sadam Hussein
64 Guglielmo II di Prussia
65 –
66 –
67 –
68 –
69 Joseph Stalin
70 Leonardo Da Vinci
71 Karl Marx
72 Vyacheslav Molotov
73 Abraham Lincoln
74 Mao Tse Tung
75 Charlie Chaplin
76 Henry Ford
77 –
78 –
79 Sigmund Freud
80 –
81 Chiang Kai Shek
82 Queen Elizabeth II
83 Leo Tolstoy
84 Li Bai
85 Robert Edwards
86 –
87 –
88 Michael Jordan
89 Hideki Tojo
90 Michelangelo
91 –
92 Mike Tyson
93 Vladimir Putin
94 Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Caroll)
95 Shirley Temple
96 Albert Einstein
97 Noah
98 –
99 Ghandi
100 Vincent Van Gogh
101 Toulouse Lautrec
102 Pablo Picasso
Behind George W is Moses And Osama bin ladin
I will add to Jenniev’s list as it is the most complete, and the last one. I will have to do this in sessions as I don’t have much time right now.
102 Pablo Picasso seems very unlikely as there is a much better example of him in nr. 42. Jenniev suggests Hunter Thompson for 42, but isn’t sure.
52 is unnamed so far but represents without doubt Qin Shi Huang Di.
72 Molotov, I’m rather in favour of Friedrich Nietzsche
23 Liu Xiang is definately right, because his T-shirt says 12.88, so it’s not the Chinese basket ball player
87 I’m inclined to say Alan Greenspan for now, but not sure. Hardly top 100.
98 I would argue for Confucius. Jeniev leaves this blank and instead uses 46 for Confucius. Although I’m less sure about 46, I would suggest that this is Lao Tsu instead.
56 left blank, but I suggest Bismarck here, although not sure. Somebody suggested 64 for Bismarck, but I believe that to be false, as the outfit doesn’t fit Bismarck. 56 has the right outfit, and a similar moustache.
102 instead of Picasso, is possibly Juan gris, a friend of Picasso
64 I believe to be George Custer, and not who Jenniev suggests
well.. I found
Bruce Lee
Mao ze dong
charlie Chaplin
feudal Castro
bin laden
Aristotle or Plato
kofi annan
1. Bill Gates
2. Socrates
3. Cui Jian
4. Vladimir Lenin
6. Bill Clinton
7. Peter the Great
8. Elenor Roosevelt maybe Margaret Thatcher
9. Bruce Lee
10. Winston Churchil
12. Ghengis Khan
13. Napolean
14. Chez G
15. Castro
16. Marlon Brando
17. Arafat
18. Charlton Heston
20. Pavaroti
21. George W. Bush
22. Prince Charles
(Above Yao Ming and G.W. but not numbered is Osama Bin Laden)
23. Yao Ming or Liu Xiang
24. Fredrick Douglas or Kofi Annan
26. Michail Gorbaciov
28. Dante Alighieri
29. William Hung
30. Pele
31. Kublai
32. King tut? or Ramses III
33. Franklin Roosevelt
34. Ulysses S. Grant
37. Elvis
38. John Wayne
39. Shakespere
40. Mozart
41. George Carlin
42. Redd Foxx
43. Alexander the Great
45. Mark Twain
46. Confucius
47. Marilyn Monroe
48. Salvador Dali
49. Empress Dowager Cixi
50. Ariel Sharon
52. Qin Shi Huang Di
53. Mother Teresa
55. Martin Luther King Snr
55. Martin Luther King Senior (Not sure why Junior is not in this painting)
56. Bismarck
58. Johann Sebastian Bach
59. Audrey Hepburn
60. Ludwig Van Beethoven
61. Adolf Hitler
62. Benito Mussolini
63. Sadam Hussein
64. Guglielmo II di Prussia
66. Cesar Chavez
69. Joseph Stalin
70. Leonardo Da Vinci
71. Karl Marx
72. Vyacheslav Molotov
73. Abraham Lincoln
74. Kim Jong Ill
75. Charlie Chaplin
76. Henry Ford
79. Sigmund Freud
81. Chiang Kai Shek
82. Queen Elizabeth II
83. Leo Tolstoy
84. Li Bai
85. Robert Edwards
88. Michael Jordan
89. Hideki Tojo
90. Michelangelo
92. Mike Tyson
93. Vladimir Putin
94. Lewis Caroll
95. Shirley Temple
96. Albert Einstein
97. Noah
99. Ghandi
100. Vincent Van Gogh
101. Toulouse Lautrec
102. Pablo Picasso
My guesses are similar to the ones above, but there are some differences.
Did you know that there are 103 images on this poster ??
PLEASE can ANYONE name the painter, or tell us at least who it was, and the date painted. I think it likely is fairly recent.
Anon. March 7. 2009. 2.55pm
no 72 is NOT Molotov, it is one ogf the Wright Brothers! Wilbur i think;
no66 is Deng Xioa Ping (sorry Spelling, former president of china);
70. is NOT DaVincio – it is the philospher Aristotle.
42 – feel this is Pablo Picasso;
102 – does not look like Picasso at all, fairly certin this is Gearges Braque, the Cubist painter;
11 is Henri Matisse
31 is Guan Yu! He was a warrior in ancient China trying to restore the Han Dynasty. He famously chopped off one of the so called greatest warriors of the times head and paraded home with it. He also had a red haired horse,
No 45 is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Incredible painting. A hi-rez version complete with clickable Wikipedia links is here:
Just a friendly comment about some of the answers published so far.
1If this is Bill Gates it is a very heavy set BG. I think this one should be rethought.
2. This could be Socrates – but the portraits of him make him seem a bit less noble in appearance than this. The hairline is Socratic – but not the reast of the face.
7. Surely the armor marks an earlier period than the Romanovs.
18. Not Charlton Heston – out by a lot of centuries.
33. A president – but not of the USA.
34. Why is everyone saying this is Ulysses S Grant? It looks nothing like the pictures of him. What is the connection between Grant and a trumpet?
38. One of the beat poets!
41. Not Spielberg (maybe) or George Carlin– something to do with milk!
42 Just say Picasso.
45 I think there is a Mark Twain in this painting, but this is not him. Try a German Philosopher.
50. I don’t know 50 –but this character looks like a bit of a rustic – sneakers too. does this fit in with Sharon?
55. This does not look like one of the King family. The key around the neck could even be St Peter. But more likely a representative of one of the orthodox churches.
