Roger Smith watches your RSS feed daily. However, he hasn’t been doing it for too long, so wasn’t completely sure if we may had this one already. Fortunately we haven’t. If you look a the vintage photo below, at first it seems to be a simple couple with a large head floating between them. But things aren’t always what they seem. Most people will probably just see a large bearded head between the two figurines. It looks like some sort of Jesus head. But look again, carefully this time. What the photo actually shows, is a CHILD SITTING on the man’s knee. If you still don’t see it, block out the “hair” of the illusive head – it is just a collection of the background foliage anyway. The “eye” is actually child’s face (shadowed by a large white bonnet). The “nose” is the sleeve, and the “mustache” is the child’s arm. If you still don’t see it, be patient – It may take awhile to see it.