Mighty Optical Illusions

Shadow Illusion Falling over a Cliff

Sometimes photographers get crazy lucky and snap an unforgettable shot. It doesn’t happen all of the time, but when it does, it’s like hitting the jackpot! That’s what happened with this shot of a shadow illusion…

This shadow illusion looks like the hiker’s shadow is actually falling over the edge of the cliff that the man is walking along. I’ve actually had this shadow illusion in my little arsenal of illusions to post, but haven’t been able to figure it out. Until just recently, that is!

This photo was taken in Glen Canyon, Utah by photographer Darrell Staggs. The hiker’s shadow actually falls on a pool of water. That same pool of water is also reflecting the canyon wall behind the hiker, making it look like the hiker’s shadow is falling over the cliff!

It’s definitely a perfectly timed photo and overall a pretty awesome shadow illusion!

Wanna see another awesome shadow illusion? Head over and check out this shadow with eyes!

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