58. Maybe JS Bach –but it would have to be a poor rendition!
64 Major North American author
66. S.E Asia –mass murderer.
70. Some dispute this is Leonardo – you can see a sketch of the Vitruvian man on the cover of the book.
72 Another German philopher – not Molotov.
74. Chinese – not Korean.
76 Is this Henry Ford as claimed ? I tended to think this with the cars running around. But it is only a partial match visually.
79. This can’t be Freud – he would not dress like this, and he is too heavily set. No glasses either. But I don’t know who! I would love to know both the people sitting at this table. The other is not Truman
is it?
80. Robert Edwards?
83 Is a Russian – but not Tolstoy. Someone with opposite morals to Tolstoy.
90 Michelangelo?? – I don’t think they dressed like this in the renaissance.
My positve contribution? I think 45 is Hegel.
Just a few comments on some of the answers so far:
1. If this is Bill Gates it is a very heavy set BG. I think this one should be rethought.
2. This could be Socrates – but the portraits of him make him seem a bit less noble in appearance than this. The hairline is Socratic – but not the reast of the face.
7. Surely the armor marks an earlier period than the Romanovs.
18. Not Charlton Heston – out by a lot of centuries.
33. A president – but not of the USA.
34. Why is everyone saying this is Ulysses S Grant? It looks nothing like the pictures of him. What is the connection between Grant and a trumpet?
38. One of the beats!
41. Not Spielberg or George Carlin– something to do with milk!
42 Just say Picasso.
45 I think there is a Mark Twain in this painting, but this is not him. Try a German Philosopher.
50. I don’t know 50 –but this character looks like a bit of a rustic – sneakers too. Does this fit in with Sharon?
55. This does not look like one of the King family. The key around the neck could even be St Peter. But more likely a representative of one of the orthodox churches.
58. Maybe JS Bach –but it would have to be a poor rendition!
64 Major North American author
66. S.E Asia –mass murderer.
70. Some dispute this is Leonardo – you can see a sketch of the Vitruvian man on the cover of the book.
72 Another German philopher – not Molotov.
74. Chinese – not Korean.
76 Is this Henry Ford as claimed ? I tended to think this with the cars running around. But it is only a partial match.
79. This can’t be Freud – he would not dress like this, and he is too heavily set. No glasses either. But I don’t know who!
80. Robert Edwards?
83 Is a Russian – but not Tolstoy. Someone with opposite morals to Tolstoy.
90 Michelangelo – I don’t think they dressed like this in the renaissance.
I found Rabindra nath tagore, coffee anan, mahatma gandhi, mother theressa, and so on.
If you know others, pls. inform name with numbers, because most of us do not know most of the people in this picture.
Pls. help us.
I found-
Karl Marx
Saddam Hussein
Charlie Chaplain
Bruce Lee
Yasser Arrafat
Osama Bin Laden
Magaret Thatcher
Albert Einstein
Abraham Lincoln
Winston Chruchill
Bill Clinton
Ghengis Khan
Prince Charles
Queen Elizabeth II
Henry Tudor
Mother Theresa
Julius Caesar
Jesse Owens
The Israelites leaving Egypt
Vladimir Putin
William Shakespeare
Napoleon Boneparte
Nelson Mandela
Marilyn Monroe
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Mohammed Ali (?)
Che Guevra
Just to get this straight, #31 is Guan Yu, NOT Kublai Khan. Trust me. It’s a much better match.
No one appears to have mentioned:
#87 Dwight David Eisenhower,
#66 Ferdinand Marcos
I read quite a few of the comments and wondered if no one else but me recognised Guan Yu… One of the most famous caharacter from China’s Three Kingdoms period.
How come nobody mentioned 44? It’s clearly Zhou Enlai.
1.Oscar wilde
2. Aristotel
4. Lenin
6. Bill Clinton
8. M. Tatcher
9. Bruce Lee
10. Winston Churcill
12. Jingis Kahn
13. Napoleon Bonaparte
14. Che Guevara
15. Fidel Castro
16. Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone
17. Yaaser Araffat
18. Julius Cezar
20. Luciano Pavarotti
21. G.W. Bush
22. Prince Charles
28. DAnte Alighieri
30. Pele
32. Ramses II
36. Ernest Hemingway
37. Elvis Prisley
39. William Shakespeare
40. Wolfgana Amadeus Mozart
47. Marilyn Monroe
48. Salvador Dali
53. Mother Theresa
55. St. Peter
58. Johan Sebastian Bach
59. Audrey Hepburn
60. Ludwig van Beethoven
61. Adolf Hitler
63. Saddam Hussein
64. Giuseppe Garibaldi
69. Staljin
70. Leonardo da Vinci
71. Marx
72. Engels
73. Abraham Lincoln
75. Charlie Chaplin
82. Queen Elizabeth
83. Lav Tolstoj
88. Michael Jordan
90. Moses
92. Mike Tyson
93. Vladimir Putin
94. La Fontaine
95. Shirley Temple
96. Albert Einstein
97. Abraham
98. Confucius (?)
99. Mahatma Gandhi
101. Touluse Lautrec
102. Pablo Picasso
a young ben franklin is on far right of picture, believe that james dean, mandella, & eisenhower are in pic, also…very interesting and good for the mind…
that is so not Martin Luther King snr.
that is Rabindranath Tagore.
well over no.20 and 21 there is a person behind a hole herd of ppl…
he looks like bin laden doesnt he?
but on the other hand there is a woman besides him…
i guess its joseph with maria jesus’ parents. and there are 103 faces.. 104people in this one..
Let’s not forget the famous sheep Daisy (from the Woody Allen movie and Dolly the clone :-)
muammed ali
abraham linclon
alexander the great?
i think everyone on here is stupid and ignrant and does not have correct information!
