A rainbow is, in itself, a sort of optical illusion. Rainbows are also a source of fascination and awe when they appear after a good rain. An arc of colors splashing through the sky is always a sight to see, and people usually can’t help but pull out their cameras to snap a picture. Sometimes, you might even get lucky and get a pretty cool rainbow optical illusion picture, like this taste the rainbow illusion…
Actually, I can’t really tell if this guy is eating the rainbow or throwing it up. But, that doesn’t make it any less cool! It’s a perfectly posed and perfectly timed shot!
If you want to check out some more rainbow optical illusion pictures, you’re in luck! Check out this cat farting rainbows and this other taste the rainbow illusion! Yes. I said “cat farting rainbows”…
Don’t forget to rate this taste the rainbow optical illusion below before you go!