Mighty Optical Illusions

Sunset Baby Optical Illusion

Some time ago, there was a Photoshop contest held by worth1000, where each contestant had to recreate one of the classic old-school optical illusions of his choice. Recreations results had to show great photoshop skills, as well as realistic looks. In my opinion, they were mostly created to look life-lie (real life illusions). Few months ago, I have even dedicated a post to some old-school illusions revisited in this contest. Some of the results are truly amazing. Well, I have forgotten to include this interesting flick below. The image isn’t that extraordinary, but the reference to original Baby in Picture optical illusion, triggered me to post this one as well. If you got to know me, you should have realized by now there aren’t many illusions on this website that I didn’t understand, or have misinterpret, since all of them have to pass my quality check and review. Well, the original Baby illusion was one of the few I didn’t understand, and had trouble finding the hidden baby. It was not hard, I simply missed to see it until few of you pointed it out to me. Well now our new visitors have chance to play with this new version, that is very similar to the original. Enjoy!

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