My guess…
66 Deng Xiao Peng
74 Mao Tze Tung
31 Guang Gong (Guan Yu)
1 Bill Gates
2 Plato
3 Cui Jian
4 Vladimir Lenin
5 Pavel Korchagin
6 Bill Clinton
7 Peter the Great (Romanov)
8 Margaret Thatcher
9 Bruce Lee
10 Winston Churchill
11 Henri Matisse
12 Gengis Khan
13 Napoleone Bonaparte
14 Che Guevare
15 Fidel Castro
16 Marlon Brando
17 Yasser Arafat
18 Julius Ceasar
19 Gen Claire Lee Chennault
20 Luciano Pavarotti
21 George W. Bush
22 Prince Charles
23 Liu Xiang
24 Kofi Annan
25 Michail Gorbaciov
26 Song Qingling
27 Otto Von Bismark
28 Li Tiezi (1 of the artists) (balcony)
29 Dai Dudu (1 of the artists) (balcony)
30 Dante
31 Zang an (1 of the artists) (balcony)
32 Pele
33 Guan Yu
34 Ramesses II
35 Charles de Gualle
36 Alfred Nobel
37 Franklin D Roosevelt
38 Hemmingway
39 Elvis
40 J. Robert Oppenheimer
41 William Shakespeare
42 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
43 Steven Spielberg
44 Pablo Picasso
45 Abraham Lincon
46 Julius Caesar
47 Zhou Enlai
48 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
49 Lao tzu
50 Marilyn Monroe
51 Salvador DalĂ
52 Empress Dowager Cixi
53 Ariel Sharon
54 Qi Baishi
55 Qin Shi Huang
56 Mother Teresa
57 Saint Peter
58 Shaw Ren Leng
59 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
60 Audrey Hepburn
61 Ludwig van Beethoven
62 Adolf Hitler
63 Benito Mussolini
64 Saddam Hussein
65 Maxim Gorky
66 Sun Yat-sen
67 Deng Xiaoping
68 Alexander Pushkin
69 Lu Xun
70 Joseph Stalin
71 Leonardo da Vinci
72 Karl Marx
73 Friedrich Nietzsche
74 Mao Zedong
75 Charlie Chaplin
76 Henry Ford
77 Lei Feng
78 Jonas Salk
79 Sigmund Freud
80 Jack Kevorkian
81 Chiang Kai Shek
82 Queen Elizabeth II
83 Leo Tolstoy
84 Li Bai
85 Mike Tyson
86 Vladimir Putin
87 Lewis Carroll
88 Shirley Temple
89 Albert Einstein
90 Charles Darwin
91 Confucius
92 Corneliu Baba
93 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
94 Michelangelo
95 Dwight D. Eisenhower
96 Vincent van Gogh
97 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
98 Marcel Duchamp
99 Michael Jordan
100 Hideki TĹŤjĹŤ
101 Aristotle
102 Liu Bei
103 Srinagar, Kashmir, 1948
104 Osama bin Laden
Great post! Just wanted to let you know you have a new subscriber- me!
no John Paul 11 -the Pope??
sorry- John Paul II the Pope…
number 99 is Gandhi
1 – John Lennon
2 – Moises
3 – Lenin
8 – Margareth Tatcher
9 – Bruce Lee
13 – Simon Bolivar
14 – Che Guevarra
15 – Fidel Castro
16- Marlon Brando
17 – Yasser Arafat
18 –
20 – Pavarotti
22 – Principe Charles, UK
24 – Koffi Anan, ex-secretário da ONU
30 – PelĂ©
39 – Shakespeare
40 – Mozart
42 – Pablo Picasso
47 – Marilyn Monroe
53 – Madre Tereza de Calcutá
61 – Adolf Hitler
63 – Saddan Hussein
71 – Marx
72 – Nietzche
74 – Mao Tse Tung
73 – Abraham Lincoln
75 – Charles Chaplin
82 – Rainha Elisabeth, UK
88- Michael Jordan
92 – Mike Tyson
95 – Shirley Temple
96 – Albert Einstein
99 – Gandhi
Also is osama bin laden in the right upper corner but is not taget
1 lennon
2 moises
3 lenin
6 clinton
9 bruce lee
12 genghis khan
13 napoleon
14 che
15 fidel
16 marlon brando
17 yasser arafat
18 cesar
20 pavarotti
21 bush with a telescope… bush con un telescopio.. ?
22 principe carlos
24 miles davis
26 gorbachev
30 pele
33 de gaulle
37 elvis
39 shakespeare
40 mozart
42 picasso
46 ho chi minh
47 marilyn monroe
48 dali
53 madre teresa de calcuta
60 beethoven
61 hitler
62 mussolini
63 saddam hussein
69 stalin
70 charles darwin
71 karl marx
72 nietzsche
73 lincoln
74 mao
75 chaplin
82 reina isabel
88 jordan
90 abraham (it looks a lot like darwin, but with bible clothes………..?)
92 tyson
95 shirley
96 einstein
99 gandhi
no bolivar, no mahoma, no jesus, no malcom x, no mandela, no kennedy, no hitchcock, no neruda, no newton, no martin luther king, no chaka zulu, no miranda, no 2pac shakur, no tupac amaru, no tupac katari, no hugo chavez, no bob marley, no galileo, no no no no no, etc.
and why clinton? (if thats clinton)
interesante pero pobre
interesting but poor.
Osama Bin Laden is hiding up in the top right corner at the back of the line of people heading towards to Pyramids.
Filling the remaining ones that are not mentioned…
4- Joseph Stalin
5-Pope John Paul 2(guess)
10-winston churchill
91-Attila the hun
19-Sherlock holmes
25-sun yet san
27-pope alexander
46-Charles Darwin
70-Leonardo Da vinci(wrongly written above)
31-genghis khan
5- it’s not a pope this istrocki right hand Lenin
76-Henry Ford(next to his leg is car this is ford)
1-it’s Bill Gates !!!
102- picasso
100- van gogh
3- ricky valens ???
43-curie skłodowska
18-mark antonius
you left out osama bin laden
Is there an actual answer key someplace? Or are we just supposed to guess if we are right or not?
Number 1 is NOT John Lennon as a lot of you here thought. That’s definitely Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.
I sent this to my teacher, and she liked it! She asked: Is there an answer key? If so, could you please post it (in a link or something)?
