Mighty Optical Illusions

What’s Wrong With These Cowboys?

Friday is finally here, and it’s a beautiful thing! I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for the weekend! I get to catch up on sleep and finally relax a little! Of course, I also have to catch up on a little work, but I can handle it.

For today’s illusion, I wanted to post something a little fun. Call it Fun Friday, if you will. This one might take you a moment…

Do you see it? Probably; it’s really not that difficult of an illusion to see. It’s an interesting little twist on the devil’s fork illusion, or blivet. If you look closely at the cowboys’ legs, you’ll notice that they just aren’t quite right. Try starting at the feet and following their legs up toward their bodies. Thanks to the devil’s fork illusion incorporated into this drawing, their legs don’t actually reach their bodies. In fact, neither does the cowboy on the left’s gun.

The devil’s fork illusion is a fun illusion to play around with, and it’s been used in several other optical illusions. Take a look at our nice little collection of devil’s fork illusion here, for instance. The devil’s fork illusion has also been used in this some assembly required illusion as well as this devil’s fork coloring page.

What did you think of today’s Fun Friday devil’s fork optical illusion? Don’t forget to rate it below!

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