Posted on May 3, 2013May 3, 2013Animations Chocolate Pieces Puzzle I just had to share this sweet chocolate animation with you guys! I know that missing piece puzzle was recycled so many times by now,… Continue Reading
Posted on April 8, 2013April 28, 2013Tests VIDEO: Missing Cubes Optical Illusion If you haven’t had the chance to see this “Missing/Extra Cube” video that went viral recently, here’s your chance to see it now! Norberto Jansenson… Continue Reading
Posted on April 18, 2011Billboards Chupa-Chups Missing Pieces Just came back from Paris yesterday evening. Can’t say I enjoyed much. Apart from marvelous architecture and breath-taking historic sights and museums, it felt like… Continue Reading
Posted on June 19, 2009April 13, 2010Spot The Object Magic Eggs Optical Illusion My cousin sent me our newest exhibit. We had some egg illusions in the past, but have to admit they were pretty lame. Well, I… Continue Reading