By the way, I love your site. It never ceases to amaze me. ;]
1. Bill Gates
2. Archimides/Socrates
8.Margaret thatcher
9.Bruce Lee
12.Ghangas Khan
14.Che Guevara
15.Fidell Castro
16.Marlon Brando
17.Yasser Arafat
18.Mark Antonius
19.Sherlok Holmes
21.George Bush
(Maria And Bin Laden In backgrond)
22.Prince Charles
24.Koffi Annan
26. Michael Grobschev
28. Julius Ceazer
31. Chang Hi Chek
32. Pharoh
33.Charles De Guale
37. Elvis Pressly
42. Pablo Picasso
43.Marie Curie
46.Ho Chi Minh
47.Marylin Monroe
50.Ariel Sharon
52.Qin Shi Huang
53.Mother Teresa of Calcuta
63.Saddam Hussein
67.Oscar Wild
70.Leonardo De Vinci
71.Carl Marx
73. Abe Link
74.Mao Tsi Tong
75. Chaplin
76.Henry Ford
79.Zigmond Froid
82.Queen Elizabeth
84.Emperor Gaozu of Han
87.Dwight Eisenhauer
88. Michael Jordan
91.Atiila The Hun
92. Mike Tyson
95.Shirley Temple
99. Gandhi
100.Van Gogh
i wanna know the answer pls
anyway u miss out osama bin laden he is behind bush
23. Iván Zamorano
how is possible not to have Michael Jackson in it?
6. Bill Clinton?
10. Churchill?
12. Ghengis Kahn?
35. FDR? Franklin Delano Roosevelt
37. Is that Elvis?
60. Beethoven?
70. Aristotle?
73. Abraham Lincoln?
59. Katherine Hepburn
nr.2 could be Homer (not from the Simpsons :-) ).
Moises is not a hitorical person, he is a Bible character!
1. Sylvia Tristan
I know Chaireman Mao,74. It’s really an interesting picture.
who should i know i just got here
i can’t figure out 47…
is she madonna?
50 is bill cosbey u ducks…
i think number 83 looks like sadam husane or however you spell it i may be wrong tho
59. Audrey Hepburn, not Katherine, the pose and outfit she is in is from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
7- christpoher colombus
I think 81 is Adolf Hitler
Why isnt there AtatĂĽrk?
I mean if bin laden is there, there MUST be the leader who fought against more then 5 nations without any allies >:(
i think n0.1 is Mark Chapman
and 23. is John Lennon
position 100 is seikh mojibur rahman
This picture, if it’s supposed to be taken seriously (which it can’t possibly be), is endless hilarity.
1.Bill Gates
6.Bill Clinton
8.Margaret Thatcher
9.Bruce Lee
12.Ghangas Khan
14.Che Guevara
15.Fidell Castro
16.Marlon Brando
17.Yasser Arafat
18.Mark Antonius
19.Sherlok Holmes
21.George Bush
– Bin Laden z tyĹ‚u
22.Prince Charles
23.Ivan Zamorano
24.Koffi Annan / miles Davis
25.Sun Yet Sen
26. Michael Grobschev
28.Alighieri Dante
31.Chang Hi Chek
33.Charles de Gaulle
35.Alfred Hichcock
37.Elvis Pressly
42.Pablo Picasso
43.Marie Curie Skłodowska
46.Ho Chi Minh
47.Marylin Monroe
48.Salvador Dali
50.Ariel Sharon
52.Qin Shi Huang
53.Mother Teresa of Calcuta
59.Aundrey Hepburn
63.Saddam Hussein
67.Oscar Wild???
70.Leonardo De Vinci
71.Carl Marx
74.Mao Tsi Tong
76.Henry Ford
79.Zigmond Froid
82.Queen Elizabeth
84.Emperor Gaozu of Han
87.Dwight Eisenhauer
88.Michael Jordan
91.Atiila The Hun
92.Mike Tyson
95.Shirley Temple
100.Van Gogh
we need only 31:)
1-Bill Gates 2-Plato 3-Cui Jiano 4-Valdimir Lenin 5-Panei Korchagin 6-Bill Clinton 7-Peter I of Russia 8-Margaret Thatcher 9-Bruce Lee 10-Winston Churchill 11-Henri Matisse 12-Genghis Khan 13-Napaleon Bonaparte 14-Che Guevara 15-Fidel Castro 16-Marlon Brando 17-Yasser Arafat 18-Julius Caesar 19-Claire Lee Chennault (flying tigers) 20-Luciano Pavoratti 21-G.W. Bush 22-Prince Charles of Wales 23-Liu Xiang 24-Kofi Annan 25-Li Tiezi 26-Mikhail Gorbachev 27-Dai Dudu 28-Dante Alighieri 29-Zhang An 30-Pele`31-Guan Yu 32-Ramesses II 33-Charles de Gaulle. More to follow at later date.
34-Alfred Nobel 35-Franklin D. Roosevelt 36-Earnest Hemingway 37-Elvis Presley 38-Robert Oppenheimer 39-William Shapespeare 40-W. Amadeus Mozart 41-Steven Spielberg 42-Pablo Picaso 43-Marie Curie 44-Zhon Iniai 45-J.W. von Goethe 46-Laozi 47-Marilyn Monroe 48-Salvador Dali 49-Empress Dowager 50-Arial Sharon 51-Oi Baishi 52-Oin Shi Huang 53-Mother Teresa 54-Soong Ching-ing 55-Saint Peter 56-Otto von Bismarck 57-Run Run Shaw 58-Jian-Jacques Rossiau 59-Audrey Hepburn 60-Ludwig von Beethoven 61-Adolf Hitler 62-Benito Mussolini 63-Saddam Hussein 64-Maxim Gorky 65-Sun Yat-Sun 66-Deng Xiaoping 67-Alexander Pushkin 68-Lu Xum 69-Josef Stalin 70-Leonardo da Vinci 71-Karl Marx 72-Friedrich Nietzsche (More to follow)
73-Abe Lincoln 74-Mao Zedong 75-Charlie Chaplin 76-Henry Ford 77-Lei Feng 78-JONAS SALK 79-Sigmund Frued 80-Jack Kevorkian 81-Chiang Kai-Shek 82-Queen Elizabeth 83-Leo Tolstoy 84-Li Bai 85-Corneliu Baba 86-Michaelangelo 87-Dwight D. Eisenhower 88-Michael Jordan 89-Hideki Tojo 90-Aristotle 91-Liu Bei 92-Mike Tyson 93-Vladimir Putin 94-Lewis Carroll 95-Shirley Temple 96-Albert Einstein 97-Charles Darwin 98-Confucius 99-Mohandas K. Gandi 100- Vincent von Gogh 101-Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 102-Marcel Duchamp. Osama bin Laden and Kashmir Srinagar 1948 photo just above GW Bush. I hope this has been of some help.
