Mighty Optical Illusions

Woodland Encounter Optical Illusion (Updated 2017)

Gracefully, there is always some unpublished masterpiece by Bev Doolittle.  I’ve found a great bunch of awesome optical illusions by Bev. I’ll post more of them from time to time when I find it appropriate. What I like about Bev’s artwork, is that there is always a story behind each of her pictures. For example, today’s image is more than just a fox posing for our artist.

“Woodland Encounter painted well along in my career, is a deliberate study in camouflage by misdirection, which grew out of my effort to break all the normal ‘rules of composition’. The bright-colored fox, dead-center, distracts the eye from whatever is going on in the busy snow scape surrounding him. And the richness of design – a wonderful, natural part of the trees themselves also gave me the opportunity to play games with the traditionally accepted uses of space that govern a well-conceived piece of art.” -Bev Doolittle

If there’s something weird, and it doesn’t look good, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

While stumbling into winter jacket territory, I think it’s acceptable to offer some forest illusion compilation.

An oldie but a goodie here.

This one had me stuck for some time.  Can you find the hidden face in the forest?

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