Our fingerprints are the one identifying characteristic that make us different from every single other person on the planet. Even identical twins, who share the exact same DNA, have slightly different fingerprints. Which is a bit unusual, since DNA is largely responsible for forming the unique loops and whirls of our fingerprints, and our fingerprints are pretty much fully formed by about the fifth month of pregnancy. Maybe that’s why some people find fingerprints so fascinating and why there’s almost a full science dedicated to these identifying marks. Perhaps that’s also why they’re also the subject of artistic pieces as well, like today’s fingerprint illusion.
Take a look at the fingerprint below. Do you see anything unusual in it?
If you don’t see anything other than a fingerprint, try shaking your head a little. Or, you can squint to bring the image out of focus, or move farther away from the image to make it smaller.
Do you see anything hidden in this fingerprint illusion now?
If you liked this fingerprint illusion, head over and shake your head for this illusion!