Edit: Here’s what was just sent in! Goeken helped with his explanation: “I could not get it to work under Firefox but once I loaded…
Usually I don’t post story coverages to this website, but this one concernes David Blaine and his new underwater performance. Shortly, this Monday, Blaine immersed…
Can you spot the optical illusion in these two images? The photos you see, are produced entirely from text! Scarface entire filming script was copy…
In this edition of extreme home makeover, we can see some real optical illusions. Can you believe person on the right is the same women…
If you look at this upside-down version of Abraham Lincoln’s face, you won’t notice anything strange about it. Scientists say it has something to do…
The Famous “Scheibe Illusion” is a perceptual illusion, similar to the “Margaret Thatcher Illusion”. Can you see what’s wrong with the picture of Professor Scheibe?…
We are all aware Chuck Norris can do whatever he wants. He even counted to infinity – twice, and that Chuck Norris is the reason…
An hybrid face presenting Margaret Thatcher (in Low Spatial Frequency) and Tony Blair (High Spatial Frequency) has been displayed in 1998 in the Scottish National…