Mighty Optical Illusions

Nun Optical Illusion Picture

Hello everyone and welcome to Wednesday, which is apparently a very holy day of the week because of today’s optical illusion. No seriously, we are talking about this really funny image of a set of nuns that all have very gorgeous sexy legs! Hubba Hubba! No we are kidding! The nuns are not hiding anything under their habits, but this great picture sure looks like they are, doesn’t it? We thought that this image would go far in cheering everyone up because its only Wednesday, and we are only half done with this week. Does anyone else think this week is a lot longer than normal?

Anyway, how about going to the fair to ride on the ferris wheel? Anyone want to? Well here is a great optical illusion all about a 3-D chalk drawing involving a ferris wheel! What do you all think of this drawing and the fact the kissing couple matches up everyone else on the drawing? Was that deliberate or a very happy coincidence that just happened to coincide with the drawing? Well whatever it is, we love it! Now we know that today is just Wednesday, but these sexy nuns should hopefully make you feel better. Have a nice day!

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