Mighty Optical Illusions

Reach Yourself Through Mirror Illusion

Luis Felipe Salazar Blanco sent in this cool black and white illusion he made with his digital camera. First I’d like to say, you have a cool name man! Second, I’ll let Felipe describe this submission himself: “I really love your internet site. I have your widget on Mac. I’m always checking it. Congratulations! And since I like it so much, I would love to participate. I took this picture of my wife the other day, it was accidental (the illusion). Its not obvious, but you might like it. She is looking into a pocket mirror, and on it we see her eye that she was pulling down. It looks like she is doing the “eye pulling” right on the image of her eye formed on the pocket mirror. Hope you like it.” I believe all of you got Felipe’s point, more short: it appears his wife is pulling her eye down, reaching inside the mirror. Very nice post, do you agree? Another cool black and white illusion can be found here. Check Flickr section for more cool optical illusions.

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