Mighty Optical Illusions

Weird Perspective Soldiers

Before we start discussing today’s post, there’s one semi-crucial thing I’d like to share with you… hopefully someone will be able to help, eventually (?!). As you know, little while ago we have started our very own Facebook channel, which over time has accumulated more than 8,500 members. Unfortunately, back then I wasn’t aware that once you set the title of your FB page, there is no way of changing it. So instead of just naming it Mighty Optical Illusions, we named it Mighty Optical Illusions – Photography Fan Page (clumsy, right?). I’ve heard that Facebook occasionally bends its rules, and helps prominent brands in this situation, yet I don’t have direct contact with anyone inside. It would be of great help if some of our readers knew someone inside, or even better if you actually work for Facebook to instruct us what would be the best way to fix this error, thus enabling us to promote our page further (currently, it turns out pretty ugly when you promote it via FB ads, as title can’t be changed).

Anyway, check out how perspective plays with us in the following photo! The soldiers appear so close to each other, yet the difference in their size suggest different! BTW, there is a bonus Easter-Egg animation called “Superman Experience” hidden somewhere inside this article… let’s see how many of you can find it ;D

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