101. Jack Daniels (notice the bottle beside him)
ya this is one of most intresting picture……
when i saw this picture i have find only 14 members only…..
ya this is one of most intresting picture …..
when i saw this picture in first time i have find only 14 members..
They said no more than 5 you poopy heads! I found Elvis Presley, Abraham Lincoln, and Albert Einstein
BIN LADEN IS ALSO THERE on the upper right side before piramids and that crowd
the one behind nr 21 (he has no number ) is ossama
Bin Laden
what the hell…why dont u summon people names with respect…Gandhiji is a fatherly figure in India..Its not gandhi..who’z the bos..Gandhi Ji is the boss…I tell u
i confuse about no 1
is that Bill Gates or is it John Lennon
For Me,that man Looks Like Bill Gates Because he’s wearing business suit’s,John Lennon Rarely Wear Suits.
1. Gates
4. Lenin
6. Jelcin
9. Bruce Lee
10. Churchill
12. Genghis Khan
13. Napoleon
14. Che Guevara
15. Fidel Castro
17. Jasir Arafat
20. Pavarotti
21. Bush
22. prince Charles
30. Pele
33. Charles de Gaulle
37. Pressly
40. Mozzart
47. Monroe
56. Franz Josef 1
59. Edith Piaf
60. Bethoven
61. Hitler
63. Sadam Husain
66. Dalajlama
69. Stalin
73. Lincoln
74. Tse Tung
75. Chaplin
80. Mandela
82. Queen Elizabeth
87. Eisenhower
88. Jordan
92. Tyson
93. Putin
96. Eistein
99. Gandi
100. Van Gogh
Im not into history/culture. But if that picture will be created today. Manny Pacquiao (pound for pound king) should be included.
6.Clinton or Jimmy Stewart?
19. J. Edgar Hoover (young hoover)
24.Koffi Annan or is it Nelson Mandella?
25. Reverend Jimmy Jones
32. Alexander the Great (greek Pharoh)
38. Humphrey Bogart (???)
42. John Gotti (Picasso is 102 holding Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler)
59. Audrey Hepburn
78. Heinrich Himmler
91. Longinus (pierced Christ w/Spear of Destiny)
101. John Jameson (Jameson Whiskey)
102. Pablo Picasso
I’m pretty sure #30 is Grady from Sanford and Son:)
We’re missing some of the more obvious, they’re not even numbered.
Like Fat Man in the TV Screen and I’m certain that’s Little Boy in the picture on top.
Then I’m certain the Santa Maria probably didn’t sail without Columbus on board.
What about Ol’Roy, Sam Waltons dog nipping at Darwin’s heels?
And if I’m not mistaken, that’s Dolly the cloned sheep that Gandhi’s eye there.
Who’s flying that plane there on the big table, Santos-Dumont, Lindberg?
I’m pretty sure osama bin laden is right above number 21.
yea i see him too
9 bruce lee
61 hitler
88 michael jordan
96 einstien
99 Mahatma Gandhi
A lot of them are pretty ambiguous, especially the ancient ones, since their appearances are questionable, a few are missing numbers, and I think the far east is a bit over-represented, but here it goes:
4. Lennin
6. Clinton
8. Margaret Thatcher
9. Bruce Lee
10. Winston Churchill
13. Napoleon
14. Che
15. Castro
16. Marlon Brando in The Godfather
17. Yasser Arafat
21. George W Bush
22. Prince Charles
24. Nelson Mandela
30. Pele
37. Elvis Presley
39. Shakespeare
40. Mozart
47. Marilyn Monroe
53. Mother Theresa
61. Hitler
63. Saddam Hussein
69. Stalin
73. Lincoln
74. Mao Zedong
75. Charlie Chaplin
82. Elizabeth II
88. Michael Jordan
92. Muhammad Ali
94. Mata Hari (?)
95. Little Orphan Annie
96. Einstein
99. Gandhi
102. Picasso
That’s 32. Plus there’s a few more I recognize but can’t think of names for. And I assume a few are wrong. Not bad.
Ok ok…#30 is Pele…I was wrong…It’s not Grady from Sanford and Son…I’m sorry. But, I’m pretty sure #95 is supposed to be Shirley Temple.
#65 is Sun Yatsen.
1. John Lennon?
2.Maybe Socrates or Plato?
6. Definately Clinton
21.George W. Bush
29.William Hung or Squiggy? (I know it sounds silly, but that’s who he looks like top me)
60.Mozart, or Bach, or Beethoven, or one of those musicians
82.Queen Elizabeth?
88.Michael Jordan or Shaq
95.Shirley Temple?
I think #29 is Kim Jong Il, but I like your answer better:)
2. Aristotle
84. Jesus
I don’t think Jesus had a receding hairline.
yes #60 is beethoven
and i dont know Larry Williams,
#101 looks like Jasper Newton Daniel (as in Jack Daniels)
and even if you look at the beard it looks like him, and the bottle seems to look more similar to that of a Jack Daniels brand, then Jameson Whiskey.
1. Bill Gates
2. Plato
Above 1-5: Easter Island heads
9. Bruce lee
13 Napoleon
Above 13: Stone Circle
14 Che Guevarre
15 Fidel Castro
16 Godfather
17 Yasser Aarafat
Above 18: Pyramids of Gizeh
21 Bush
Above 21: Osama bin Laden
22 Prince Charles
24 Nelson Mandela
37 Elvis
40 Mozart
47 Marilyn Monroe
50 Sharon
53 Mother Theresa
61 Adolf Hitler
63 Saddam Hussein
67 …. some american president ….
71 Charles Darwin
73 Abraham Lincoln
74 Mao Zedong
75 Charlie Chaplin
80 …. Not sure, but i know his face ….
85 …. Idem ….
