Posted on November 14, 2016Outdoor Illusions Another Taste the Rainbow Optical Illusion A rainbow is, in itself, a sort of optical illusion. Rainbows are also a source of fascination and awe when they appear after a good… Continue Reading
Posted on July 30, 2016May 26, 2024Funny Illusions It’s a Cat Farting Rainbows! It’s been a long, long week and I’m so ready for a little down time! For the weekend, I think we need a light and… Continue Reading
Posted on December 8, 2014May 30, 2024Outdoor Illusions Taste the Rainbow Optical Illusion Good morning everyone, and welcome to another week! Today is Monday, and you all are probably back at work and drinking a nice big cup… Continue Reading
Posted on July 3, 2014Afterimages Rainbow In the Sky Optical Illusion Happy Thursday to all of you, and technically, this is Friday because the 4th of July holiday starts tomorrow! Hope you all have some great… Continue Reading