Mighty Optical Illusions

Yummy 3D Art Fried Egg Illusion

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, I must admit! I love pancakes, bacon, sausage, waffles, and toast, I really do! But, one of my favorite breakfast food are fried eggs.

Maybe that’s because they aren’t just breakfast foods. You can eat them at just about any meal, either alone or on something. You can really plop a fried egg on top of just about anything for a yummy twist. Well, at least I can.

But, this is an optical illusion site so you’re probably wondering why I’m rambling about fried eggs, right? Well, that’s because there’s more than meets the eye to the egg image above…

It’s not actually a real egg. I just wanted to intro this awesome pieve of artwork painted by Marcello Barenghi. Check out how he created this awesome fried egg 3D art! And, don’t miss some of his other amazing works of art at the end of the video!

If you love 3D art, be sure to rate this fried egg art with the stars below! And, be sure to check out this other amazing 3D art!

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