92 Mohammed Ali
93 Vladimir Putin
96 Albert Einstein
99 Ghandi
102 Pablo Picasso
Thats 27 named and 30 known, + 3 buildings :)
Putin!! I didn’t even think of him.
#66 is Deng Xiaoping
31.Guan Yu
52.Emperor of Ching Dynasty
91.Zhen Chen Gong?
92.Mike Tyson?
Isn’t #44 Zhou Enlai?
At Bin Laden’s side, don’t u think thats moses guiding the israeli through the Red Sea
No no no…I’m pretty sure it is Bin Laden and Mother Theresa leading the Ku Klux Klan to Egypt.
1. Lennon
4. Lenin
6. Clinton
7. Columbus/ Sir Francis Drake?
8. Thatcher
9. Bruce Lee
10. Churchill
13. Napoleon
14. Che Guevara
15. Fidel Castro
16. Brando
17. Yasser Arafat
21. Village Idiot
22. Prince Charles
28. Dante Alighieri
30. Pele
33. Charles de Gaulle
35. FDR?
36. Hemingway?
37. Elvis
39. Shakespeare
40. Mozart
42. Picasso
46. Confucius?
47. Monroe
48. Dali?
53. Mother Theresa
56. Kaiser Willhelm
58. Bach
59. Audrey Hepburn
60. Beethoven
61. Hitler
63. Saddam Hussein
69. Stalin
70. Socrates
71. Marx
72. Nietzsche
73. Lincoln
74. Mao
75. Chaplin
82 Elizabeth II
83. Darwin?
86. Guttenberg?
88. Jordan
92. Tyson
93. Putin
95. Shirley Temple
96. Einstein
97. Moses
98. Mohammed?
99. Gandhi
100. Van Gogh
101. Toulouse Lautrec
102. George Braque?
23. Jacky Chan?
lots of people are missing too like
Walt Disney
Marlene Dietrich
Charles Dickens
Princess Diana
James Dean
Miles Davis
Bette Davis
Leonardo Da Vinci
Kurt Cobain
Marlon Brando
Neil Armstrong
Louis Armstrong
Joan of Arc
Marie Antoinette
Woody Allen
Bob Marley
Michael Jackson
Jimi Hendrix(electric guitar)
Betty Grable
Yuri Gagarin
Sigmund Freud
Greta Garbo
Judy Garland(The Wizard of Oz)
Mick Jagger(The Rolling Stones)
Steve Jobs(Apple, iMac, iBook, iPod and iPhone)
Helen Keller
Martin Luther King
Demi Moore
Robert De Niro
Louis Pasteur
Pope John Paul II
Eleanor Roosevelt
Frank Sinatra
Dame Elizabeth Taylor
Nicola Tesla
Harriet Tubman
John Wayne
Malcolm X
#85 is my home-boy Ben Franklin. He’s always been stuck in the 80’s.
who is that beside Bin Laden, looking the opposite direction – like ‘guiding’ people? (and that’s above 21)
66 Looks like Marcos
Prophet Mohammed Bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him)
what kind of idiot ranks hitler as number 61 he is probably the most famous person in history and plato as number 2 what an idiot
31. Kwan Kung. You can see his amazing Kwan Dao!
I want a poster of this, where’d the person who sent you this get it?
little asian 74 over there looks like kim jong II
elvis is there at number 37
abraham 97
some little goats shoved in there with no numbers
shirley temple at 95
einstein 96
92 is lookin abit like tyson
michael jordan 88
im pretty sure #9 is bruce lee
now could 31 be attila the hun…
59 audrey hepburn in her famous breakfast at tiffanys
at 61 we have hittler
28 pontius pilate?
21 George W bush
1 lennon im pretty sure
53 mother theresa
39 shakespeare
82 elizabeth ||
im sure michael jackson could be in there..or possibly..jackie chan:(
To PaulCanada,
95 is Shirley Temple not Annie
how can u all overlook osama bin laden ?…he is not even marked with the number….i guess he is the one above G.W bush …. above numbers 21 and 23
thats the virgin mary next to bin laden
Hahaha… I wonder why Osama cant be found yet…they did not even notice him in this damn picture… not even numbered… haha…
Hahaha… I wonder why Osama cant be found yet…they did not even notice him in this damn picture… not even numbered… haha… bush trying to look for osama with a binocular… but he is looking in the wrong way… haha… Who ever it is that create this painting sure have a sense of humor…
16. Don Corleone from the godfather trilogy
84. Qin Shi Huangdi – The first emperor of China and the founder of the the Great Chinese wall and builder of the terracotta army.
86. Rembrandt van Rijn – dutch painter who lived around 1700 < ?
rest i know have all been noticed by others allready. Hope you appreciate this addition to the list.
84 had to be 52. his real name was Ying Zheng btw. Qin shi huangdi is just what he called himself.
