Mighty Optical Illusions

A Sand Art Portrait of Barack Obama

What I just noticed when I opened my website, and checked the previous Don Quixote illusion, is that there was a hidden Easter egg for all of us! Check out the shield next to the soldier’s left foot. Can you see a reference to the Vase Faces illusion we already published? I felt really smart when I discovered this! Now on to our next article – How big should your canvas be? How about 2.5 acres of ground! This is exactly how much was used to create a gigantic Barack Obama portrait. Piece you are seeing bellow is called “Expectations”, and the artist behind this sand art is Jorge Rodrigues Gerada. The outsize scale of Expectation also allowed the artist to allude to the global impact of this election. For people around the world, the symbolic power of an Obama presidency would be without precedent in modern history. Seems like Obamas are jumping behind each corner, as of lately. – Link via: Scene 360

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