Mighty Optical Illusions

Termesphere of the Adams House Video

This is illusion pretty cool in my opinion. Artist Dick Termes painted a sphere with a unique “six-point” perspective technique that results with a pretty neat optical illusion. Attached below, you may find the video clip. As you watch it, try to imagine that the front half of the sphere is transparent, and instead, that the mural is painted on the inside of the sphere. Once you do that, the spin will seem to reverse direction and you’ll find yourself inside of the painting. Reflecting Back is a 17″ diameter sphere that was painted in 1989. As Deadwood is very close to where Termes lives much of this painting was done on the spot in the Adams House. This house is now owned by the city of Deadwood South Dakota. This is a wonderful spherical painting to show the six point perspective which Termes is known for.

As a bonus, there is a ghost image of Mr. Adams. You can see him shown looking in the window and Mary Adams is standing in the dining room. Termes’ image shows in the two mirrors. It is as though you are standing in the living room and turning in a circle seeing everything around you as well as above and below you. You can find more similar videos and Termespheres on Dick Termes website.

Concerning the Mighty Illusions – I just came home from my summer vacation. This will result in more regular updates, new improvements and more illusion-related stuff for you! Keep visiting the site for big news soon! Also, those of you running Blogger blogs, you can now add Optical Illusion of The Day Google gadget to your blog. Blogger announced that you can now add gadgets automatically via Layouts – Gadgets tab. Please comment if you found our illusion gadget. Post the link inside the comments, and those of you who implemented it successfully, email me so I can mention your blogs in my new posts! This will bring nice amount of visitors your way!

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