1. John Lennon ( also look a little like Bill Gates:)
2.Plato or Aristotle, u decide
4. Lenin
1. John Lennon ( also look a little like Bill Gates:)
2. Plato or Aristotle, u decide
4. Lenin
6. Clinton
8. Margaret Thatcher
9. Bruce Lee
10. Winston Churchill
13. Napoleon
14. Che Guevara
15. Fidel Castro
16. The Goodfather(Don Corleone)
17. Yasser Arafat
20. Pavarotti
21. George Bush
— Bin Laden
22. Prince Charles
24. Nelson Mandela
28. Dante Alighieri
30. Pele
31. Dzingiskan
33. Charles de Gaulle(glad I watched Allo, Allo :))
37. Elvis
38. Indiana Jones?? not so sure
39. William Shakespeare
40. Mozart
42. Pablo Piccaso
46. So known, but cant remember from where :/
47. Marlyn Monro
52. Atilla the Hun, also not really sure, but I remember him from my history book
53. Mother Theresa
59. Hepburn Audrey
60. Frederic Chopin, I think
61. Hitler
63. Saddam Husein
69. Stalin
70. Charles Darwin
71. Karl Marx
72. Friedrich Nietzsche
73. Lincoln
74. Mao Zedong
75. Charlie Chaplin
78. Heinrich Himmler
82. Maria Theresa, I remembered that no breast clevege:))
84. Jesus???
88. Jordan
92. Tyson
93. Vladimir Putin
96. Einstein
97. Moses??
98. Confucius
99. Ghandi
102. Georges Braque???
Lots of faces looks so familiar, but couldnt think of where :/… maybe someday ;)
1. Bill Gates.
3. Victor Jara.
66 – Benito Juarez–spot.html
1 Bill Gates, Microsoft founder
2 Homer, Greek poet
3 Cui Jian, Chinese singer
4 Vladimir Lenin, Russian revolutionary
5 Pavel Korchagin, Russian artist
6 Bill Clinton, former US President
7 Peter the Great, Russian leader
8 Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister
9 Bruce Lee, martial arts actor
10 Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister
11 Henri Matisse, French artist
12 Gengis Khan, Mongolian warlord
13 Napoleon Bonaparte, French military leader
14 Che Guevara, Marxist revolutionary
15 Fidel Castro, former Prime Minister and President of Cuba
16 Marlon Brando, actor
17 Yasser Arafat, former leader of Palastine
18 Julius Caesar, Roman emperor
19 Claire Lee Chennault, Second World War US Lieutenant
20 Luciano Pavarotti, singer
21 George W. Bush, former US President
22 The Prince of Wales
23 Liu Xiang, Chinese hurdler
24 Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General
25 Zhang An (the painter)
26 Mikhail Gorbachev, former Russian leader
27 Li Tiezi (the painter)
28 Dante Alighieri, Florentine poet
29 Dai Dudu (the painter)
30 Pele, footballer
31 Guan Yu, Chinese warlord
32 Ramses II, Egyptian pharoah
33 Charles De Gaulle, French general
34 Albert Nobel, Swedish chemist, founder of Nobel prizes
35 Franklin Roosevelt, former US President
36 Ernest Hemingway, American novelist
37 Elvis Presley, American singer
38 Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist
39 William Shakespeare, English playwright
40 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer
41 Steven Spielberg, American film director
42 Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter
43 Marie Curie, physicist and pioneer of radioactivity
44 Zhou Enlai, first Premier of the People’s Republic of China
45 Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, German writer
46 Laozi, Chinese philosopher
47 Marilyn Monroe, American actress
48 Salvador Dali, Spanish painter
49 Dowager Cixi, former ruler of China
50 Ariel Sharon, former Israeli Prime Minister
51 Qi Baishi, Chinese painter
52 Qin Shi Huang, former Emperor of China
53 Mother Teresa, Roman Catholic Missionary
54 Song Qingling, Chinese politician
55 Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet
56 Otto Von Bismarck, German statesman
57 Run Run Shaw, Chinese media mogul
58 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher
59 Audrey Hepburn, Belgian-born actress
60 Ludwig Van Beethoven, German composer
61 Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader
62 Benito Mussolini, Italian fascist politician
63 Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq
64 Maxim Gorky, Russian writer
65 Sun Yat-Sen, Chinese revolutionary
66 Den Xiaoping, Chinese revolutionary
67 Alexander Pushkin, Russian author
68 Lu Xun, Chinese writer
69 Joseph Stalin, former Soviet Union leader
70 Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian painter
71 Karl Marx, German philosopher
72 Friedrich Nietzche, German philosopher
73 Abraham Lincoln, former US President
74 Mao Zedong, Chinese dictator
75 Charlie Chaplin, British actor
76 Henry Ford, founder of Ford motor company
77 Lei Feng, Chinese soldier
78 Norman Bethune, Canadian physician
79 Sigmund Freud, Austrian psychiatrist
80 Juan Antonio Samaranch, former International Olympic Committee president
81 Chiang Kai Shek, Chinese general
82 Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
83 Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist
84 Li Bai, Chinese poet
85 Corneliu Baba, Romanian painter
86 Auguste Rodin, French artist
87 Dwight Eisenhower, former US President
88 Michael Jordan, American basketball player
89 Hideki Tojo, former Japan Prime Minister
90 Michelangelo, Italian Renaissance painter
91 Yi Sun-Sin, Korean naval commander
92 Mike Tyson, American boxer
93 Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister
94 Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author
95 Shirley Temple, American actress
96 Albert Einstein, German physicist
97 Moses, Hebrew religious leader
98 Confucius, Chinese philosopher
99 Ghandi, Indian spiritual leader
100 Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch painter
101 Toulouse Lautrec, French painter
102 Marcel Duchamp, French artist
103 Behind George Bush is Osama bin Laden
#37 was my cousin! =)
1. John Lennon
2. Aristotle
4. Lenin
6. Bill Clinton
7. Oliver Cromwell/Francis Drake
8. Margaret Thatcher
9. Bruce Lee
10. Winston Churchill
12. Genghis Khan
13. Napoleon
14. Che Guevara
15. Fidel Castro
16. Marlon Brando (as the Godfather)
17. Yasser Arafat
18. Augustus Caesar
19. J. Edgar Hoover
20. Luciano Pavarotti?
21. George W. Bush
Above 21: Osama Bin Laden
22. Prince Charles
24. Kofi Annan
26. Mikhail Gorbachev
28. Dante
30. Pelé
32. Tutankhamen?/Ptolemy?
33. Charles De Gaulle
35. Franklin D. Roosevelt
36. Ernest Hemingway
37. Elvis Presley
38. Humphrey Bogart
39. William Shakespeare
40. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
41. Steven Spielberg
42. John Gotti
44. Deng Xiaoping
45. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
46. Laozi
47. Marylin Monroe
48. Salvador Dali
49. Empress Dowager Ci Xi
50. Ariel Sharon
52. Qin Shi Huangdi
53. Mother Theresa
56. Otto von Bismarck
59. Audrey Hepburn
60. Frederic Chopin/Ludwig van Beethoven
61. Adolf Hitler
62. Benito Mussolini
63. Saddam Hussein
64. Mark Twain
65. Sun Yat-Sen
69. Joseph Stalin
70. Socrates
71. Karl Marx
72. Friedrich Nietzsche
73. Abraham Lincoln
74. Mao Zedong
75. Charles Chaplin
78. Heinrich Himmler?
79. Sigmund Freud
82. Queen Elizabeth II
83. Leo Tolstoy
86. Johannes Gutenberg
87. Dwight D. Eisenhower
88. Michael Jordan
90. Saint Peter
91. Attila the Hun?
92. Mike Tyson
93. Vladimir Putin
95. Shirley Temple
96. Albert Einstein
97. Moses
98. Confucius
99. Mohandas Gandhi
100. Vincent Van Gogh
101. John Jameson
102. Pablo Picasso
That’s 87
you forget to numbering “Osama bin Laden” between no.21 and no.22
tht was pertty informative stupid
# 12 is not Genghis Khan
he is ( Salahudin famous moslim leader who beats King Richrad in 1191)
31 is Genghis Khan and 12 is salah ad Din Al Ayyubbi.
