Jeff Absher struck a great find while playing an on-line game called “5 Differences“. Even though the original assignment was to spot all of the differences among these two otherwise-identical pictures, Jeff also noticed how both roads should appear parallel, yet somehow they don’t. I believe Pablo Salto-Weis Azevedo was the first person to discovered this phenomenon by accident (with his “Unbelievable Photoshop CS3 Illusion“). Few days later someone stole (?) his idea, and won the Illusion of The Year award in 2007. Anyway, ask yourself if the below roads are parallel or not? If I had to guess, the road on the right goes away from the viewer at a very different angle than the road on the left. BTW, after inspecting the illusion, can you spot all 5 differences just for fun? What are they? You can also play the original game here.