Mighty Optical Illusions

Time Requiem Optical Illusion

Just found this album cover from a band called Time Requiem. It is even called “Optical Illusion”. I believe you’ll have no trouble spotting the illusions in this image. The fiery guy in the middle is juggling four impossible objects. What is even better, we covered all of them in the past. First one is impossible crate box, second one is impossible triangle (of which we have dozen examples), the third is Lisa Simpson’s impossible object and fourth one is Moebius ring, originally created by M.C. Escher. Those of you who recommended obeus and sourceforge embeddable audio players in my last post’s comment section, thanks – I’ll use them in my next audio optical illusion. If you want more optical illusion album arts check: Styx, Def Leppard, Soulwax, Jet, Andrew Gold, Aerosmith… Hmm, I should really make new category for these soon!

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