Posted on February 7, 2012March 13, 20143D Chalk Drawings Kurt Wenner’s 3D Wonderlands We’ve featured the work of Kurt Wenner before, but not nearly enough given the amazing talent of the artist. In fact, in many cases, Wenner’s… Continue Reading
Posted on May 29, 2011March 13, 2014Anamorphosis Dali’s Anamorphic Artworks I’m a big fan of Dali, but not because of his classic artworks that can be seen on dorm room posters in college campuses across… Continue Reading
Posted on November 15, 20103D Chalk Drawings Can You Believe These Are Flat? Check out these 3D pencil drawings I just stumbled upon! They were done by a Chilean artist who calls himself “Fredo”. He is “just” an… Continue Reading