Mighty Optical Illusions

Vote for Most Popular Optical Illusion!

Dear visitors,

Mighty Optical Illusions needs your help to determine “Most Popular Optical Illusion”. We relay on you to help us choose which of our previously posted illusions is the best. After month or two from this day, we will post “Top Optical Illusions List”, depending on your votes. So what would we like you to do is to post a comment inside this topic, including 5 illusions from this site, that you find above others. You should pay attention to quality, originality and optical illusion degree/complexity. To be more consistent and objective, you should check most of the illusions we have in our sidebar. I know this takes a while, so take your time, don’t rush! This pool will be open for a month or so, so there is really no pressing. We encourage you to spread this link and share it with your friends – the more votes we get, the more objective result will be. Our loyal and regular visitors will have no problem picking top illusion, since they obviously know them all by now. Still take your time and choose wisely… may the force be with you!


Your votes give us feedback, and help us decide which type of illusion you like the most, so we can publish more of that kind. For example: Spot the Object, Sidewalk Drawings, 3D Illusions, Scary Illusions, Magic Tricks….

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