Both are one of my favorites.
6- clinton
one more :D
Howdy, i scan your blog sometimes and i own a similar one and i was just wondering if you get lots of spam comments? If therefore how does one stop it, any plugin or something you can advise? i get abundant lately its driving me mad therefore any assistance is very much appreciated.
why isnt there zeus?
Zesus isnt human dude beside he rape his mom,sister,daughter
number 96 is my idol XD
where is thomas edison?
and the wright brothers?
many people are missing like
thomas edison
wright brothers
isaac newton
walt disney
michael jackson
steve jobs……..
fix the ones that are missing search at google
do anything so its complete :):
Would this be Heaven, or would this be Hell?
Makes you think.
28 is Julius Caesar
18 is definitely Augustus
wow..this is definitely amusing.. :)
87 is ismet inonu
14. before u start sayin im stoop im 10 so back off
Look deeper the words in the clouds the camel has an ear on it’s hump. Hidden things are all over this piece. Squint your eyes turn your head and open your mind it’s not all about who is who..
ohmygosh. MJ is dancing at the corner!!!! c’mmon.
1. Bill Gates, Microsoft founder
2. Homer, Greek poet
3. Cui Jian, Chinese singer
4. Vladimir Lenin, Russian revolutionary
5. Pavel Korchagin, Russian artist
6. Bill Clinton, former U.S. President
7. Peter the Great, Russian leader
8. Margaret Thatcher
9. Bruce Lee, martial arts actor
10. Winston Churchill
11. Henri Matisse, French artist
12. Genghis Khan, Mongolian warlord
13. Napoleon Bonaparte, French military leader
14. Che Guevara, Marxist revolutionary
15. Fidel Castro, former Cuban leader
16. Marlon Brando, actor
17. Yasser Arafat, former Palestinian leader
18. Julius Caesar, Roman emperor
19. Gen. Claire Lee Chennault, WW II U.S. aviator
20. Luciano Pavarotti, singer
21. George W. Bush, former U.S. President
22. The Prince of Wales
23. Liu Xiang, Chinese Olympic hurdler
24. Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General
25. Zhang An, the painter
26. Mikhail Gorbachev, former Russian leader
27. Li Tiezi, the painter
28. Dante Alighieri, Florentine poet
29. Dai Dudu, the painter
30. Pele, Brazilian footballer
31. Guan Yu, Chinese warlord
32. Ramses II, Egyptian pharaoh
33. Charles De Gaulle, French general
34. Albert Nobel, Swedish chemist who founded the Nobel prizes
35. Franklin Roosevelt, former U.S. President
36. Ernest Hemingway, American novelist
37. Elvis Presley, American singer
38. Robert Oppenheimer, U.S. physicist
39. William Shakespeare, playwright
40. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer
41. Steven Spielberg, U.S. film director
42. Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter
43. Marie Curie, physicist and pioneer of radioactivity
44. Zhou Enlai, first Premier of the People’s Republic of China
45. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, German writer
46. Laozi, Chinese philosopher
47. Marilyn Monroe, American actress
48. Salvador Dali, Spanish painter
49. Dowager Cixi, former ruler of China
50. Ariel Sharon, former Israeli Prime Minister
51. Qi Baishi, Chinese painter
52. Qin Shi Huang, former Chinese Emperor
53. Mother Teresa, Roman Catholic missionary
54. Song Qingling, Chinese politician
55. Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet
56. Otto Von Bismarck, German statesman
57. Run Run Shaw, Chinese media mogul
58. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher
59. Audrey Hepburn, actress
60. Ludwig Van Beethoven, German composer
61. Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader
62. Benito Mussolini, Italian fascist leader
63. Saddam Hussein, former Iraq president
64. Maxim Gorky, Russian writer
65. Sun Yat-Sen, Chinese revolutionary
66. Den Xiaoping, Chinese revolutionary
67. Alexander Pushkin, Russian author
68. Lu Xun, Chinese writer
69. Joseph Stalin, former Soviet Union leader
70. Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian painter
71. Karl Marx, German philosopher
72. Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher
73. Abraham Lincoln, former U.S. President
74. Mao Zedong, Chinese dictator
75. Charlie Chaplin, British actor
76. Henry Ford, founder of Ford motor company
77. Lei Feng, Chinese soldier
78. Norman Bethune, Canadian physician
79. Sigmund Freud, Austrian psychiatrist
80. Juan Antonio Samaranch, former International Olympic Committee president
81. Chiang Kai Shek, Chinese general
83. Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist
84. Li Bai, Chinese poet
82. The Queen
85. Corneliu Baba, Romanian painter
86. Auguste Rodin, French artist
87. Dwight Eisenhower, former U.S. President
88. Michael Jordan, U.S. basketball player
89. Hideki Tojo, former Japanese Prime Minister
90. Michelangelo, Italian Renaissance painter
91. Yi Sun-Sin, Korean naval commander
92. Mike Tyson, American boxer
93. Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister
94. Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author
95. Shirley Temple, American actress
96. Albert Einstein, German physicist
97. Moses, Hebrew religious leader
98. Confucius, Chinese philosopher
99. Ghandi, Indian spiritual leader
100. Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch painter
101. Toulouse Lautrec, French painter
102. Marcel Duchamp, French artist
(Osama bin Laden, founder of al Qaeda, is behind George W. Bush, no 21
You forgot osama bin laden hes in the back
above number 21 george bush is osama bin ladin
You forgot Saddam Hussein as well!
did you see ben laden ?
“famous”? most of them were war criminals..
1. Marshall Josip Broz Tito (One of the greatest man ever lived)
2. Mother Theresa
3. Pope John Paul II
4. Moohamad Ali and so on…
YUS!!!! Moses97. MY 2nd HERO! my 1st hero id God ewe
I like to see manny pacquiao hehehee